Mot-clé : open-science
Finland: Open Research Data And Methods. National Policy And Executive Plan By The Higher Education And Research Community For 2021–2025 (.pdf)
« POLICY COMPONENT 1: OPEN ACCESS TO RESEARCH DATA This policy consists of policy components. The first policy component concerns…30.04.2021
Why hybrid journals do not lead to full and immediate Open Access
« In this brief note, we formulate 6 arguments that articulate why cOAlition S Organisations will not financially support the hybrid…30.04.2021
The 16th International Conference on Open Repositories 2021, June 7-10
« OR2021 will provide an opportunity to explore and reflect on the ways repositories enable openness for all. We hope that…28.04.2021
The Seismica Initiative: towards a community-driven, Diamond Open Access journal for seismological research
« (…) Volcanica (www.jvolcanica.org) has been accepting submissions for two years now, and at this time of writing…26.04.2021
Building a service to support cOAlition S’s Price & Service Transparency Frameworks: an Invitation to Tender
« The European Science Foundation (ESF), on behalf of the cOAlition S members, is seeking to contract with a supplier to…26.04.2021
EOSC-synergy is awarded with the Distinguished Project prize in the “Open Badges for Open Science” competition organized by OBERRED
« The badge schema designed by EOSC-synergy has been recognized with the Best Project award in the framework of the OBERRED,…21.04.2021
Towards a network of public scientific publishers
« Prefiguring the organisation of a new collective structure for public scientific publishers who are committed to open science. (…) »15.04.2021
Research Information Systems as Leverage for Open Science [diaporama]
« « This guest presentation at the EARMA Digital Conference 2021 addresses the role Current Research Information Systems…15.04.2021
Let’s talk about…Open Science Infrastructure [vidéo]
« SPARC Europe talking to Peter Suber on the importance of Open Science Infrastructure. »08.04.2021
Activities at the Knowledge Exchange – Partners to improve services in Open Research
« What is the Knowledge Exchange? The Knowledge Exchange brings together six organisations that are representative of research activity in…02.04.2021
Rewarding Research Data Management
« In the context of open science, good research data management (RDM), including data sharing and data reuse, has become a…31.03.2021
Openness Profile: Modelling research evaluation for open scholarship (.pdf)
The Openness Profile (OP) will be a digital resource in which a research contributor’s outputs and activities that support openness…30.03.2021
Data Together: Fostering Cooperation Among Open Science Platforms
Collectively referred to as Data Together, the four collaborating international data organisations – CODATA, GO FAIR, RDA, WDS – have…26.03.2021
Consortium Érudit : Notes de recherche
« L’équipe du volet recherche d’Érudit a réalisé quatre notes de recherche sur des enjeux qui touchent le milieu de la…26.03.2021
Preprints in Chemistry: An Exploratory Analysis of Differences with Journal Articles
« The exploratory analysis of the differences between preprints and the corresponding peer reviewed journal articles for ten studies first published…24.03.2021
La Commission lance une plateforme de publication en libre accès pour les articles scientifiques
« La Commission européenne a lancé aujourd’hui Open Research Europe, une plateforme de publication des articles scientifiques qui…18.03.2021
Open Science Conference 2021: On the Way to the “New Normal”
« What were the main points of focus at the Open Science Conference 2021? What are the topics currently most affecting…18.03.2021
Conférence #WACREN2021, 17 March: Open Science and Open Access [vidéo]
« Updates on UNESCO’s Global Open Science Partnership with international examples of national frameworks and lightning talks from African countries implementing…10.03.2021
Open Science in Kenya: Where are we?
