Mot-clé : appel-a-contribution
Les Français et la science : le CNRS lance une grande consultation
« Jusqu’au 31 janvier 2025, le CNRS organise une grande consultation nationale inédite avec une question centrale : Comment les sciences…21.11.2024
Lancement de l’enquête sur les contributions de l’Enseignement Supérieur et la Recherche à l’écosystème des logiciels « Open Source »
« Le collège Codes sources et logiciels du Comité pour la science ouverte lance une enquête visant à…29.07.2024
Skills4EOSC | Science for Policy Survey: your input matters!
« The Science for Policy task group within the Skills4EOSC Project is reaching out to the community for crucial input. We…22.07.2024
Open Consultation: Crafting a vision for European Repositories
« In January 2023, OpenAIRE, LIBER, SPARC Europe, and COAR unveiled a joint strategy to strengthen…18.06.2024
Appel à contributions de l’UNESCO sur un projet de principes de suivi de la science ouverte
« Après la journée d’étude internationale Building an Open Science Monitoring Framework with Open Technologies organisée en décembre…18.04.2024
Feedback opportunity for Horizon Europe work programme 2025 now open!
« Contribute to the development of the Horizon Europe work programme 2025 by filling in one or more surveys. (…)…26.03.2024
Requesting Your Feedback on DataCite Metadata Schema Changes
« The DataCite Metadata Working Group has been working on the next batch of Metadata Schema changes—and…11.01.2024
Wikipédia | Campagne #1Lib1Ref 2024 : à vos contributions !
« Du 15 janvier au 5 février – puis du 15 mai au 5 juin – a lieu l’édition 2024 de…05.12.2023
Towards responsible publishing: a proposal from cOAlition S
« (…) In our draft proposal, we propose a vision and a set of principles that a future scholarly communication system…20.10.2023
Le consortium DataCite France lance un appel à participation
« Le Comité Exécutif du Consortium DataCite France met en place des groupes de travail ouverts à l’ensemble de la communauté…06.06.2023
DIAMAS launches an open call to identify reference materials
« As part of its scope to support Open Access Diamond and institutional publishing, DIAMAS is launching a campaign to gather…02.06.2023
COAR community consultation on managing non-English and multilingual content in repositories
« COAR welcomes your input on 16 draft recommendations for managing non-English and multilingual content in repositories. These…16.05.2023
Take Knowledge Exchange’s survey and share your thoughts on practices that support reproducible research
« Are you interested in practices that support scaling of research reproducibility? Then Knowledge Exchange invites you…14.03.2023
Enquête sur les pratiques de navigation sur BnF Gallica et OpenEdition : appel à participation
« Dans le cadre du projet « Naviguer le savoir à l’ère numérique. Une étude des pratiques de navigation sur Gallica…23.02.2023
Experimenting with open science practices at the STI 2023 conference
« As organizers of the STI 2023 conference, we introduce two open science experiments: We adopt a new…02.11.2022
AAC – Final TRIPLE conference, 1–3 February 2023 in Bonn, Germany
Improving Discovery and Collaboration in Open Science « Since 2019 the TRIPLE project has been developing the multilingual discovery platform…13.09.2022
Proposed DataCite Metadata Schema Changes: Your Feedback Needed!
The DataCite Metadata Working Group has been working on the next version of the metadata schema—and…08.02.2022
Open Consultation – COAR Community Framework for Good Practices in Repositories
« The Framework brings together relevant criteria developed by other communities (and refined by the COAR Repository Assessment…24.01.2022
Call for Proposals – ADBU-LIBER Study 2022 – Science and Knowledge Openness: Developing Open Science Skills and Competencies in the Academic World
« ADBU, Association of directors and management staff of academic libraries and documentation, and LIBER, Ligue des Bibliothèques Européennes de Recherche…14.12.2021
Appel à contributions – Journées d’étude humanités numériques et Web sémantique. 21-22 juin 2022, Nancy
« (…) Ces journées francophones ont pour objectif de rassembler des chercheurs en SHS et des chercheurs menant des travaux dans…02.11.2021
Join a DataCite Steering Group!
