Mot-clé : open-science
Charting open science Landscapes: A Systematized Review of US Academic Libraries’ Engagement in Open Research Practices
« Open Science aims to make research publicly accessible, transparent, and reusable, promoting collaboration across disciplines and fostering relationships among government,…06.02.2025
Research Data in Scientific Publications: A Cross-Field Analysis
« Data sharing is fundamental to scientific progress, enhancing transparency, reproducibility, and innovation across disciplines. Despite its growing significance, the variability…06.02.2025
CODE beyond FAIR
« FAIR principles are a set of guidelines aiming at simplifying the distribution of scientific data to enhance reuse and reproducibility.06.02.2025
Open Consultation: Improving Access and Reuse of Research Results by Addressing Copyright and Data Legislative & Regulatory Issues – A LIBER Action Plan
« LIBER is launching an Open Consultation to collect feedback on practical guidelines that help research libraries implement actions based on…03.02.2025
A manifesto for a globally diverse, equitable, and inclusive open science
« The field of psychology has rapidly transformed its open science practices in recent years. Yet there has been limited progress…29.01.2025
Moving Open Repositories out of the Blind Spot of Initiatives to Correct the Scholarly Record
« Open repositories were created to enhance access and visibility of scholarly publications, driven by open science ideals emphasising transparency and…28.01.2025
Monitoring Open Science at university level for research assessment
« Materials from the GraspOS Community of Practice meeting held on 22 January 2025 (…) The GraspOS Community of…22.01.2025
SPARC Europe publishes new strategy 2025-2028
« A new strategy will guide SPARC Europe’s work over the next four years. The vision behind our strategy continues to…22.01.2025
The State of Open Science in the Field of Psychology and Law
« We conducted a survey to catalog the state of open science in the field of psychology…16.01.2025
L’accès aux connaissances logiciels : enjeux et perspectives pour l’intelligence artificielle et la Science ouverte
« Dans un paysage technologique en perpétuelle évolution, où le logiciel libre, la Science ouverte et l’intelligence artificielle (IA) se croisent…15.01.2025
CRAFT-OA Deliverable 3.2: Report on challenges and help measures faced by OA journals and platforms
« Initiatives like CRAFT-OA and DIAMAS aim to enhance Open Access Diamond Journals’ (OADJs) capacities through digital solutions, yet the technological…15.01.2025
Open Science Days UGA 2024 « Données de la recherche », 3-5 décembre 2024, Grenoble (vidéos, présentations)
Vous pouvez consulter les supports de présentation dans le programme. Toutes les vidéos des présentations sont disponibles sur la…14.01.2025
[UNESCO Article] Diamond Open Access: Advancing Knowledge as a Public Good
« Access to scientific knowledge remains one of the most significant challenges to achieving equity in education, research, innovation, and global…14.01.2025
CRAFT-OA Deliverable 3.1 Report on Standards for Best Publishing Practices and Basic Technical Requirements in the Light of FAIR Principles
« This report reviews technical standards to better integrate journals into search engines, indexes, library catalogues, and discovery services. It analyses…13.01.2025
La science ouverte à l’Université de Toronto : une exploration des perspectives des chercheurs, du personnel et des bibliothécaires
« Ce projet a pour but de commencer à comprendre les pratiques de la science ouverte et les obstacles qui peuvent…09.01.2025
New Frontiers of Electronic Theses and Dissertations
« (1) Background: Since the 1990s, theses and dissertations—a key part of scientific communication—have evolved significantly with advances in information and…07.01.2025
How to build an Open Science Monitor based on publications? A French perspective
« Many countries and institutions are striving to develop tools to monitor their open science policies. Since 2018, with the launch…18.12.2024
A Beginner’s Guide to Open and Reproducible Systematic Reviews in Psychology
« This paper provides guidance and tools for conducting open and reproducible systematic reviews in psychology. It emphasizes the importance of…17.12.2024
Notebook and Open science : toward more FAIR play
« (…) In this article, we present an overview of the available empirical work on notebooks in order to describe existing…17.12.2024
International Insights into Diamond Open Access – How Does DOA Work Across Borders?