« Open, collaborative, and reproducible research – Open Science – has great potential for advancing science. However, the training in our…04.03.2021
A Plan S for books: Voices from the Community
« What should a Plan S for books look like? This is a question we’ve been thinking about at…openaccessbooksnetwork.hcommons.org, Lucy Barnes, 25 février 2021
Which aspects of the Open Science agenda are most relevant to scientometric research and publishing? An opinion paper
« Open Science is an umbrella term that encompasses many recommendations for possible changes in research practices, management, and publishing with…mitpressjournals.org, Lutz Bornmann, Raf Guns , Michael Thelwall, Dietmar Wolfram, 10 février 2021
MOOC: Open Badges for Open Science
« The Open Badges for Open Science MOOC is a course for persons working or interested in the field of Research…platform.europeanmoocs.eu, Open Badges for Open Science, Mooc, 1er mars 2021
From Policy to Practice: France CNRS launches Open Data Research Directorate and participation in EOSC Association thrives
« The latest policy efforts related to the European Open Science Cloud have brought many key actors in Europe to the…26.02.2021
Webinar: International and national copyright policy action for OA – Monday, 8 March 2021, 14-16 CET
(…) Target audience Open Science policymakers, Research Funding Organizations and Research Performing Organizations managers, librarians, repository managers and academic…22.02.2021
Comments made by France on the First draft of the UNESCO Recommendation on Open Science
« In a statement, France commented on the first draft recommendation on open science published by UNESCO in…19.02.2021
Universal Open Science policies risk alienating researchers
« Open Science policies are becoming increasingly institutionalised at the national level. However, as Erika Lilja shows, the inherent contradictions of…16.02.2021
Where Do Early Career Researchers Stand on Open Science Practices? A Survey Within the Max Planck Society
« Open science (OS) is of paramount importance for the improvement of science worldwide and across research fields. Recent years have…09.02.2021
Data Intelligence. Winter 2021, Vol. 3, No. 1. Open Science special issue
« In 2019 the German Leibniz research organization sponsored a conference on Open Science (OS) with the idea to publish some…mitpressjournals.org, Data Intelligence, Winter 2021, Vol. 3, No. 1
Science ouverte : qu’est-ce qui change avec Horizon Europe ?
« Alors qu’H2020 cède la place à Horizon Europe depuis le 1er janvier 2021, et bien que les…08.02.2021
UvA (University of Amsterdam) open access policy and Diamond Open Access Fund
« The Executive Board recently adopted the UvA Open Science programme 2020 – 2024. The programme includes an overview of new…05.02.2021
cOAlition S response to the STM statement: the Rights Retention Strategy restores long-standing academic freedoms
« The statement published earlier today (3rd February) by the STM Association and signed by a number of…coalition-s.org, Robert Kiley, Johan Rooryck, 3 février 2021
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) Sets a New Course for Open Access
« Funding of publication costs and targeted support for research-friendly publication infrastructures / Topics and background information on the DFG website…01.02.2021
26 Feb. 2021 – Webinar LIBER and SPARC Europe: How Can Libraries Help Keep Open Science Infrastructure Free and Independent?
« Ensuring a sustainable future for Open Science (OS) and Open Access scholarly publishing is imperative to support today’s and tomorrow’s…29.01.2021
COPIM releases free code for Open Access project sign up system
« The Community-led Open Publication Infrastructures for Monographs project (COPIM) has today released the code originally written for…29.01.2021
Knowledge Exchange: Connecting the dots between research methods, academic cultures and technical solutions: Three reflections on publishing reproducible research outputs
« A recent report by the European Commission called « on all European Member States and other relevant actors…29.01.2021
SPARC Europe publishes new strategy 2021-2024
« SPARC Europe’s new strategy continues to strive to make Open research and education the default for the Higher Education community,…29.01.2021
The Science of Citizen Science
« Citizen science broadly refers to the active engagement of the general public in scientific research tasks. Citizen science is a…22.01.2021
Launch of the Initial ESCAPE ESFRI Science Analysis Platform with discovery & data staging
« ESCAPE has launched the initial prototype of the ESCAPE ESAP (ESFRI Science Analysis Platform ),…22.01.2021
Novel EOSC Services for Space Challenges: The NEANIAS First Outcomes
« The European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) initiative faces the challenge of developing an agile, fit-for-purpose, and sustainable service-oriented platform that…20.01.2021
Decolonizing Scholarly Communications through Bibliodiversity
« (…) This contribution examines the distinctive, non-commercial approach to open access (OA) found in Latin America and reflects on how…zenodo.org, Shearer, Kathleen; Becerril-García, Arianna, 7 janvier 2021, DOI 10.5281/zenodo.4423996.