« DataCite is a membership and community organization and we encourage involvement from people that share our vision. To help guide…13.10.2021
Journées d’étude – Humanités numériques et Web sémantique, 21-22 juin 2022 Nancy (France) [Appel à contributions]
« Le terme d’humanités numériques caractérise une communauté et un ensemble de pratiques relatives aux usages numériques pour les sciences humaines…30.09.2021
Travaillons ensemble afin de construire un écosystème en bonne santé pour la science ouverte !
« La Coalition mondiale pour la durabilité des services de la science ouverte (SCOSS), membre de…28.09.2021
SCOSS | Third Funding Cycle
« Members of the Open Science community are surely no strangers to the three Open Science Infrastructures selected for the 3rd…27.09.2021
#boai20 – Budapest Open Access Initiative (BOAI) 20th Anniversary: Questions for the OA community
« The Budapest Open Access Initiative (BOAI) – the first international open access declaration – will celebrate its…09.08.2021
Principles and standards for OA arrangements between libraries, consortia and smaller independent publishers
« On behalf of cOAlition S and ALPSP, we are seeking expressions of interest from people who would like to work…04.08.2021
Coronavirus disinformation: online platforms take new actions and call for more players to join the Code of Practice
« The Commission has published the reports by Facebook, Twitter, TikTok, Microsoft and Google on measures taken in June to combat…02.06.2021
Dossier RFSIC N° 24 | Data Paper : émergence d’une nouvelle donne scientifique – appel à contribution
« (…) Les enjeux de la science ouverte (Open Science) et du libre accès aux publications scientifique se prolongent donc par…04.03.2021
A Plan S for books: Voices from the Community
« What should a Plan S for books look like? This is a question we’ve been thinking about at…openaccessbooksnetwork.hcommons.org, Lucy Barnes, 25 février 2021
EOSC Architecture PID, AAI and SIRS Task Forces – Draft documents out for comments
« The Architecture Working Group is releasing three documents delivered by its Task Forces on Authentication and…21.10.2020
Request for Information – Price and Service Transparency Framework: building a service to provide access to publisher services and pricing data
« On behalf of cOAlition S, the European Science Foundation is exploring the feasibility of procuring an online, web-based service that…20.10.2020
Towards a Transformation of Research Assessment in Latin America and the Caribbean (virtual event)
« The Latin American Council of Social Sciences (CLACSO), an academic network created in 1967 and today gathering…14.10.2020
Lancement d’une consultation sur la Politique publique de la donnée
« Dans le cadre de la mission Politique publique de la donnée, une consultation est lancée pour…10.08.2020
Overlay model for peer review on repositories – open for public comment
« COAR is pleased to share with you a proposed model for a standardised approach to peer review of resources in…01.07.2020
Participez à l’élaboration de la nouvelle feuille de route open data d’Etalab !
« Vers une nouvelle feuille de route open data Depuis la création d’Etalab en 2011,…30.06.2020
Usages et pratiques des outils numériques chez les chercheurs en France [enquête]
« Quelles sont vos pratiques des outils numériques et autour des données de recherche ? State of open science practices…03.06.2020
FREYA Project: Guides to Choosing Persistent Identifiers – Version 1
« The FREYA Project has compiled short guides to help with choosing persistent identifiers for various types of entities. These first…12.05.2020
Du 15 mai au 15 juin sur Wikipedia c’est : #1Lib1Ref 2020 (1 bibliothécaire, 1 référence) – 6e édition
« Du 15 mai au 5 juin 2020 aura lieu dans plusieurs pays la campagne #1Lib1Ref à destination des bibliothécaires…11.05.2020
TRIPLE User Research Survey
« (…)The questionnaire is specifically targeted at researchers and academics from the Social Sciences and Humanities (SSH) at any stage of…21.04.2020
Journées Omeka 2020 — Nancy les 13 et 14 octobre
« Omeka est devenu un des principaux outils d’édition et de valorisation de corpus, de fonds, d’archives…10.04.2020
Help advance library publishing infrastructure with your ideas!