« The BMBF-funded project open-access.network invited to an information event as part of the information series « Shaping the Open Access transformation…10.12.2024
Launch of 2nd OSCARS Open Call for Open Science Projects and Services – 15 January 2025
« (…) Researchers from all scientific disciplines are welcome to apply to the 2nd OSCARS Open Call before March 17th, 2025,…09.12.2024
CoNOSC Members discuss knowledge security and Open Science
« Nineteen countries attended the online CoNOSC Members meeting on 19 November 2024. SPARC Europe, as facilitator of CoNOSC, invited Dr…09.12.2024
Deuxième édition de l’Open Science Day à l’ULiège [Présentations]
« L’Open Science Day de l’Université de Liège, qui s’est tenu le 7 novembre, a rassemblé plus de quatre-vingts participants autour…06.12.2024
Open Science Alternatives to Scopus and the Web of Science: A Case Study in Regional Resilience
« The recent years have seen increasing support for open science in academic circles. However, the large number of scientometric databases…03.12.2024
The Barcelona Declaration on Open Research Information – Openness of research information as a prerequisite for research assessment reform
« Materials from the GraspOS Community of Practice meeting held on 13 November 2024 Topic of Discussion …29.11.2024
More open abstracts? Comparing abstract coverage in Crossref and OpenAlex
« Abstracts are increasingly important given the rise of large language models (LLM) and generative AI. While OpenAlex provides a source…29.11.2024
Science Europe | Support for UNESCO Draft Principles on Open Science Monitoring
« As part of its efforts to advance open science monitoring in alignment with its 2021 Recommendation on Open Science, UNESCO…26.11.2024
The Conundrum Challenges for Research Software in Open Science
« In the context of Open Science, the importance of Borgman’s conundrum challenges that have been initially formulated concerning the…26.11.2024
How libraries shape the future of research infrastructure
« Libraries advance teaching, research, and learning by providing resources, enabling discovery, and offering expert guidance. As software source code becomes…22.11.2024
OpenCommon plateforme Science Ouverte passerelle pour des communautés intersciences
« Le 2ème Plan national pour la Science Ouverte (PNSO 2021-2024) vise à généraliser les pratiques de science ouverte, à partager…21.11.2024
Introducing MetaROR: An open peer review platform for metaresearch
« In the past five years, we’ve witnessed an incredible surge in innovation and energy directed towards metaresearch. Scholars from diverse…21.11.2024
Open scholarship and bibliodiversity
« This paper is based on the Open Scholarship and Bibliodiversity panel presented at the 2024 NISO Plus conference in Baltimore,…20.11.2024
[#SaveTheDate] January 29, 2025 | Software Heritage 2025 Symposium and Summit
« The annual Software Heritage Summit and Symposium, set to take place on January 29, 2025, at UNESCO Headquarters in Paris,…08.11.2024
National Cooperation Agreement: Redalyc and Portugal to Boost Quality and Visibility of Diamond Open Access Journals
« Cooperation Agreement between the Scientific Information System Redalyc, the Foundation for Science and Technology, and the University of Minho. We…08.11.2024
Open Research Community Accelerator (ORCA) | Open Science « Dynamic Convergence » Workshop Final Report
« In collaboration with CERN and UNESCO and with the participation of NASA, the Open Research Community Accelerator (ORCA) was pleased…06.11.2024
#AIMOS2024 | Join us for the launch of MetaROR: A new peer review platform for metaresearch
« RoRI and AIMOS are launching the MetaROR (MetaResearch Open Review) platform MetaROR (MetaResearch Open Review) is a new open…04.11.2024
4th Helsinki Initiative Webinar on Multilingualism in Scholarly Communication | 2 December 2024
« Helsinki Initiative organizes 2 December 2024 15:00-16:30 CET a webinar on Multilingualism in Scholarly Communication with three presentations ranging from…31.10.2024
Measuring the Impact of Open Science: Insights from PathOS at EOSC Symposium 2024
« As the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) evolves, the need to demonstrate the tangible impacts of Open Science becomes increasingly…31.10.2024
Infrastructure and Awareness Landscape Analysis in Latin America
« (…) This report reviews the current landscape of repositories and publishing systems in Latin America, along with institutional and national…31.10.2024
The European Commission Announces the EOSC EU Node’s Transition to Full Production
« The European Commission is pleased to announce the official launch of the EOSC EU Node services, marking a critical milestone…30.10.2024
