Mot-clé : open-science
Dutch Research Council (NWO): Second round of Open Science Fund encourages and rewards pioneers in open science
« With this call, the Dutch Research Council (NWO) wants to boost the recognition and appreciation of open science by encouraging…21.02.2023
Global Summit on Diamond Open Access, 23-27 October 2023 Toluca, Mexico
« The purpose of the Global Summit on Diamond Open Access is to bring together the Diamond OA community of journal…15.02.2023
#OpenScienceUN | 3rd Open Science Conference « Accelerating the Sustainable Development Goals, Democratizing the Record of Science » 8 – 10 February 2023, New York [vidéo]
« (…) From 8 to 10 February 2023, the 3rd United Nations Open Science Conference, “Accelerating the Sustainable Development Goals, Democratizing…15.02.2023
Knowledge Exchange: Call for entries to explore Alternative Publishing Platforms
« Knowledge Exchange (KE) invites any platforms working in open access, publishing and communication who wishes…10.02.2023
How a European network of FAIR-enabling Trustworthy Data Repositories can align to the vision of EOSC
« This paper is a response from the EOSC Association Long Term Data Preservation Task Force to the working paper “…08.02.2023
Data Preservation in High Energy Physics — DPHEP Global Report 2022
« This document summarizes the status of data preservation in high energy physics. The paradigms and the methodological advances are discussed…08.02.2023
Influence of research on open science in the public policy sphere
« This paper analyses the scientific activity related to open science in Spain and its influence on public policy from a…27.01.2023
Community consensus on core open science practices to monitor in biomedicine
« The state of open science needs to be monitored to track changes over time and identify areas to create interventions…27.01.2023
FAIREST: A Framework for Assessing Research Repositories
« The open science movement has gained significant momentum within the last few years. This comes along with the need to…24.01.2023
#OpenScienceUN | 3rd Open Science Conference « Accelerating the Sustainable Development Goals, Democratizing the Record of Science » 8 – 10 February 2023, New York
« (…) From 8 to 10 February 2023, the 3rd United Nations Open Science Conference, “Accelerating the Sustainable Development Goals, Democratizing…24.01.2023
Open Knowledge as an essential design principle for a free, sustainable and open future
« Over the last two decades, Open Knowledge Foundation worked at the intersection of cutting-edge digital tools and a distributed network…23.01.2023
Publication of the French National Fund for Open Science’s activity report
« The French National Fund for Open Science’s first activity report provides a summary of the work carried…18.01.2023
LIBER and Other Major Stakeholders Launch Joint Strategy to Strengthen the European Repository Network
« We are pleased to announce that LIBER, SPARC Europe, COAR, and…17.01.2023
In 2023 may knowledge be set free: Open science resolutions for the new year
« (…) Yet another new year at our disposal gives us yet another chance to start or to continue building our…17.01.2023
Stepping up Open Science with OpenAIRE services
« Open Science is creating a paradigm shift and is becoming the norm in research. OpenAIRE offers concrete solutions for the…13.01.2023
maDMP : des exemples d’intégration de services associés à la gestion des données
« Vous êtes intéressés par le DMP machine actionable (maDMP) et vous voulez comprendre quels sont les bénéfices de la structuration…12.01.2023
RDA/EOSC FUTURE Open Call | Optimising (RDA) Open Science Frameworks and Guidelines in the context of EOSC – Round 2
« This call invites applications from research groups, including the RDA groups, to demonstrate how RDA-developed data sharing…12.01.2023
FACT SHEET: Biden-Harris Administration Announces New Actions to Advance Open and Equitable Research
« Today, the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP) announced new actions to advance open and equitable research,…11.01.2023
Perceptions regarding open science appraised by editors of scholarly publications published in Spain
« Pillars of open science are often included within the editorial policies of scholarly journals, including policies on open access publication,…10.01.2023
ESCAPE and Open Science – Towards finding solutions in science to solve societal challenges [vidéo]
« ESCAPE explains how is embracing the challenge of open science in Europe. »09.01.2023
Open Science | Earthdata – NASA
« NASA, along with the White House and other federal agencies, has designated 2023 as the Year of Open Science. Throughout…06.01.2023
Science ouverte : le BRGM publie sa politique générale
« (…) La science ouverte est au cœur de la stratégie scientifique et vise à positionner le BRGM comme centre national…05.01.2023
Open Science Talk | Open Science – A French Perspective [podcast]
« A discussion about the origins and growth of various French infrastructures for open research, especially in the Social Sciences and…05.01.2023
New arXivLabs collaboration links researchers’ videos on ScienceCast.org to their arXiv papers
« The latest arXivLabs collaboration with the open access science community links arXiv articles to content published by…03.01.2023
The whys and whats of OPERAS [podcast]
« Pierre Mounier presents OPERAS, the European research infrastructure dedicated to open scholarly communication in the social sciences…03.01.2023
Opening Research Data: What Does It Mean for Social Sciences?
