Mot-clé : scholarly-communication
Statement of Intent on Open Research Europe
« This Statement of Intent is signed by public research funding bodies, research performing organisations, and national ministries (hereinafter referred to…29.01.2025
Moving Open Repositories out of the Blind Spot of Initiatives to Correct the Scholarly Record
« Open repositories were created to enhance access and visibility of scholarly publications, driven by open science ideals emphasising transparency and…14.01.2025
Aligning and Mutualizing Nonprofit Open Access Publishing Services Internationally (ALMASI)
« The objective of ALMASI is to provide the research community with an aligned, nonprofit, high-quality, and sustainable scholarly communication ecosystem…10.01.2025
Fostering Trust in the Digital Age | Report from the TrustOn2024 international workshop
« OPERAS, the research infrastructure dedicated to open scholarly communication in the social sciences and humanities, collectively gathered a landmark report…27.11.2024
Octopus.ac integrates with UK government database to enhance collaboration between policy and academia
« The new feature automatically updates the Octopus platform with government priorities to transform how researchers and policymakers collaborate. (…) »14.11.2024
Webinar: Creating Community-Driven Pathways to Equitable Open Scholarly Publishing – Leading the way | November 6th 2024 (video)
« The three EU-funded projects CRAFT-OA, DIAMAS & PALOMERA work towards an equitable future for scholarly communication, with the scholarly community…04.11.2024
4th Helsinki Initiative Webinar on Multilingualism in Scholarly Communication | 2 December 2024
« Helsinki Initiative organizes 2 December 2024 15:00-16:30 CET a webinar on Multilingualism in Scholarly Communication with three presentations ranging from…22.10.2024
ALLEA Calls for EU-Wide Harmonisation of Secondary Publication Rights for Scholarly Research
« In a recent statement, ALLEA expresses its strong support for Secondary Publication Rights (SPRs), a legal…05.08.2024
Should scientists be paid when AI chatbots use their work?
« Scientists should be compensated and credited when artificial intelligence chatbots pull information from their papers, a collecting society has said.18.06.2024
2018-2023: 5 years of building a strategy to support open scholarly communication – The example of the Université de Lorraine
« In 2018, the Université de Lorraine (UL) laid the foundations for its Open Science (OS) policy by making its open…18.06.2024
DIAMAS project | D5.2 National overviews on sustaining institutional publishing in Europe
« The richness of Diamond Open Access (OA) publishing is characterised by its diversity: from the wide-ranging disciplines it serves in…14.05.2024
Exploratory studies for the creation of a technology-aided collaborative translation service in open scholarly communication
« Since the Helsinki Initiative in 2019, language diversity and multilingualism have become key concerns in scholarly communication. (…) This…13.05.2024
Open Access Projects in Europe : from a general perspective to monographs and ebooks
« The development of policies in favour of open science and the transformation of publication channels for academic literature and research…02.05.2024
DIAMAS Conversation series for libraries: Advancing diamond OA in Europe
« Libraries are vital pillars of the Diamond Open Access (OA) ecosystem, providing infrastructure, services, and expert support to institutional publishers.19.04.2024
Better together: BTAA Libraries, CDL and Lyrasis commit to strengthen Diamond Open Access in the United States
« Representatives from the Big Ten Academic Alliance Libraries (BTAA Libraries), California Digital Library (CDL) and Lyrasis attended the Global Summit…04.04.2024
DIAMAS Project | D5.1 IPSP Sustainability Research Report
« Understanding the sustainability of institutional publishers and service providers (IPSPs) constitutes a key step in the DIAMAS project. This…04.03.2024
Making Research Data Publicly Accessible: Estimates of Institutional & Researcher Expenses
« Academic institutions have made significant investments to support public access to research data requirements, yet little to no data about…01.03.2024
Europe PMC POSI update – 2 years on
« Two years have sailed by since Europe PMC adopted the Principles of Open Scholarly Infrastructure (POSI) in February 2021. POSI…14.12.2023
The Essex Student Journal: demonstrating the benefits of diamond open access across the University of Essex and beyond
« The Essex Student Journal is a diamond open access journal that publishes the work of undergraduate and postgraduate taught students…11.12.2023
Improving the Efficiency & Quality of Institutional Publishing: Reflections from the OS Fair
