Mot-clé : european-commission
Aligning and Mutualizing Nonprofit Open Access Publishing Services Internationally (ALMASI)
« The objective of ALMASI is to provide the research community with an aligned, nonprofit, high-quality, and sustainable scholarly communication ecosystem…20.11.2024
La Commission publie le premier projet de code de bonnes pratiques en matière d’intelligence artificielle à finalité générale
« (…) Les règles régissant les modèles d’IA à usage général au titre de la législation sur l’IA entreront en vigueur…31.10.2024
The European Commission Announces the EOSC EU Node’s Transition to Full Production
« The European Commission is pleased to announce the official launch of the EOSC EU Node services, marking a critical milestone…11.10.2024
Launch of Roadmap update for Research Infrastructures: environmental considerations now an additional key requirement
« The European Strategy Forum on Research Infrastructures (ESFRI) has kicked-off the process of updating its Roadmap for the development and…26.08.2024
The AI Act: Responsibilities of the European Commission (AI Office)
« If you are unsure who is implementing and enforcing the new digital law and what the specific time frames are,…09.07.2024
CNRS unveils its position paper for the European Union’s future framework program for research and innovation
« As the last strategic programming phase of the European Union’s Framework Program for Research and Innovation, Horizon Europe, draws to…17.05.2024
Le CNRS lauréat du prix européen de l’égalité durable entre les femmes et les hommes !
« (…) Ce prix met en avant les résultats exceptionnels obtenus par les établissements universitaires et de recherche dans la promotion…22.03.2024
Guidelines on the responsible use of generative AI in research developed by the European Research Area Forum
« The Commission, together with the European Research Area countries and stakeholders, has put forward a set of guidelines to…01.03.2024
[EU publications] Study on scientific publishing in Europe: Development, diversity, and transparency of costs
« To support the Commission’s policies on open access, and subsequent to Council Conclusions to take concrete measures against the…17.11.2023
Commission opens access to EU supercomputers to speed up artificial intelligence development
« Today the Commission and the European High-Performance Computing Joint Undertaking (EuroHPC JU) committed to open and widen access to the…31.10.2023
[data.europa.eu] Unlock your data’s potential with our new Data Visualisation Guide
« In today’s digital era, data visualisation is crucial. That’s why the Data Visualisation Guide has been created, offering a free…04.07.2023
Rapport de la Commission au Conseil et au Parlement Européen | Premier rapport bisannuel sur la mise en œuvre de l’approche mondiale de la recherche et de l’innovation
« (…) Le présent document est le premier rapport bisannuel faisant le point sur les progrès accomplis en vue de la…07.06.2023
Open access policies in Latin America, the Caribbean and the European Union | Progress towards a political dialogue
« Latin America and the Caribbean and the European Union are strategic regions for one another and natural partners to collaborate…06.06.2023
Open Science @EU: An overview and current developments
« The presentation focuses on the Open Science policy of the European Commission, primarily as expressed through Horizon Europe, but also…03.02.2023
Report on the application of the « Orphan Works Directive »
« The European Commission has published a report on the application of the Directive on Orphan Works, based on the results…27.01.2023
Start of the EU project CRAFT-OA
« On 1 January 2023, the EU project CRAFT-OA started under the leadership of the University of Göttingen / Göttingen State…24.01.2023
Commission defines high-value datasets to be made available for re-use
« (…) The Regulation is set up under the Open Data Directive, which defines six categories of such high-value datasets:…03.01.2023
#CRAFTOA | European Commission grants substantial funding to improve institutional publishing for science
« The project “Creating a Robust Accessible Federated Technology for Open Access” (CRAFT-OA), carried out by 23 experienced partners from 14…15.12.2022
Assessing open data developments across Europe: Discover the Open Data Maturity Report 2022
« The Open Data Maturity Report Today, data.europa.eu publishes its eighth ‘Open Data Maturity (ODM) Report’. This…14.12.2022
Horizon Europe | Research Infrastructures
« With the Research Infrastructures Programme of Horizon Europe, the Commission continues to pursue the aim of endowing…01.12.2022