« From CDL/Educopia/Stratos/LYRASIS/COAR/Longleaf Request for Ideas (3/31-4/24) We know these are complicated times, and you are enduring challenges in…03.04.2020
UNESCO: Contribute to the global discussion on Open Science
(…) Are you a scientist, a publisher, a science policy maker or someone with experience and interest in Open Science?…27.03.2020
Exploring collaborative non-commercial publishing models for Open Access: Apply to perform a study
« cOAlition S publishes today, 27 March 2020, a call for an informed study containing an analysis and overview of collaborative…25.03.2020
RDA COVID-19 Working Group – Urgent Call for Expert Contributions
« (…) The objective of this Working Group is to clearly define detailed guidelines on data sharing and re-use under the…11.03.2020
Enquête OPERAS sur la communication savante en sciences humaines et sociales
« Dans le cadre du projet d’infrastructure européenne OPERAS, coordonné par OpenEdition et Huma-Num, une…02.03.2020
UNESCO launches a global consultation to develop a standard-setting instrument on Open Science
« In the context of pressing planetary and socio-economic challenges, sustainable and innovative solutions must be supported by an…13.02.2020
UKRI launches consultation on Open Access policy
« UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) has today launched a consultation as part of its Open Access Review. The consultation will…29.01.2020
NISO Open Discovery Initiative (ODI)
« The Public Comment period for the updated ODI Recommended Practice is now under way. You may…23.01.2020
Request for Public Comment on Draft Desirable Characteristics of Repositories for Managing and Sharing Data Resulting From Federally Funded Research
« The White House Office of Science and Technology Policy is seeking public comments on a draft set of desirable characteristics…09.01.2020
Predatory publishing, Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) [Discussion Document]
« Much has been written about ‘predatory publishing’ over the past decade. In this discussion document, COPE will describe the basic…20.12.2019
Launch of the initial Persistent Identifier Policy for the EOSC
« Over the final half of 2019 a small taskforce has come together to draft a policy…27.11.2019
cOAlition S Consults on Transformative Journals
« The Plan S guidelines released earlier this year note that cOAlition S will consider developing a potential framework for ‘transformative…31.10.2019
FAIRsFAIR Open Consultation: FAIR Data Policies and Practices
« Want research in Europe to be more FAIR? Your views count! Please complete one or all of our surveys! (…)…24.09.2019
ARKs (Archive Resource Keys) Interest Survey
« This is an invitation to take a survey to assist the ARKs-in-the-Open (AITO) project that…23.08.2019
arXiv: Announcing our Code of Conduct
« Over the past six months, arXiv has been developing a Code of Conduct (CoC) (https://arxiv.org/help/policies/code_of_conduct) that…08.08.2019
FAIRsFAIR Open Consultation: FAIR Data Policies and Practices
« Want research in Europe to be more FAIR? Your views count! Please complete one or both of our surveys! FAIRsFAIR…29.05.2019
Take the Library Linked Open Data Survey
« The publication of library data in linked and open format has accelerated in recent years. There have been several approaches…19.04.2019
Le Hcéres, l’Anvur et l’AEI créent un consortium pour l’évaluation d’infrastructures européennes de recherche
« Agences européennes d’évaluation, le Hcéres (France), l’Anvur (Italie) et l’AEI (Espagne) ont signé le 1er avril 2019 un…19.03.2019
MIT: Open access task force releases draft recommendations
« The MIT community is invited to comment on ways to increase sharing of research, data, software, and more. (…) »15.03.2019
GitHub’s site policy updates are ready for your feedback
« We regularly update our policies to reflect the evolution of our products, legal requirements, clarification requests, and user feedback. We’re…27.02.2019
The Paris Call is here: calling for action to sustain Software Source Code!
« (…) The call addresses various actors in governments and civil society to recognize software source code as heritage for sustainable…25.02.2019