« On 27 September 2023 DIAMAS hosted the Open Science Fair 2023 Workshop: Improving the Efficiency and Quality…05.12.2023
[STM] New white paper launch: Generative AI in Scholarly Communications
« Today, STM released a new white paper — Generative AI in Scholarly Communications: Ethical and Practical Guidelines for the Use…05.12.2023
Towards responsible publishing: a proposal from cOAlition S
« (…) In our draft proposal, we propose a vision and a set of principles that a future scholarly communication system…10.11.2023
cOAlition S’s « Towards Responsible Publishing » proposal: Early feedback survey
« The purpose of this survey is to capture early feedback from the scholarly community on cOAlition S’s « Towards Responsible Publishing »…31.10.2023
Open-access reformers launch next bold publishing plan
« The group behind the radical open-access initiative Plan S has announced its next big plan to shake up research publishing…31.10.2023
Introducing the “Towards Responsible Publishing” proposal from cOAlition S
« In this blog post, Bodo Stern, Chief of Strategic Initiatives at the Howard Hughes Medical Institute and Johan Rooryck, Executive…31.10.2023
SciELO as a space for thinking through scholarly communication
« The history of SciELO can be understood as the search for a solution to a local problem with a view…26.10.2023
2nd Helsinki Initiative Webinar on Multilingualism in Scholarly Communication – 1 December 2023
« Helsinki Initiative organizes a webinar series on Multilingualism in Scholarly Communication with speakers representing different expert communities and strands of…04.10.2023
A new way for researchers to deposit files in HAL, the French Open Archive
« HAL is the French national open repository for publications. Part of the Ministry’s research infrastructure roadmap and…04.10.2023
Seismica: Open science and community building in a new diamond open access journal
« Seismica, a pioneering diamond open access journal in Seismology and Earthquake Science, launched in July 2022. Seismica is an independent…27.09.2023
Journal Production Guidance for Software and Data Citations
« Software and data citation are emerging best practices in scholarly communication. This article provides structured guidance to the academic publishing…25.09.2023
Knowledge Exchange: Alternative publishing platforms. What have we learnt?
« Different alternative publishing platforms have appeared over recent years. But what are their pros and cons? Do they differ significantly…28.08.2023
Accelerating open access: cOAlition S takes bold action to propel change
« KEY TAKEAWAYS – cOAlition S plans to drop 1,589 titles from its transformative journal programme due to insufficient progress…02.08.2023
#OAI13 – The Geneva Workshop on Innovations in Scholarly Communication, 4-8 September 2023
« One of the underlying themes of this year’s meeting is the impact of open science practices on the nature of…01.08.2023
DIAMAS Project: D.1.3 Towards an enhanced and aligned institutional publishing landscape in the ERA
« This preliminary policy document calls for increased alignment in institutional publishing along several dimensions: (1) geographical (i.e. national, regional, and…23.05.2023
Advancing a publicly owned and not-for-profit scholarly communication ecosystem based on the principles of open science (.pdf)
« Joint response by the European University Association (EUA), Science Europe, Association of European Research Libraries (LIBER), European Federation of Academies…23.05.2023
Open access at a crossroads: library publishing and bibliodiversity
« (…)This article argues that the gold open access model is destructive to the knowledge production ecosystem by addressing the importance…11.05.2023
Supporting diamond open access journals. Interest and feasibility of direct funding mechanisms
« More and more academics and governements consider that the open access model based on Article Processing Charges (APC) is problematic,…21.03.2023
SciELO MarketPlace – commercialization platform for scholarly communication products and services
« In 2023, the SciELO Program launches the SciELO MarketPlace as a platform to promote the supply and demand of scholarly…16.03.2023
EMBO Press to be fully Open Access
« From 2024 on, all papers published in The EMBO Journal and EMBO Reports and the source data in all EMBO…09.03.2023
Open access publication of public health research in African journals
« There are many claims to the benefits of open access publishing in general and for Africa in particular. This study…03.03.2023
Scholarship for the Public Good: Paths to Open Access (vidéo)
(…) The first event in the Graduate Center’s “Scholarship for the Public Good” series explored various paths to open access.24.02.2023
