Mot-clé : open-science
Open science and intellectual property rights. How can they better interact? State of the art and reflections
« This report presents the result of a study that explores the interactions and the balance between Open Science and Intellectual…11.04.2022
Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST) Revised Open Science Policy Posted
« The Japan Science & Technology Agency (JST) has posted their revised JST Policy on Open Access to…07.04.2022
The French National Fund for Open Science pledges 210.000 euros for Open Science Infrastructure
« After its record pledge to SCOSS in 2020, France comes back with more funds for Open Science…01.04.2022
EUA: A closer look at research data practices in European universities
« This report presents the detailed results from the EUA 2020-2021 Open Science Survey with a focus on research data practices…30.03.2022
HELIOS: College and University Leaders Join Forces to Advance Open Science
« In a push to make scholarly outputs more transparent and beneficial to a broader community, leaders from a diverse array…28.03.2022
SciELO Books 10 Years: Interview with OAPEN Foundation director and DOAB Foundation co-director Niels Stern
« SciELO Books is celebrating ten years of operation focused on the development of infrastructure…16.03.2022
The Budapest Open Access Initiative: 20th Anniversary Recommendations
« The Budapest Open Access Initiative celebrated its 20th anniversary on February 14, 2022. To mark the anniversary, the…15.03.2022
3 February 2022 CoNOSC meeting
« The fourth CoNOSC members’ meeting took place on 3 February 2022. Some of us had the privilege of meeting…15.03.2022
[#osc2022] Open Science Conference 2022 | 8-10 March 2022 [vidéos]
« The Open Science Conference 2022 is the 9th international conference of the Leibniz Research Alliance Open Science.09.03.2022
[#osc2022] Open Science Conference 2022 | 8-10 March 2022 « Scholarly Communication in the Open Science framework: The Diamond Open Access model »
« The talk presents the Action Plan for Diamond Open Access, developed by Science Europe, cOAlition S, OPERAS,…03.03.2022
Towards software as a pillar of Open Science: news from OSEC 2022
« By building the universal archive of software source code, we are also contributing to building the software pillar of Open…28.02.2022
Open Science European Conference (OSEC), 4-5 February 2022 Paris – France [videos]
« France organised a major international event in the context of the French Presidency of the European Union. This international conference…23.02.2022
Central policy documents on Open Research Data and Open Research Software of the Helmholtz Association are now available in English
« Open Research Data Recommendations for Policies of the Helmholtz Centers on Research…22.02.2022
The Essence and Transcendence of Scientific Publishing
« Disseminating the results of scientific research in various forms (typically, peer-reviewed papers, conferences, and so on) nurtures and shapes the…18.02.2022
Baromètre de la Science Ouverte de l’Université PSL
« 76 % des 11 493 publications scientifiques de l’Université PSL publiées en 2020 sont en accès ouvert ! Le…14.02.2022
Bureau du conseil scientifique en chef du Canada : Les dialogues sur la science ouverte : Résumé des tables rondes des intervenants
« (…) Cinq dialogues sur la science ouverte ont été organisés par le BCSC en novembre 2021 dans le but de…14.02.2022
Le baromètre de la Science Ouverte arrive à AMU
« Le Baromètre français de la Science Ouverte, produit en 2019 par le Ministère de…10.02.2022
Support du stage « Introduction à la science ouverte » [.ppt]
« Support du stage « Introduction à la science ouverte », 78 diapos PPT. Plan du stage : Définir la science ouverte…09.02.2022
Office of the Chief Science Advisor of Canada. The Open Science Dialogues: Summary of stakeholders round tables
« Five Open Science Dialogues were organized by the OCSA in November 2021 with the objective to solicit practical approaches and…04.02.2022
Centrality of researchers in reforming research assessment
« The Initiative for Science in Europe (ISE) has published a report identifying 18 policy options for stakeholders to improve the…03.02.2022
The EUA Open Science Agenda 2025
« The EUA Open Science Agenda 2025 defines the Association’s priorities in this field and describes the current context, challenges and…01.02.2022
Appel de Paris sur l’évaluation de la recherche | Paris Call on Research Assessment
« (…) Dans les conclusions de sa réunion du 1er décembre 2020 sur le « nouvel espace européen de la recherche…01.02.2022
European scholarly journals from small- and mid-size publishers in times of Open Access: Mapping journals and public funding mechanisms
« Open Access (OA) publishing omits reader-side fees, which requires that resources to sustain journals can not originate from the reader-side.01.02.2022
NWO: Open Science Fund project proposals published today
« In 2021, NWO awarded funding to 26 projects to boost open science practices. Where we have the project leaders’ consent,…31.01.2022
Les institutions scientifiques suisses adoptent le plan d’action de la stratégie Open Research Data
« Le plan d’action Open Research Data (ORD) concrétise les mesures de la stratégie ORD publiée en juillet…28.01.2022
OSEC 2022 | Les journées européennes de la science ouverte
« Dans le cadre de la présidence française de l’Union européenne, le CNRS co-organise, les 4 et 5 février 2022, les…27.01.2022
State of open science practices in France (SOSP-FR)
« Le rapport porte sur les résultats d’une enquête ayant pour but d’interroger les pratiques des outils numériques et autour des…25.01.2022
Dynamics of cumulative advantage and threats to equity in open science: a scoping review
« Open Science holds the promise to make scientific endeavours more inclusive, participatory, understandable, accessible and re-usable for large audiences. However,…24.01.2022
Call for Proposals – ADBU-LIBER Study 2022 – Science and Knowledge Openness: Developing Open Science Skills and Competencies in the Academic World
« ADBU, Association of directors and management staff of academic libraries and documentation, and LIBER, Ligue des Bibliothèques Européennes de Recherche…21.01.2022
cOAlition S: PLAN S 2021 Annual Review (.pdf)
« Plan S is an initiative for Open Access (OA) publishing, which requires that from 2021 scientific publications that result from…21.01.2022
KU Leuven resolutely opts for Open Science with Open Data approach
« With a new platform for archiving and publishing research data, Research Data Repository (RDR), KU Leuven is making it possible…20.01.2022
Barriers to Full Participation in the Open Science Life Cycle among Early Career Researchers
« Open science (OS) is currently dominated by a small subset of practices that occur late in the scientific process. Early…20.01.2022
Process towards an agreement on reforming research assessment
« The Commission has called for organisations to express their interest in being part of a coalition on reforming research assessment.18.01.2022
Members of the Open Science community react to the UNESCO Recommendation
« We asked 11 leading experts and advocates of the Open Science and Open Access movement to share their views on…14.01.2022
Les Journées européennes de la science ouverte (OSEC) /Open Science European Conference (OSEC), vendredi 4 février et samedi 5 février 2022
« Cette conférence internationale est organisée par l’Académie des sciences, le Centre national de la…14.01.2022
Open Science – For Whom?