European Research Data Landscape Final report
« The European Research Data Landscape study looks at researchers’ practices in producing, reusing and depositing data, and in making it…15.11.2022
Operationalising Open Research Europe as a collective publishing enterprise
« This is an independent expert study commissioned in the context of the ERA to support the future development of…08.11.2022
The Commission signs the Agreement on Reforming Research Assessment and endorses the San Francisco Declaration on Research Assessment
« Today, the Commission has signed the Agreement on Reforming Research Assessment. The Agreement sets a…29.09.2022
Réforme de l’évaluation des scientifiques : le CNRS parmi les premiers signataires
« Le 28 septembre, la Commission européenne ouvre à la signature un accord dont les signataires constitueront une coalition pour réformer…02.08.2022
Study on the Open Data Directive, Data Governance and Data Act and their possible impact on research
« This study analyses the possible impact of three major legislative instruments in the European Sstrategy for data (the Open…20.07.2022
Agreement on Reforming Research Assessment
« This Agreement is the result of a co-creation process started in January 2022 to set a shared direction for changes…12.04.2022
Open science and intellectual property rights. How can they better interact? State of the art and reflections
« This report presents the result of a study that explores the interactions and the balance between Open Science and Intellectual…18.03.2022
Mutual Learning Exercise on Citizen Science Initiatives – Policy and Practice. First Topic Report: Introduction and Overview on Citizen Science: Horizon Europe policy support facility
« This report provides background information on the Mutual Learning Exercise on Citizen Science. It is written with a science…16.03.2022
EUA committed to co-create a reform of research assessment
« EUA, together with Science Europe, Dr. Karen Stroobants (in her individual capacity as researcher with expertise in research on research)…23.02.2022
Règlement sur les données : la Commission propose des mesures en faveur d’une économie des données équitable et innovante
« La Commission propose aujourd’hui de nouvelles règles afin de préciser qui peut utiliser et les données générées dans l’UE dans…20.01.2022
Process towards an agreement on reforming research assessment
« The Commission has called for organisations to express their interest in being part of a coalition on reforming research assessment.03.01.2022
Enabling open science and societal engagement in research
« This report presents insights and recommendations from a workshop held on 1 July 2021 attended by beneficiaries of the…20.12.2021
Call for interest – Towards an agreement on reforming research assessment
« The Commission is calling organisations to express their interest in being part of a coalition on reforming research assessment.14.12.2021
La Commission ouvre ses logiciels au profit des entreprises, des innovateurs et des domaines d’intérêt public
« La Commission a adopté aujourd’hui de nouvelles règles sur les logiciels libres, qui permettront d’ouvrir l’accès à ses solutions logicielles…30.11.2021
Towards a reform of the research assessment system
« Reforming research assessment is increasingly considered a priority to ensure the quality, performance and impact of research. Reform, however, requires…20.10.2021
Open Research Europe: the framework, the goals, and the developments
« This is the recording for the « Open Research Europe: the framework, the goals, and the developments » webinar organised by LIBER…06.10.2021
Open Research Europe: the framework, the goals, and the developments
« Open Research Europe is a new publishing platform launched by the European Commission. (…) Event…28.09.2021
Modèle Horizon Europe disponible sur DMP OPIDoR
« Le modèle Horizon Europe de la Commission européenne vient d’être mis en ligne dans DMP OPIDoR. (…) »16.08.2021
Open Research Data and Data Management Plans. Information for ERC grantees (.pdf)
« The ERC has supported the cause of open science from its start in 2007, and continues to do so today. …04.08.2021
Coronavirus disinformation: online platforms take new actions and call for more players to join the Code of Practice
« The Commission has published the reports by Facebook, Twitter, TikTok, Microsoft and Google on measures taken in June to combat…27.07.2021
European Language Equality: Consultation with European Language Technology users and consumers
