Mot-clé : open-science
CoNOSC European National Open Science Policymakers Discuss Open Access
« On 22 and 23 June, Ireland’s National Open Research Forum (NORF) hosted a face-to-face meeting of the…26.07.2023
16th Berlin Open Access Conference: Conference Report
« National-level delegations representing research communities from 38 countries across six continents, including scientists and scholars, ministries of education and research,…25.07.2023
Readout of OSTP Open Science Listening Sessions with Early Career Researchers
« Open science has the potential to unlock a world of possibilities by increasing access to research products…25.07.2023
Informations sur les bonnes pratiques pour la publication de revues en Diamond Open Access à l’attention de leurs éditeurs/éditrices
« Ce document s’incrit dans la continuité de l’étude sur le paysage suisse de revues du modèle diamant…06.07.2023
OCDE | Artificial Intelligence in Science: Challenges, Opportunities and the Future of Research
« The rapid advances of artificial intelligence (AI) in recent years have led to numerous creative applications in science. Accelerating the…05.07.2023
CERN/NASA Summit: “Accelerating the Adoption of Open Science”, July 10th – 14th, 2023 | Geneva, Switzerland
« In celebration of the 2023 Year of Open Science, NASA’s new scientific information policy and the associated Transform to Open…04.07.2023
Rapport de la Commission au Conseil et au Parlement Européen | Premier rapport bisannuel sur la mise en œuvre de l’approche mondiale de la recherche et de l’innovation
« (…) Le présent document est le premier rapport bisannuel faisant le point sur les progrès accomplis en vue de la…03.07.2023
Launching the new research portal for The Netherlands
« As of July 3, the Dutch research portal NARCIS will be replaced by The Netherlands Research Portal…03.07.2023
How research integrity and open science hang together [vidéo]
« The trustworthiness of research findings is threatened when researchers don’t do their utmost best to get it right and engage…29.06.2023
Open Science Coordination in Finland | New policy component on research methods and infrastructures published
« The updated policy combines the policy component on open research data from 2021 and a brand new component on research…28.06.2023
Open Science NL launched to drive open science transition in the Netherlands
« The Regieorgaan Open Science, or Open Science NL for short, has been officially launched. The governing body…28.06.2023
Open access initiatives by research active institutions in Australia and Aotearoa New Zealand: a snapshot of the landscape in 2022
« Open Access Australasia reports on open access initiatives currently practised by research active institutions in Australia and Aotearoa New Zealand…28.06.2023
Moving away from APCs: a multi-stakeholder working group convened by cOAlition S, Jisc and PLOS
« cOAlition S, in partnership with Jisc and PLOS,…27.06.2023
Communicating Science: Analysis of the Push for Open Access
« Moumita Koley, ISC consultant on the Future of Scientific Publishing, reflects on the historic changes in the science ecosystem with…26.06.2023
[Spain] National Strategy For Open Science (ENCA) 2023-2027 (.pdf)
« (…) The Spanish National Open Science Strategy (ENCA, the Strategy) 2023-2027 has the mission of strengthening the quality, transparency, and…21.06.2023
Lund Declaration on Maximising the Benefits of Research Data
« The declaration was presented at a conference that the Swedish Presidency hosted together with the Swedish Research Council and Vinnova…21.06.2023
Slovenia adopts the Decree on the Implementation of Scientific Research Work and an Action Plan for Open Science
« At the end of May 2023 the Government of the Republic of Slovenia adopted the Decree…21.06.2023
16th Berlin Open Access Conference: Together for Transformation | Final Statement
« Delegations of research performing and research funding organizations from 38 nations and six continents, including ministries of education and research,…13.06.2023
Recommendations to the Spanish Government to Facilitate the Implementation of the Open Science Model in Spain
« Open science represents a paradigm shift in research activity that promises to facilitate the expansion and extension of the benefits…13.06.2023
News from the CoNOSC Open Science Policy Update Meeting
« In late April 2023, the Council for National Open Science Coordination (CoNOSC) held an online Policy Update meeting for its…12.06.2023
Measuring the openness of science