« Who can participate in Open Science and whose interests are served? Open Science in principle holds the potential to reduce…12.01.2022
How to be FAIR with your data. A teaching and training handbook for higher education institutions
« This handbook aims to support higher education institutions that are integrating Research Data Management (RDM) skills and Findable, Accessible, Interoperable…10.01.2022
Announcing the Catalog of Open Infrastructure Services (COIs)
« Today we are excited to share the first look at the Catalog of Open Infrastructure Services (COIs).06.01.2022
NASA Year of Open Science Set to Launch in 2023
« Since it was authorized by Congress in 1958, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) has been committed to sharing…05.01.2022
Developing an open science ‘mindset’
« Identification of widespread biases present…04.01.2022
Results of Eurodoc survey on Open Science and scholarly publishing focused on early career researchers
In March 2021, the European Commission launched ‘Open Research Europe‘ (ORE), an Open Access Publishing Platform for…03.01.2022
Promoting Open Science: A Holistic Approach to Changing Behaviour
« In this article, we provide a toolbox of recommendations and resources for those aspiring to promote the uptake of open…03.01.2022
Enabling open science and societal engagement in research
« This report presents insights and recommendations from a workshop held on 1 July 2021 attended by beneficiaries of the…24.12.2021
1 December 2021 CoNOSC meeting
« Eager to discuss developments in OS policies across Europe, the members of CoNOSC gathered for the third time on 1…23.12.2021
The pandemic and the changing publishing scene in Africa
« As the world is still grappling with the pandemic and its devastating effects, the need for rapid and affordable means…20.12.2021
« Open science en droit et carrière scientifique et universitaire » – 19/11/2021 [vidéo]
« Table ronde « Open science et carrière scientifique et universitaire » – 19/11/2021, Rendez-vous des Transformations du droit Intervenant.es :…20.12.2021
Open Science in university approaches to academic assessment
« This report analyses the place of Open Science in the academic assessment approaches of universities across Europe. It answers…20.12.2021
Knowledge Exchange Newsletter December 2021
The December 2021 Knowledge Exchange newsletter is out now! This newsletter summarises our latest work and updates on new…16.12.2021
Lettre de la science ouverte | numéro 27
« Dans le cadre de la présidence française de l’Union européenne, la France organise un événement international majeur Les Journées…07.12.2021
Les Journées européennes de la science ouverte (OSEC) / Paris, Open Science European Conference (OSEC) 2022
« Dans le cadre de la présidence française de l’Union européenne, la France organise un événement international majeur : Les…02.12.2021
OpenAIRE: Open Science Observatory: Understanding the European open science landscape, 15 December 2021 [webinar]
« This OpenAIRE Webinar aims to present the Open Science Observatory (https://osobservatory.openaire.eu/), a platform that presents a collection…02.12.2021
Equity in Open Access [ALLEA Statement]
« The statement “Equity in Open Access” addresses how “gold” open access publishing routes and large read-and-write deals…30.11.2021
Towards a reform of the research assessment system
« Reforming research assessment is increasingly considered a priority to ensure the quality, performance and impact of research. Reform, however, requires…29.11.2021
Open Science Monitor 2020 Utrecht University
« This is the first version of the Open Science monitor on awareness, attitudes and behaviours in relation to 10 open…25.11.2021
Lettre de la science ouverte | numéro spécial
« Résultats du 2e appel à projet du Fonds national pour la science ouverte en faveur de la publication scientifique ouverte…25.11.2021
Health sciences librarians’ engagement in open science: a scoping review
« Objectives: To identify the engagement of health sciences librarians (HSLs) in open science (OS) through the delivery of library services,…24.11.2021
Recommandation de l’UNESCO sur une science ouverte
« La Conférence générale de l’Organisation des Nations Unies pour l’éducation, la science et la culture (UNESCO), réunie à Paris du…23.11.2021
Recognition & Rewards in the Netherlands [podcast]
« In this episode, Kim Huijpen from the Association of Universities in the Netherlands (VSNU) tells about the programme following the…22.11.2021
Open for you! An introduction series to open science
« Everything you always wanted to know about open science but were afraid to ask! The vision of science we…15.11.2021
16th Munin Conference on Scholarly Publishing 2021. November 16–18, 2021[vidéos]
« Munin Conference is an annual conference on scholarly publishing and communication, primarily revolving around open access, open data, and open…09.11.2021
Dutch Research Council (NWO) : Open Science Fund 2021 awarded grants
« Twenty-six projects related to open science are set to receive a financial stimulus of up to 50,000 euros. It concerns…09.11.2021