« (…) This questionnaire is delivered by the European Language Equality (ELE) project, a pilot action that addresses an appeal by…24.06.2021
#RiDaysEU | The added value of Open Science in times of pandemic and beyond [vidéo]
« The session aims to illustrate the added value of Open Science practices in the pandemic and how the lessons learnt…23.06.2021
European Commission enters into a partnership with the EOSC Association
« The European Commission’s annual flagship Research and Innovation event, European Research and Innovation Days, is a key…04.06.2021
European Commission: Public consultation on the Data Act
« The objective of the Data Act is to propose measures to create a fair data economy by ensuring access to…13.04.2021
Le manuel en ligne d’Horizon Europe est disponible
« Le « manuel en ligne » dédié que la Commission européenne met à disposition depuis le portail des offres et…24.03.2021
La Commission lance une plateforme de publication en libre accès pour les articles scientifiques
« La Commission européenne a lancé aujourd’hui Open Research Europe, une plateforme de publication des articles scientifiques qui…17.03.2021
EOSC EB wraps up activities by releasing key documents for the European Open Science Cloud
« The EOSC Executive Board has recently finalised all of the key outputs produced over the past two years by its…19.02.2021
L’European Governance Act traduit en français
« Après le Digital Services Act et le Digital Market Act, au tour de la troisième proposition de règlement européen d’être…18.01.2021
Recommendations on FAIR metrics for EOSC
« The Recommendations on FAIR Metrics for EOSC document contains an analysis of activities relevant to the definition of FAIR Metrics…op.europa.eu, EOSC Executive BoardFAIR WG, janvier 2021, https://doi.org/10.2777/70791
European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) Executive Board [Final progress report]
« The European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) Executive Board Final progress report document contains a summary of the work delivered…27.11.2020
Open Access Publishing Platform to Be Launched by the EC
« In early 2021 the European Commission will launch their Open Research Europe platform: An Open Access…26.10.2020
Commission européenne : Stratégie en matière de logiciels libres 2020 – 2023. L’esprit ouvert (.pdf)
« La Commission européenne a pour objectif de dynamiser l’économie sociale de marché de l’UE, unique en son genre, de favoriser…16.10.2020
A Persistent Identifier (PID) policy for the European Open Science Cloud
« This Persistent Identifier (PID) policy is written for senior decision makers within potential EOSC service and infrastructure providers, and will…16.10.2020
Six Recommendations for Implementation of FAIR Practice [FAIR in Practice Task Force of the European Open Science Cloud FAIR Working Group]
« This report analyses the state of FAIR practices within diverse research communities and FAIR-related policies in different countries and offers…03.08.2020
2nd CEF eTranslation Conference: Tools and Services for a Multilingual Europe – 14 October 2020
« Multilinguality is a key component for EU citizens to be united in diversity. Seamless communication is essential when it comes…24.07.2020
Open Research Europe: New Publishing Platform for H2020 Research
« Introducing Open Research Europe: A new publishing platform launched by the European Commission. The platform will…21.07.2020
cOAlition S response to the ERC Scientific Council’s statement on Open Access and Plan S
« cOAlition S has taken note that the ERC Scientific Council wishes to pursue their joint efforts towards Open Access in…10.07.2020
Vingt-quatre nouvelles Universités Européennes renforcent l’espace européen de l’éducation
« Les Universités Européennes sont des alliances transnationales d’établissements d’enseignement supérieur de toute l’UE qui s’unissent dans l’intérêt des étudiants, des…03.06.2020
FREYA Project: Guides to Choosing Persistent Identifiers – Version 1
« The FREYA Project has compiled short guides to help with choosing persistent identifiers for various types of entities. These first…28.05.2020
Progress on Open Science: Towards a Shared Research Knowledge System – Final Report of the Open Science Policy Platform (.pdf)
« This final report of the EU Open Science Policy Platform (OSPP) provides a brief overview of its four-year mandate from…22.04.2020
European Commission pushes for Open COVID-19 research
« In response to the global COVID-19 crisis, the European Commission has issued an update of the existing open science guidelines…21.04.2020