« How can we measure the openness of science and the impact of the open science public policy that has been…07.06.2023
Open Access in Germany – Joint Guidelines of the Federal Government and the Länder
« The Joint Guidelines of the Federal Government and the Länder on Open Access are an expression of the joint political…06.06.2023
Open Science @EU: An overview and current developments
« The presentation focuses on the Open Science policy of the European Commission, primarily as expressed through Horizon Europe, but also…06.06.2023
Une Chaire Unesco sur la science ouverte
« La Commission canadienne pour l’UNESCO annonce la nomination de Vincent Larivière à la première Chaire UNESCO sur…06.06.2023
Wikipedia and open access
« Wikipedia is a well-known platform for disseminating knowledge, and scientific sources, such as journal articles, play a critical role in…01.06.2023
[COAR Annual Meeting 2023] Do we really need another 30 years to achieve open science? [slides](.pdf)
« Keynote Speaker Marin Dacos, National Open Science Coordinator at the French Ministry of Higher Education and Research. He has…31.05.2023
Roadmap for Open Science approved by the Italian National Research Council
« On April 28, 2023 the Italian National Research Council (CNR) approved the Roadmap for Open Science.24.05.2023
Spain approves first national strategy for Open Science in advance of EU Council Presidency
« The Spanish government has approved its four-year National Open Science Strategy 2023-2027 (in Spanish). (…) Spain…23.05.2023
Advancing a publicly owned and not-for-profit scholarly communication ecosystem based on the principles of open science (.pdf)
« Joint response by the European University Association (EUA), Science Europe, Association of European Research Libraries (LIBER), European Federation of Academies…23.05.2023
Equitable Scholarly Publishing Systems Viewed as Key to Solving Development Challenges Identified by UN
« If the United Nations’ development plans are going to succeed, all voices need a chance to contribute to and access…16.05.2023
Take Knowledge Exchange’s survey and share your thoughts on practices that support reproducible research
« Are you interested in practices that support scaling of research reproducibility? Then Knowledge Exchange invites you…15.05.2023
The Transformation of the Green Road to Open Access
« (…) Background: The 2002 Budapest Open Access Initiative recommended the self-archiving of scientific articles in open repositories, which has been…15.05.2023
G7 Science and Technology Ministers’ Communique | Sendai, May 12-14, 2023 (.pdf)
« Sendai, May 12-14, 2023 We, the G7 Science and Technology Ministers, affirm our commitment to the shared values of…12.05.2023
Science Europe Conference Report on Open Science
« Science Europe organised a Conference on Open Science on 18 and 19 October 2022. The goal was to bring clarity…12.05.2023
Open Science Conference of the Swedish Presidency of the Council of the European Union – Stockholm, 16–17 May 2023
« The “Open Science – From Policy to Practice” conference will highlight different perspectives of shaping, implementing and embedding Open Science.11.05.2023
Global Summit On Diamond Open Access | October 23 – 27, 2023. Toluca, Mexico
« The purpose of the Global Summit on Diamond Open Access is to bring the Diamond OA community together in a…09.05.2023
The French National Open Science Fund provides long-term support for international open science infrastructures
« The French National Open Science Fund (FNSO) is providing financial support to four international infrastructures selected by…09.05.2023
Spain adopts national open access strategy
« Government has approved a €23.8M per year scheme to make all publicly-funded research free to access as soon as it…09.05.2023
EU ready to back immediate open access without author fees
« The EU is ready to agree that immediate open access to papers reporting publicly funded research should become the norm,…05.05.2023
Édition éco-responsable et sobriété numérique / Diversité et complémentarité des métiers du livre | 11es journées du réseau Médici – 28-30 juin 2023, Liège
« L’édition éco-responsable et la sobriété numérique sont des concepts qui visent à la fois à réduire l’empreinte environnementale du numérique…21.04.2023
Bio.tools est un catalogue ouvert de logiciels et bases de données en sciences de la vie permettant…19.04.2023
Philosophy of Open Science
« In response to broad transformations brought about by the digitalization, globalization, and commodification of research processes, the Open Science [OS]…12.04.2023
Rapido, un an déjà !
