Mot-clé : european-open-science-cloud-eosc
EOSC Winter School 2025 promotes community alignment in EOSC Federation build-up phase
« The second edition of the EOSC Winter School convened a diverse group of EOSC stakeholders to align work plans, leverage…28.01.2025
The European Open Science Cloud as a common good Potentials and limitations of this endeavour
« The European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) is envisioned as a transformative platform for advancing Open Science, aimed at benefiting a…21.01.2025
EOSC France 2025 Événement National Tripartite – 11-12 sept. 2025 Paris (France)
« Welcome to the EOSC France Tripartite Event 2025 ! The European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) aims…09.01.2025
FAIRfest: Celebrating advancements of FAIR solutions in EOSC
« FAIR-IMPACT and FAIRCORE4EOSC partners are glad to invite the broad European research community to FAIRfest, a festival celebrating advancements of…10.12.2024
Launch of 2nd OSCARS Open Call for Open Science Projects and Services – 15 January 2025
« (…) Researchers from all scientific disciplines are welcome to apply to the 2nd OSCARS Open Call before March 17th, 2025,…05.11.2024
EOSC Association publishes reflection paper on Letta report
« (…) Titled, Why EOSC is pivotal for European Competitiveness, the paper elaborates an easy-to-understand narrative for EOSC…31.10.2024
The European Commission Announces the EOSC EU Node’s Transition to Full Production
« The European Commission is pleased to announce the official launch of the EOSC EU Node services, marking a critical milestone…24.10.2024
EOSC Symposium 2024: Outcomes and resources | 21-23 October, Berlin (Germany)
« Welcome to the official outcomes and resources page for the EOSC Symposium 2024! Here you will…04.10.2024
EOSC National Tripartite Event: France
« PARIS — France hosted its third National Tripartite Event on 12-13 September 2024 at Institut Henri Poincaré. Co-organised by the…02.10.2024
Recherche Data Gouv dans le paysage d’EOSC
« Recherche Data Gouv s’inscrit au niveau européen notamment à travers deux grandes actions : Contribuer à la mise en…02.09.2024
Exploring France’s long-standing commitment to Open Science: Interview with Laurent Romary of Inria
« In this insightful interview, Laurent Romary, Director for Scientific Information and Culture at the National Institute…13.08.2024
FAIR-IMPACT | The FAIR National Roadshow series is visiting France on the 11th of September 2024! [Inscription]
FRENCH DATA REPOSITORIES AND THEIR USE OF SEMANTICS « This hybrid event will be hosted by INRAE, Paris, France. It will…05.08.2024
EOSC Symposium 2024 | 21-23 October, Berlin (Germany)
« The EOSC Symposium 2024 will be a critical event on the path to EOSC post-2027. It is a key event…27.06.2024
FAIR-IMPACT materials for community review
« Guidelines for creating a user tailored EOSC Compliant PID Policy – D3.3 – Open for comments until 31 August 2024…26.06.2024
EOSC France 2024 : Évènement National Tripartite – 12 et 13 septembre 2024 – Paris
« Cet événement est organisé par l’INRIA et le Collège EOSC-France. Ces journées vous permettront…18.06.2024
Opinion paper on advanced digitalisation of research
« Research reproducibility and data usability will be enhanced if the advanced digitalisation of data collection, validation, analysis, and simulation will…18.06.2024
Opinion paper on FAIR data productivity
« In this opinion paper, the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) Steering Board identifies key recommendations developed upon consultation of the…29.05.2024
« Les infrastructures sont un pilier essentiel pour la stratégie de recherche européenne »
« Coordonnées par différents pays et soutenues par l’Union européenne, les infrastructures de recherche jouent un rôle crucial dans la promotion…24.05.2024
Présidence belge Conseil de l’Union européenne | Durabilité des infrastructures électroniques et de l’Open Science Cloud européen, 5 juin 2024 [Atelier e-IRG]
« Le groupe de réflexion sur les infrastructures électroniques (e-IRG) organise chaque année deux ateliers ouverts, chacun sous les auspices de…13.05.2024
Report on the EOSC Winter School
« The report contains a summary of the preparation, main activities, and outcome of the first EOSC Winter School, organised in…22.04.2024
Fair Data productivity and advanced digitalization of research: an opinion paper by the ESFRI-EOSC Task Force and Steering Board expert group (E03756)
(…) The ESFRI-EOSC Task Force has embarked on a concerted effort to address the issue of Quality-Assessed FAIR-Data (QAFAIRD) productivity. Key…18.04.2024
Feedback opportunity for Horizon Europe work programme 2025 now open!
