
Roadmap and budget projections for a technology-based collaborative translation service dedicated to open scholarly communication – Open Call for Proposal
« Company Background
OPERAS is the Research Infrastructure supporting open scholarly communication in the social sciences and humanities (SSH) in the European Research Area. (…)
With research becoming increasingly international and open to society, the quest for sustainable and balanced multilingualism in scholarly communication is more than ever a subject of interest to many stakeholders, from universities and research institutions to academic publishers and policy makers. While translation can be easily identified as one of the possible solutions to foster language diversity in science, especially in light of the recent developments in natural language processing and translation technologies, the landscape of scientific translation practices and needs is too complex to implement a one-size-fit-all approach, taking into account all the qualitative, organisational, technical and financial requirements. In order to become a more systematic practice, scientific translation requires specific challenges to be addressed, such as optimising translation processes and language resources, clarifying complex legal and technical frameworks, attracting specialised experts capable of translating highly technical texts and making the most out of the allocated budgets. (…) »
source > operas-eu.org, 1 mars 2023