
AAC – Final TRIPLE conference, 1–3 February 2023 in Bonn, Germany
Improving Discovery and Collaboration in Open Science
« Since 2019 the TRIPLE project has been developing the multilingual discovery platform GoTriple, aiming to facilitate interdisciplinary research and foster collaboration. The platform provides a central access point for users to explore, find, access and reuse Social Sciences and Humanities (SSH) materials at European scale (data and publications, researcher’s profiles, projects). Users can find appropriate resources to support their own research and develop collaborative and interdisciplinary projects: different innovative tools are plugged to the platform to enhance the overall user experience. Data are automatically and continuously harvested with the active support of a vocabulary containing 11 languages for both resources and classification capabilities. GoTriple is part of the EOSC catalogue powered by the OPERAS Research Infrastructure. (…) »
source > project.gotriple.eu, triple-international-conference-2023