« Contribute to the development of the Horizon Europe work programme 2025 by filling in one or more surveys. (…)…25.03.2024
Open Call for EOSC Association Task Force Members
« The EOSC Association has reconfigured its Task Forces (TFs). Candidates interested in becoming a TF member are invited to submit…04.03.2024
Présidence belge 2024 du Conseil de l’Union européenne | EOSC tripartite event – 16 avril 2024, Bruxelles
« Le cloud européen pour la science ouverte (EOSC) et les politiques nationales / régionales en matière de science ouverte…20.02.2024
EOSC au CNRS 2024 – 6 février 2024 [vidéos & slides]
« Le 6 février 2024, la Direction des données ouvertes de la recherche a organisé la journée «…19.12.2023
Horizon Europe: New Eosc Projects Set To Launch In 2024
« As we near the end of another year, it is worth applauding the forthcoming chapter of projects scheduled to commence…08.12.2023
Avis sur la culture des données FAIR de l’EOSC
« (…) Le groupe d’experts…21.11.2023
“Be sustainable”: EOSC-Life recommendations for implementation of FAIR principles in life science data handling
« The main goals and challenges for the life science communities in the Open Science framework are to increase reuse and…08.11.2023
EOSC Compliant PID Implementations – Practical Guidelines for Implementing Best Practices – 21 November 2023
« A look into how you can adapt existing PID implementation best practices and apply them to your domain and work…06.11.2023
FAIR EVA: Bringing institutional multidisciplinary repositories into the FAIR picture
« (…) This paper describes FAIR EVA, a new tool developed within the European Open Science Cloud context that is oriented…03.10.2023
Roundup from the EOSC Symposium 2023
« This year, the EOSC Symposium took place in Madrid from 20-22 September under the Spanish Presidency of…06.09.2023
Interlinking EOSC and the Danish national agenda: the Danish e-Infrastructure Consortium
« The main scope of EOSC Association Mandated Organisations is to elevate EOSC to a high level on their respective national…23.08.2023
Converging on a Semantic Interoperability Framework for the European Data Space for Science, Research and Innovation (EOSC)
« Semantic interoperability (SI) is at the heart of the FAIR principles and of the design of large scale cross disciplinary…02.08.2023
#EOSCsymposium23 | FAIRCORE4EOSC
« EOSC Future, in collaboration with the EOSC Tripartite Partnership consisting of the EOSC Association,…04.07.2023
Rapport de la Commission au Conseil et au Parlement Européen | Premier rapport bisannuel sur la mise en œuvre de l’approche mondiale de la recherche et de l’innovation
« (…) Le présent document est le premier rapport bisannuel faisant le point sur les progrès accomplis en vue de la…30.06.2023
#EOSC | National Tripartite Event: France
« After the EOSC-France virtual days in 2021 and 2022, the first in-person Tripartite Event in France was hosted by the…27.06.2023
EOSC SYMPOSIUM 2023 | 20-22 September 2023, Madrid, Spain
« One event, many different EOSC stakeholders From 20-22 September 2023, the EOSC Symposium will take place in Madrid, in the…26.06.2023
Bienvenue à l’EOSC France
« L’European Open Science Cloud vise à fournir aux chercheurs européens un accès transparent aux données, services et e-infrastructures FAIR. (…) »21.06.2023
Le G6 prépare le futur de l’Europe de la recherche
« Suite à un symposium en avril, les présidents du G6, dont le PDG du CNRS, présentent aujourd’hui leurs recommandations communes…20.06.2023
#eoscfrance2023 | Événement tripartite de l’EOSC France, 13-14 juin 2023, Montpellier (France) [vidéos, supports]
« L’European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) vise à fournir aux chercheurs européens un accès transparent aux données, services…24.05.2023
EOSC : la science ouverte à l’échelle européenne
« Fin mai, la Commission européenne vient échanger avec le CNRS sur le futur de l’European Open Science Cloud (EOSC), qui…05.05.2023
#eoscfrance2023 | Événement tripartite de l’EOSC France, 13-14 juin 2023, Montpellier (France)
« L’European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) vise à fournir aux chercheurs européens un accès transparent aux données, services…21.02.2023
