
ESCAPE to the Future | 25 & 26 October 2022 – Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences | Brussels, Belgium
« ESCAPE (European Science Cluster of Astronomy & Particle physics ESFRI research infrastructures) is an H2020 project and one of the five ESFRis clusters that aims to produce versatile solutions to support the implementation of EOS, encourage cross-fertilisation and foster joint multiwavelength/multi-messenger capabilities in the astronomy, astrophysics and particle astrophysics communities. The project brings together a cluster with ESFRIs projects with aligned challenges of data-driven research, with demonstrated capabilities in addressing various stages of data workflow and concerned with fundamental research through complementary approaches. To support the EOSC implementation, ESCAPE has created the “EOSC Cell”, a cross-border and multidisciplinary environment to enable the EOSC community to adopt the services, e-infrastructures, and data stewardship of ESFRI projects.
• Citizen Science (CS): an open gateway dedicated to the public through Citizen Science and communication actions.
• Data Infrastructure for Open Science (DIOS): a scalable federated data infrastructure as the basis of an open access data service for the ESFRIs projects within ESCAPE and concerned by Exabyte-scale data volumes.
• ESFRI Science Analysis Platform (ESAP): a flexible science platform for the analysis of open access data.
• Open Science Software and Service Repository (OSSR): the repository of scientific software services of the research infrastructures concerned by the ESCAPE.
• Virtual Observatory (VO): astronomical high-level products archive and related services. (…) »
source > youtube.com, ESCAPE_EU , 9 août 2022