
Start of the EU project CRAFT-OA
« On 1 January 2023, the EU project CRAFT-OA started under the leadership of the University of Göttingen / Göttingen State and University Library (SUB Göttingen) with 23 partners in 14 European countries. CRAFT-OA stands for ‘Creating a Robust Accessible Federated Technology for Open Access’.
In Diamond Open Access, neither researchers nor readers pay fees for publication in and access to scientific publications. The aim of the project is to strengthen and improve institutional publishing in the Diamond Open Access model throughout Europe. To implement the project goals, CRAFT-OA receives for three years funding awarding a total of 4.8 million Euros from the European Commission. By offering concrete services and tools for the entire journal publishing lifecycle, the project enables local and regional platforms and service providers in this sector to expand and professionalise their content, services and platforms. This will make the work of scientists and scholars who are involved in institutional Diamond Open Access Journals easier. At the same time, a better networking of publication services with other information systems in science will improve the visibility of the players, services and scientific publications.. (…) »
source > sub.uni-goettingen.de, 2023