Research performing organisations in Finland committed to open science
« The 2024 Open Science and Research (OS) monitoring results indicate a significant commitment from Finnish research organisations towards promoting openness.30.10.2024
Recommendations on Open Science Rewards and Initiatives – Guidance for Multiple Stakeholders in Research
« Open Science contributes to the collective building of scientific knowledge and societal progress. However, academic research currently fails to recognise…29.10.2024
Barcelona Declaration and the role of Open Science Infrastructures (video)
« On 26 September 2024, LIBER and SCOSS hosted a webinar that focused on the Barcelona Declaration (what it is, who…23.10.2024
Science Europe | Survey Report Strategic Approaches to, and Research Assessment of, Open Science
« This survey report offers a descriptive analysis of the role that public research funding and performing organisations in Europe play…23.10.2024
Costs and Benefits of Open Science: Contributing to the Development of a Rigorous Assessment Framework
« The concept of Open Science (OS) is transforming the landscape of scientific research by promoting collaboration, transparency, and innovation. Acknowledged…22.10.2024
ALLEA Calls for EU-Wide Harmonisation of Secondary Publication Rights for Scholarly Research
« In a recent statement, ALLEA expresses its strong support for Secondary Publication Rights (SPRs), a legal…22.10.2024
Launch of global consultation: Developing data policies for crisis facilitated by open science
« UNESCO in partnership with the Committee on Data (CODATA) is launching a consultation to explore how the principles of open…18.10.2024
PLOS lance un projet visant à révolutionner l’édition scientifique
« L’éditeur PLOS a annoncé récemment le lancement d’un nouveau projet ambitieux visant à explorer de nouvelles solutions…11.10.2024
Open Science Pursuit, un jeu sérieux créé par la DIBISO de l’Université de Paris-Saclay
« La Direction des Bibliothèques, de l’Information et de la Science Ouverte (DIBISO) de Paris-Saclay vous présente un nouveau jeu intitulé…03.10.2024
Open Science Days UGA 2024 « Données de la recherche », 3-5 décembre 2024, Grenoble
« Cette année, nous plongeons dans un sujet crucial et stratégique pour la science : la réutilisation des données. Nous vous…25.09.2024
Evaluating the Linguistic Coverage of OpenAlex: An Assessment of Metadata Accuracy and Completeness
« (…) This paper contributes to this literature by assessing the completeness and accuracy of OpenAlex’s metadata related to language, through…06.09.2024
Open Science Framework
« Open Science Framework (OSF) est une plateforme en ligne gratuite et open source développée par le…06.09.2024
Coverage and Metadata Availability of African Publications in Openalex: A Comparative Analysis
« (…) This paper analyses OpenAlex’s coverage and metadata availability of African-based publications. For this purpose, we compare OpenAlex with Scopus,…05.09.2024
Your Guide to Open Science in Horizon Europe
« Open science is an approach aimed at making scientific research more transparent, accessible and collaborative. In the spirit of fostering…04.09.2024
“Software and source codes” College: Minutes from the work session, November 30th 2023
« Academia has increasingly recognized software as an essential tool, product, and subject of study. In this regard, the « Software, Pillar…02.09.2024
Exploring France’s long-standing commitment to Open Science: Interview with Laurent Romary of Inria
« In this insightful interview, Laurent Romary, Director for Scientific Information and Culture at the National Institute…30.08.2024
OPERAS – Combating disinformation through equitable, open and accessible science
« Some reflections on the OPERAS Trust On 2024 Workshop and the Belgian Presidency of the Council of the EU.29.08.2024
The National Library of Sweden – National guidelines for open science
« The National Library of Sweden (Kungliga biblioteket, KB) has published an English version of the national guidelines on open science,…28.08.2024
Open Access in Germany
« Although Germany lacks a uniform Open Access (OA) policy, it has a sophisticated OA culture that involves various initiatives centred…26.08.2024
Les Open Science Days 2024 : un engagement collectif pour un savoir ouvert !
« Pour la première fois en Suisse, quatre institutions académiques prestigieuses se regroupent pour vous proposer un événement unique : une…26.08.2024
Accelerating AI for science: open data science for science
« Aspirations for artificial intelligence (AI) as a catalyst for scientific discovery are growing. High-profile successes deploying AI in domains such…22.08.2024