Report by the “Translations and open science” working group
« The report presents a state of the art of translation technologies, good practices in their use and possible courses of…13.01.2021
Géopolitique de l’OpenScience : La France, l’Union européenne et l’International, 21 janvier 2021
« L’objectif de cette conférence sera tout d’abord de situer le mouvement de l’Open sciences dans une dimension diachronique et comparatiste,…13.01.2021
European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) Executive Board [Final progress report]
« The European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) Executive Board Final progress report document contains a summary of the work delivered…12.01.2021
Open Science in the Horizon Europe funding programme: what to expect?
« Without the slightest doubt, I think, we are all ready to let 2020 go and look forward to something different…07.01.2021
Draft Science, Technology and Innovation Policy Proposes Major Changes to India’s Open Access Culture
« On 2/01/2021, the Ministry of Science and Technology rolled out the draft version of the proposed Science,…07.01.2021
A new mandate highlights costs, benefits of making all scientific articles
« In 2018, a group of mostly European funders sent shock waves through the world of scientific publishing by proposing an…06.01.2021
Open Bioeconomy—A Bibliometric Study on the Accessibility of Articles in the Field of Bioeconomy
« Open access (OA) to scientific information is one of the major challenges and objectives of actual public research policy. The…15.12.2020
The 2019/20 Barometer for the Academic World: New Insights for Open Science?
« What is the state of science in Germany these days? The Barometer for the Academic World has been dedicated to…15.12.2020
Balancing ‘as open as possible’ and ‘as closed as necessary’
« A highlight of the recent event Openness and commercialisation was a panel of academia and industry experts and representatives brought…10.12.2020
Open Science : A qui les données de la science appartiennent-elles ? [vidéo]
« La recherche scientifique est essentiellement financée par des fonds public, elle est un bien commun. Les chercheurs produisent de nombreux…09.12.2020
Research Ethics, Open Science and CRIS
« The purpose of this paper is to analyze how current research information systems (CRIS) take into account ethical issues, especially…02.12.2020
15th Munin Conference on Scholarly Publishing 2020 – November 17–19 [presentations & posters]
« The Munin Conference is an annual conference on scholarly publishing and communication, primarily revolving around open access, open data and…02.12.2020
Beyond mandates: For open science to become a norm, it must be recognised and rewarded
« Calls to align incentives in academia to promote open research practices are not new. However, in recent years research funders…01.12.2020
Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO): New funding instrument to stimulate Open Science
« NWO is launching the ‘Open Science Fund’, a new funding instrument intended to give Open Science a boost. Projects can…26.11.2020
Call for participation in the EUA Open Science Survey
Deadline: 11 December 2020 « EUA has launched its 2020-2021 Open Science Survey. The aim is…25.11.2020
Academy of Finland to adopt reforms to open access publishing and responsible researcher evaluation from beginning of 2021
« Starting with calls to be opened after 1 January 2021, the Academy of Finland will introduce a number of reforms…20.11.2020
The Enlightenment of Peer Review : How Academic Librarians Can Utilize Open Peer Review Methods to Advance Information Literacy
« In today’s world of digital scholarly publishing, it is increasingly clear that movements such as open access (OA), Open Science,…18.11.2020
cOAlition S releases the Journal Checker Tool, a search engine that checks Plan S compliance
« cOAlition S is excited to announce today, 18 November, the release of the Journal Checker Tool…18.11.2020
Passport for Open Science – A Practical Guide for PhD Students
« The Passport For Open Science is a guide designed to accompany PhD students at every step of their research career,…13.11.2020
Du partage de la connaissance et de la promotion d’une « science ouverte » / On sharing knowledge and fostering « open science », un rapport de l’Académie royale de Belgique
« Réflexions sur la diffusion des connaissances à travers les grands colloques internationaux, les revues scientifiques, et la communication libre et…12.11.2020
Semantic Publishing: The Future Open Textbook – a Contribution to NFDI4Culture
« Semantic Publishing is a new open-source software research project contributing to the techstack for the creation of multi-format textbooks. A…10.11.2020