European scholarly journals from small- and mid-size publishers: mapping journals and public funding mechanisms
« This study investigates the relationship between scholarly journal publishing and public funding, specifically concerning the context of small- and mid-sized…21.02.2023
Crossref as a bibliographic discovery tool in the arts and humanities
« Crossref is an official digital object identifier (DOI) registration agency launched in 2000 as a joint effort between publishers to…17.02.2023
Diamond future of open access
« Diamond OA journals face similar challenges around the world. Funding and support are needed to make the transition to high-quality…17.02.2023
COAR Annual Meeting 2023, May 16-18, 2023, San José, Costa Rica
COAR is pleased to announce that the COAR Annual Meeting 2023 will take place in Costa Rica on May 16-18,…15.02.2023
Knowledge Exchange: Call for entries to explore Alternative Publishing Platforms
« Knowledge Exchange (KE) invites any platforms working in open access, publishing and communication who wishes…01.02.2023
The Future Of Open Research In India – A Publishers Perspective
« Nitasha is two-term President of Association of Publishers in India, the trade body for international publishers. A publishing professional of…27.01.2023
Start of the EU project CRAFT-OA
« On 1 January 2023, the EU project CRAFT-OA started under the leadership of the University of Göttingen / Göttingen State…20.01.2023
Jumping over the paywall: Strategies and motivations for scholarly piracy and other alternatives
« Despite the advance of the Open Access (OA) movement, most scholarly production can only be accessed through a paywall. We…11.01.2023
Perceptions regarding open science appraised by editors of scholarly publications published in Spain
« Pillars of open science are often included within the editorial policies of scholarly journals, including policies on open access publication,…03.01.2023
A Short Introduction to DOAJ [podcast]
« The Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) was founded by Lars Bjørnshauge in 2003; the current managing…03.01.2023
#CRAFTOA | European Commission grants substantial funding to improve institutional publishing for science
« The project “Creating a Robust Accessible Federated Technology for Open Access” (CRAFT-OA), carried out by 23 experienced partners from 14…13.12.2022
FAIRifying a scholarly publishing service: Methodology based on the OpenEdition’s internal FAIR audit
« The FAIR principles (Findability, Accessibility, Interoperability, and Reusability) constitute a guide whose aim is to improve the management of digital…30.11.2022
Diamond open access – an exciting new era for Aquatic Living Resources with Ifremer and IRD
« We are pleased to announce a new chapter in our longstanding partnership with Ifremer (French National Research Institute for Ocean…30.11.2022
Welcome to the DIAMAS Project
« In the transition towards Open Access (OA), institutional publishing is challenged by fragmentation and varying service quality, visibility,and sustainability. To…19.10.2022
Overlay journals: A study of the current landscape
« Overlay journals are characterised by their articles being published on open access repositories, often already starting in their initial preprint…29.09.2022
OPERAS receives funding to develop and sustain the infrastructure and its services
« The OPERAS Research Infrastructure receives 2,7 million Euros by the European Commission to further develop and sustain the infrastructure and…20.09.2022
DIAMAS Receives Grant to Develop Diamond Open Access Publishing in Europe
« Aix-Marseille Université, cOAlition S, and Science Europe are pleased to announce that they are participating in a Horizon Europe project…17.05.2022
Handbook of Research on the Global View of Open Access and Scholarly Communications
« In an information and knowledge society, access to information and knowledge is a basic human right, making equitable and fair…23.12.2021
Open access in the humanities, arts and social sciences: Complex perceptions of researchers and implications for research support
« (…) This study found a wide variance in the adoption of open access practices among HASS researchers. Some participants are…10.12.2021
#FORCE2021: Joining Forces to Advance the Future of Research Communications – December 7-9 2021 [présentations]
« The FORCE11 annual conference is a different kind of meeting, where stakeholders come together – or scrummage – for an…17.08.2017
Who is Actually Harmed by Predatory Publishers?
« “Predatory publishing” refers to conditions under which gold open-access academic publishers claim to conduct peer review and charge for their…triple-c.at, Martin Paul Eve, Ernesto Priego, 13 août 2017, in tripleC 15(2): 755-770, 2017