EOSC-A signs global Agreement on Reforming Research Assessment
« On Friday, 17 February, the EOSC Association was formally recognized as a signatory to the Agreement on Reforming Research Assessment,…10.02.2023
How a European network of FAIR-enabling Trustworthy Data Repositories can align to the vision of EOSC
« This paper is a response from the EOSC Association Long Term Data Preservation Task Force to the working paper “…12.01.2023
RDA/EOSC FUTURE Open Call | Optimising (RDA) Open Science Frameworks and Guidelines in the context of EOSC – Round 2
« This call invites applications from research groups, including the RDA groups, to demonstrate how RDA-developed data sharing…14.12.2022
EOSC SYMPOSIUM 2022 [vidéos]
« Below you will find the recordings from the EOSC Symposium 2022 Plenary Sessions. For specific thematic sessions and talks, all…05.12.2022
Federating research infrastructures in Europe for FAIR access to data: Science Europe Briefing on EOSC
The European research and innovation ecosystem is going through a period of profound change. Researchers, organisations that fund or perform…28.11.2022
Building EOSC. Together
« National e-infrastructures are key actors in driving the development and implementation of the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC). But how…22.11.2022
A survey of the European Open Science Cloud services for expanding the capacity and capabilities of multidisciplinary scientific applications
« Open Science is a paradigm in which scientific data, procedures, tools and results are shared transparently and reused by society…16.11.2022
Results of Horizon 2020 EOSC-related Projects
« The European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) is taking shape thanks to the European Commission’s Horizon 2020 and Horizon Europe grant…08.11.2022
Putting FAIR into practice to support the EOSC vision: FAIR-IMPACT & FAIRCORE4EOSC featured into GÉANT’s CONNECT 41 issue!
« Since 2015, the EOSC concept has put on the table the idea of realising an open and trusted environment for…04.10.2022
Highlights DANS Data Trail ‘How the EOSC Association stimulates community based Open Science’
« During the online DANS Data Trail ‘How the EOSC Association stimulates community-based Open Science’, DANS’ projectstaff presented several EOSC Association…15.09.2022
Actualités EOSC
« Au sein d’Horizon Europe, l’EOSC fait partie du programme d’infrastructure de recherche du premier pilier. Sur la première vague d’appels…12.09.2022
EOSC-Pillar Final Event – October 25, 26, 27 2022 – Paris (France)
« The EOSC-Pillar Final Conference: Building an EOSC from National Contributions will highlight some of the main results of the EOSC-Pillar…10.08.2022
FAIR-EASE Kick-Off Meeting 20-22 Sep 2022 Paris (France)
« FAIR-EASE : Building Interoperable Earth Science & Environmental Services Earth and environmental sciences require a large panel and volume of…09.08.2022
ESCAPE to the Future | 25 & 26 October 2022 – Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences | Brussels, Belgium
« ESCAPE (European Science Cluster of Astronomy & Particle physics ESFRI research infrastructures) is an H2020 project and one of the…12.07.2022
FAIR-IMPACT and FAIRCORE4EOSC, two acronyms to remember
« (…) In 2015 the vision of a European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) emerged. EOSC would provide an open and trusted…08.07.2022
Open Science policies and resource provisioning in the Nordic and Baltic countries (second report)
« For this deliverable, the authors have surveyed and described any policy and similar documentation such as written guidelines, policies et.al.14.06.2022
EOSC Finnish Forum 8 June 2022 | EOSC impact & uptake at institutional level: benefits & challenges [vidéos & slides]
« One of the key objectives of EOSC is to ensure that Open Science practises and skills are rewarded and taught,…30.05.2022
National Policies relevant to EOSC deployment – Workshop Report
« On 4 May 2022, EOSC Synergy, together with EOSC-Pillar, EOSC Nordic,…13.05.2022
NeIC 2022 – Workshop “EOSC in the Nordics: from policy to practice” | 30 mai 2022
« The EOSC-Nordic workshop “EOSC in the Nordics: from policy to practice” will be co-located with NeIC conference 2022 to be…12.05.2022