Mot-clé : open-science
[#SCIENCEOUVERTE] Projet DIAMAS : une subvention pour développer la publication en accès libre par voie diamant en Europe
« Aix-Marseille Université, la cOAlition S et Science Europe ont le plaisir d’annoncer leur participation à un projet Horizon Europe intitulé…20.09.2022
DIAMAS Receives Grant to Develop Diamond Open Access Publishing in Europe
« Aix-Marseille Université, cOAlition S, and Science Europe are pleased to announce that they are participating in a Horizon Europe project…20.09.2022
NISO’s “Building Access, Openness, and Sharing” | September 28, 2022
« What do we need in order to build a research environment where streamlined digital access is the norm? Addressing technical…19.09.2022
Université Grenoble Alpes | Open Science Days @UGA « codes et logiciels de recherche », 13-15 décembre 2022, Grenoble
« La science ouverte tient désormais une place essentielle dans le processus de recherche. Cette dynamique s’inscrit dans de nombreuses initiatives…15.09.2022
Recalibrating the Scope of Scholarly Publishing: A Modest Step in a Vast Decolonization Process
« By analyzing 25,671 journals largely absent from journal counts and indexes, this study demonstrates that scholarly communication is more of…15.09.2022
Research Data Management as a prerequisite for Open Research Data at Helmholtz, Workshop Forschungsdatenmanagement in der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft (.pdf)
(…) The Helmholtz Association is leading in generating, managing and providing access to research data. •…12.09.2022
Chapter XXXVIII of Focus on Open Science | 27 September 2022, Paris
« Open Science describes the current transition in how research is undertaken, how the outputs are stored and disseminated, how researchers…07.09.2022
European national OS policymakers discuss data stewards
« The Council of National Open Science Coordinators (CoNOSC) met in June 2022 for a face-to-face meeting at the inspirational…05.09.2022
10 years of the IFLA open access statement: a call to action
« Full and immediate free access to research outputs and publications ensures that everyone – including researchers, policy makers, citizens, scientists,…02.09.2022
First Line Research Data Management for Life Sciences: a Case Study
« Modern life sciences studies depend on the collection, management and analysis of comprehensive datasets in what has become data-intensive research.16.08.2022
cOAlition S: Monkeypox and open access: time to change the narrative
For the fourth time in less than seven years, the community of science and technology leaders have issued a statement…11.08.2022
Ithaka S+R: Leveraging Data Communities to Advance Open Science
« (…)“Leveraging Data Communities to Advance Open Science,” a multi-session incubation workshop made possible with generous funding from a National Science…09.08.2022
Open access research repositories provide diversity and innovation publishers can’t match – they have a critical role in archiving, preserving and sharing the diverse content produced by universities
« (…) Repositories have a critical role in archiving, preserving and sharing the diverse content produced by universities so it can…09.08.2022
ESCAPE to the Future | 25 & 26 October 2022 – Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences | Brussels, Belgium
« ESCAPE (European Science Cluster of Astronomy & Particle physics ESFRI research infrastructures) is an H2020 project and one of the…05.08.2022
La ministre de l’Enseignement supérieur et de la Recherche co-signe l’appel international pour le libre-accès immédiat aux données scientifiques relatives à la variole du singe
« Alors que le monde fait face à une nouvelle épidémie infectieuse, tout en continuant à lutter contre la pandémie de…29.07.2022
Science Europe Open Science Conference | 18,19 October 2022
« Science Europe is organising a conference on Open Science on 18 and 19 October 2022. The event will bring together…28.07.2022
Rethinking the a in FAIR Data: Issues of Data Access and Accessibility in Research
« The FAIR data principles are rapidly becoming a standard through which to assess responsible and reproducible research. In contrast to…21.07.2022
The launch of Octopus: the new primary research record [vidéo]
« We need to break down the barriers that block access to research, to remove the hierarchies and change the incentives…19.07.2022
Open Science Knowledge Production: Addressing Epistemological Challenges and Ethical Implications
« (…) Despite great enthusiasm, there are also several challenges with OS. In order to ensure that OS obtains its benefits,…18.07.2022