« Lancé le 2 février 2022, Rapido vient de fêter son premier anniversaire ! Retour sur la première partie de ce projet…12.04.2023
La relation étroite entre science ouverte et intégrité scientifique
« Science ouverte et intégrité scientifique : quel lien entre les deux ? Comment le mouvement de la science ouverte contribue-t-il…07.04.2023
Trends in preprint, data, and code sharing, 2019-2022
PLOS recently introduced Open Science Indicators (OSIs), a large public dataset identifying and quantifying Open Science practices…22.03.2023
Study on the readiness of research data and literature repositories to facilitate compliance with the Open Science Horizon Europe MGA requirements
« This report and associated repository inventory represent the output of a study conducted between March and October 2022 by a…16.03.2023
« (…) this article describes the creation process of an identifier through the lens of the Social Construction Of Technology (SCOT)…09.03.2023
Podcast: Making Open Science and Open Data the new normal with the RDA’s Hilary Hanahoe
« How is Open Data and Open Science being encouraged and nurtured across the global research community? What are the biggest…09.03.2023
Open Access Publish with power: rights protected by QUT’s revised open access policy [Queensland University of Technology]
« QUT’s revised Open Access policy protects your right to make your research publications open access. (…)…09.03.2023
Open Science: A role for the G20 to materialise its global potential?
« Knowledge cooperation—specifically science cooperation—is a precondition of coordinated efforts for combatting global crises from climate to finance, and from food…09.03.2023
Open access publication of public health research in African journals
« There are many claims to the benefits of open access publishing in general and for Africa in particular. This study…09.03.2023
Opensciency – A core open science curriculum by and for the research community
« (…) Opensciency is a result of the work of more than 40 open science experts and practitioners from across the…09.03.2023
Roadmap and budget projections for a technology-based collaborative translation service dedicated to open scholarly communication – Open Call for Proposal
« Company Background OPERAS is the Research Infrastructure supporting open scholarly communication in the social sciences and humanities (SSH) in…08.03.2023
Open science–related policies in Europe
« This study aims to review the open science (OS) policy documents, identify their subject areas, and distinguish the topics of…06.03.2023
Financement de projets de données ouvertes de la recherche (Open Research Data, ORD) : swissuniversities soutient les pratiques ORD des communautés de recherche et la mise en place de Data Stewardship
« Ces jours-ci, plusieurs hautes écoles suisses commencent à travailler sur leurs projets dans le domaine de l’Open Research Data (ORD).03.03.2023
Towards a FAIRer World Implementing the UNESCO Recommendation on Open Science to address global challenges – UNESCO, Paris, and virtual – 29 March 2023
« (…) UNESCO, ISC, CODATA and WDS have joined efforts to organise this one-day, hybrid symposium to explore the existing and…03.03.2023
[Council of the European Union] Draft Council conclusions on high-quality, transparent, open, trustworthy and equitable scholarly publishing – Presidency text (.pdf)
« THE COUNCIL OF THE EUROPEAN UNION, RECALLING (…) – its Conclusions of 10 June 2022 on principles…27.02.2023
OpenAIRE Graph: steadily riding the wild wave of Open Science
« (…) Having the vision to create and deliver an open, up-to-date, and global “map of science” across disciplines and countries,…27.02.2023
Young researchers in action: the road towards a new PhD evaluation
« In November 2021, DORA announced that we were piloting a new Community Engagement Grants: Supporting Academic…24.02.2023
GraspOS: moving forward to a more responsible research assessment
« (…) GraspOS is a new EU-funded project kicked-off on the 19 and 20 of January in Athens. Its aim is…23.02.2023
Experimenting with open science practices at the STI 2023 conference
« As organizers of the STI 2023 conference, we introduce two open science experiments: We adopt a new…23.02.2023