« Recent international trends demonstrate multilevel efforts to ‘open’ science across its whole ecosystem and lifecycle – from capturing research data…14.12.2022
Knowledge Exchange Annual Briefing
« At Knowledge Exchange, we believe that open science is vital to the success of higher education and research and our…13.12.2022
Opening doors to global equity in open access
Recommendations to foster global equity in open access publishing from the first in a series of online workshops. Universal Open…08.12.2022
OpenAIRE: Copyright for Open Science (C4OS) Series
« Can we think of a Copyright system that provides equitable compensation to all involved parties, while maximising access to scientific…05.12.2022
A Landscape of Open Science Policies Research
« This literature review aims to examine the approach given to open science policy in the different studies. The main findings…02.12.2022
European National OS coordinator views on reforming research assessment
« On November 3rd, as part of the CoNOSC Members Meeting, CoNOSC brought together over 20 national Open Science policymakers to…01.12.2022
CoNOSC joint statement on CoARA
« In the early summer of 2022, all European Union Ministers agreed that in order to accelerate the implementation and the…29.11.2022
Adoption of Transparency and Openness Promotion (TOP) Guidelines across Journals
« Journal policies continuously evolve to enable knowledge sharing and support reproducible science. However, that change happens within a certain framework.29.11.2022
Why don’t we share data and code? Perceived barriers and benefits to public archiving practices
« The biological sciences community is increasingly recognizing the value of open, reproducible and transparent research practices for science and society…25.11.2022
Connecting the building blocks of Open Science: an ecological approach
« Open Science covers a large panel of activities aimed at making research more transparent and collaborative. Several definitions provide lists…22.11.2022
Ireland’s National Action Plan for Open Research: Advancing Open Science and Public Access to Research
Today (21 November 2022), Ireland’s National Action Plan for Open Research 2022-2030 was launched at…18.11.2022
Ireland’s National Open Research Forum Awards €1.16 Million to Six Collaborative Projects to Advance Open Research
Ireland’s National Open Research Forum (NORF) has awarded funding to six new collaborative projects to implement priority…18.11.2022
Long-term work towards open science and research reflected in the form of excellent results in the monitoring on open science and research [Finland]
« The monitoring results provide a comprehensive overview of the state of Finnish open science and research (…) »16.11.2022
Investments in Open: Association of Research Libraries US University Member Expenditures on Services, Collections, Staff, and Infrastructure in Support of Open Scholarship
« Open access (OA) and the broad sharing of research outputs has been empirically shown to accelerate scientific progress and benefit…15.11.2022
Research Software vs. Research Data I: Towards a Research Data definition in the Open Science context
« Research Software is a concept that has been only recently clarified. In this paper we address the need for a…09.11.2022
Putting FAIR principles in the context of research information: FAIRness for CRIS and CRIS for FAIRness
« Digitization in the research domain refers to the increasing integration and analysis of research information in the process of research…08.11.2022
CERN opens new era in knowledge sharing
« In September, CERN approved a new policy for open science, with immediate effect. Developed by the Open Science Strategy Working…07.11.2022
CHIST-ERA Call Open & Re-usable Research Data & Software (ORD) – Information Webinar #1, October 03 2022 [diaporama]
– « CHIST ERA in brief – Topic description – Evaluation and selection process – Open Science policy…27.10.2022
#RoadToOpenScience | Science Europe Open Science Conference | 18,19 October 2022 [presentations]