White House Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP): Desirable Characteristics of Data Repositories for Federally Funded Research
« This document aims to improve consistency across Federal departments and agencies in the instructions they provide to researchers about selecting…18.07.2022
La recherche française, moteur d’un nouveau modèle d’IA
« Entraîné par le supercalculateur Jean Zay et impliquant de nombreux chercheurs CNRS, le plus grand modèle de langue multilingue et…12.07.2022
Livraison du plus grand modèle de langue multilingue « open science » jamais entraîné
« S’ils fournissent régulièrement des résultats fascinants, les grands modèles d’intelligence artificielle sont généralement des boîtes noires : on ne sait…08.07.2022
Open Science policies and resource provisioning in the Nordic and Baltic countries (second report)
« For this deliverable, the authors have surveyed and described any policy and similar documentation such as written guidelines, policies et.al.07.07.2022
Open research data: A case study into institutional and infrastructural arrangements to stimulate open research data sharing and reuse
« This study investigates which combination of institutional and infrastructural arrangements positively impact research data sharing and…07.07.2022
[Italy] Green light for the National Plan for Open Science
ICDI and its Competence Centre is recognised as an enabler of the process to make Open Science ‘the new normal’…06.07.2022
Solutions for FAIR Open Science in Europe: the FAIR-IMPACT project kicks-off
« In 2015 the vision of a European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) emerged. EOSC would provide an open and trusted environment…30.06.2022
Copie certifiée conforme de la Recommandation sur une science ouverte adoptée à l’unanimité par la Conférence générale lors de sa 41e session en novembre 2021
« (…) La Recommandation sur une science ouverte met l’accent sur le potentiel transformateur de la science ouverte pour réduire les…29.06.2022
A new European policy for Open Science
« It was almost one year ago – in preparation for the French Presidency of the Council of the European Union…23.06.2022
La SMF (Société mathématique de France) s’engage dans la science ouverte
« Depuis 1873, la SMF édite des livres et des revues de mathématiques en conciliant indépendance, prix modérés et pérennité économique.21.06.2022
Open Science and the academic profession: the case of training for Research Data Management
« Open science is considered a new science paradigm to make research accessible, accountable, and effective. This paradigm is already changing…21.06.2022
OpenCitations, an open e-infrastructure to foster maximum reuse of citation data
« OpenCitations is an independent not-for-profit infrastructure organization for open scholarship dedicated to the publication of open bibliographic and citation data…20.06.2022
Data papers… and FAIR
« In a scientific ecosystem increasingly oriented towards the perspective of Open Science, data papers are a new species of scholarly…20.06.2022
Data FAIRification in a cross-institutional governance framework : recommendations from the ANR-BRIDGE project
« Open science is a priority for the European Commission, fostering research data management policies and infrastructures. In France, the Second…17.06.2022
#IYBSSD2022 | Pour que la « science ouverte » devienne une réalité, il faut faire avancer des questions clés
« Selon Peter Gluckman, président du Conseil international de la science (CIS), pour faire de la science ouverte une réalité, il…17.06.2022
From intent to impact: Investigating the effects of open sharing commitments
« This report explores the impact of calls to rapidly and openly share COVID-19 research findings to inform the public health…16.06.2022
The Role of Data in an Emerging Research Community: Environmental Health Research as an Exemplar
« Open science data benefit society by facilitating convergence across domains that are examining the same scientific problem. While cross-disciplinary data…15.06.2022
Horizon Europe: OpenAIRE Guides for Researchers
« Horizon Europe is the European Commission’s 2021-2027 research funding programme for research and innovation. One of the…14.06.2022
[OpenAIRE Webinar] Horizon Europe Open Science requirements in practice, 14 June 2022
« This webinar talked about the Open Science policies for Open Access to scientific publications and Research Data Management and Sharing…14.06.2022
EOSC Finnish Forum 8 June 2022 | EOSC impact & uptake at institutional level: benefits & challenges [vidéos & slides]
