A new way for researchers to deposit files in HAL, the French Open Archive
« HAL is the French national open repository for publications. Part of the Ministry’s research infrastructure roadmap and of the National Plan for Open Science, HAL is the multidisciplinary open archive chosen by the whole French scientific and university community for the dissemination of knowledge. (…)
The first (2018) and the second (2021-2024) French plans for Open Science highlighted the need for HAL to simplify the deposit process for researchers, even when they publish in other open access platforms across the world, by developing an integrated self-archiving service, with automated targeted harvest of publications. Thanks to the funding of the French national research agency (HALiance – ANR 21-ESRE-0047), CCSD will propose a new way of feeding HAL, by developing an integrated self-archiving service, with automated harvesting of publications, published on other open access platforms or repositories. This new service must simplify the process of deposit by the researchers and increase the volume of documents in open access in HAL.
The implementation of this new service for researchers has been realized in partnership with INIST another structure of the CNRS, and involves several steps: (…) »