« Science Europe organised its 2022 conference on Open Science at an important time: the COVID-19 pandemic had highlighted the value…21.10.2022
Appel à Projets sur les données et logiciels de la recherche ouverts et réutilisables de l’ERA-NET CHIST-ERA
« L’ANR participe à l’appel à projets sur les données et logiciels de la recherche ouverts et réutilisables de l’ERA-NET CHIST-ERA…20.10.2022
Open Science as Part of Research Culture. Positioning of the German Research Foundation
« The Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German Research Foundation) considers open science as scientific practices and processes that are established or designed…19.10.2022
Science Europe Direction Paper. Open Science As Part of a Well-Functioning Research System
« Highlighting the public nature of the research funding they provide, and in line with its Values Framework, Science Europe members…19.10.2022
International disparities in open access practices in the Earth Sciences
« The rise in OA publishing has potential implications for researchers and tends to shift article-processing charges from organizations to individuals.18.10.2022
Mise à jour : Support du stage « Introduction à la science ouverte » [.ppt]
« Support du stage « Introduction à la science ouverte », 78 diapos PPT. Plan du stage : Définir la science ouverte…17.10.2022
New open publishing platform launched by Stockholm University (video)
« In a near future Stockholm University is to launch its own publishing platform where researchers can publish articles with open…14.10.2022
Actes des Journées européennes de la science ouverte Open Science European Conference – OSEC 2022
« Depuis plus de vingt ans, la communauté scientifique internationale affirme son soutien à la science ouverte comme fondement d’une recherche…10.10.2022
FAIREST: A Framework for Assessing Research Repositories
« The open science movement has gained significant momentum within the last few years. This comes along with the need to…10.10.2022
CERN publishes comprehensive open science policy
« CERN’s core values include making research open and accessible for everyone. A new policy now brings together existing open science…10.10.2022
Open Science and Research Infrastructures provide the foundation and pillars necessary to tackle global environmental issues
« COVID has highlighted the importance of Open Science and research infrastructures to accelerate the impact of scientific research (…)…07.10.2022
La collection Passeport pour la science ouverte s’enrichit
« Depuis 2020, le Passeport pour la science ouverte accompagne les jeunes chercheuses et chercheurs dans leur mise en pratique de…04.10.2022
Highlights DANS Data Trail ‘How the EOSC Association stimulates community based Open Science’
« During the online DANS Data Trail ‘How the EOSC Association stimulates community-based Open Science’, DANS’ projectstaff presented several EOSC Association…03.10.2022
Translations and Open Science Project
« From September 2022 to September 2023 OPERAS coordinates a series of studies commissioned by the French Ministry of Higher Education…30.09.2022
Open Science in research assessment. An overview of quantitative and qualitative approaches
« Research assessment reform is an urgent priority of European research policy. While initially closely tied to the advancement of Open…28.09.2022
[#OSSAN2022] Open Science South Asian Network (OSSAN) conference 2022 | 5-8 September 2022 [videos)
« OSSAN’22 Open Science in South Asia Conference – organized by DST-CPR, IISc, Bangalore, is the first open…youtube.com, DST - Centre for Policy Research, IISc, Bangalore
Le TOP Factor
« Le TOP Factor est un indicateur chiffré qui rend compte des mesures prises par un journal pour…27.09.2022
Chapter XXXVIII of Focus on Open Science | 27 September 2022, Paris [recordings]
« Open Science describes the current transition in how research is undertaken, how the outputs are stored and disseminated, how…26.09.2022