« One of the key objectives of EOSC is to ensure that Open Science practises and skills are rewarded and taught,…13.06.2022
ESOF2022 Panel on Multilingualism (online) 15 July 2022
« The ESOF2022 online Panel the 15th of July (3:45 pm – 5:00 pm CET) explores tensions between and ways to…13.06.2022
Le Conseil établit des orientations politiques sur la coopération internationale, la science ouverte et les missions européennes
Aujourd’hui, les ministres européens chargés de la Recherche ont adopté trois séries de conclusions établissant des orientations politiques sur la coopération…10.06.2022
European Commission | Directorate General for Research and Innovation: Assessing the reproducibility of research results in EU Framework Programmes for Research [Final Report]
« The objective of the study “Assessing the reproducibility of research results in EU Framework Programmes for Research” is to assist…10.06.2022
Fair Metrics for FAIR Software [vidéo & slides]
« Open Science entails that all research resources, including software, should be FAIR (findable, accessible, interoperable, reusable). This comes with a…01.06.2022
Cooperation Agreement Among ReDCLARA/LA Referencia And REDALYC
La science ouverte dans le domaine de la bioéconomie. Entretien avec Marianne Duquenne
« (…) Le sujet de ma thèse porte sur l’application de la science ouverte dans le domaine de…18.05.2022
The Guild: Diversity, sustainability and quality must be the hallmarks of academic publishing in Europe
« Ahead of the June Competitiveness Council, where the ministers will be invited to adopt conclusions on research assessment and implementation…17.05.2022
Policies, Practices, and Tools to Promote Open Science. Latin America and the Caribbean and the European Union in Trans-regional Perspective
« This document is largely based on the presentations and discussions during…12.05.2022
SciELO Preprints server completes two years of operation, contributing to the advancement of Open Science
« The positioning of the SciELO Program as an open science program, provided for the creation of a preprints’ server,…10.05.2022
cOAlition S invites the research community to complete the Plan S impact survey
« cOAlition S is monitoring developments in the Open Science landscape and is seeking feedback from the research community about their…09.05.2022
An Open Science Roadmap for Swedish Higher Education Institutions
« In the spring of 2021, a National Open Science Roadmap for Swedish Higher Education Institutions (HEI) was adopted by The…05.05.2022
Political Commitment toward Open Science: Open4DE Spotlight on the Open Access Landscape in France
« (…) The open access movement in France plays a vital role since the beginning in the European region. Already around…02.05.2022
The Data Paper: A new video series co-produced by EOSC-Pillar
« An exciting series of three videos on the subject of data papers has just been published, co-produced by EOSC-Pillar in…29.04.2022
Octopus: A new way to open and transparent research
« (…) Octopus is an innovative new open science platform created by Dr Alexanda Freeman that is…29.04.2022
UNESCO launches a global call for best practices in open science
« Further to the adoption of the UNESCO Recommendation on Open Science in November 2021, UNESCO is launching a Global Call…28.04.2022
CoNOSC Member Needs
« The report was put together for the Council for National Open Science Coordination (CoNOSC) by…28.04.2022
Comprendre la science ouverte (.pdf)
« Ce cours a été créé à partir du MOOC FOSTER Open Science et adapté à la France.27.04.2022
Extending the open monitoring of open science: A new framework for the French Open Science Monitor (BSO)
« We present a new Open Science Monitor framework at the country level for the case of France. We propose a…25.04.2022
Caching and Reproducibility: Making Data Science Experiments Faster and FAIRer
« Small to medium-scale data science experiments often rely on research software developed ad-hoc by individual scientists or small teams. Often…22.04.2022
Arqus Openness Position Paper
« The Openness Position Paper published by the Arqus European University Alliance emphasises that Arqus institutions, in line with the policies,…22.04.2022
What does Open Science mean for disciplines where pen and paper are still the main working methods?
« Open Science and its wider application to the social sciences and humanities, is predicated on the idea that research can…20.04.2022
Institutionalizing Open Science in Africa: Limitations and Prospects
« The advancement of scientific research and raising the next-generation scientists in Africa depend largely on science access. The COVID-19 pandemic…19.04.2022