
Call for Proposals – ADBU-LIBER Study 2022 – Science and Knowledge Openness: Developing Open Science Skills and Competencies in the Academic World
« ADBU, Association of directors and management staff of academic libraries and documentation, and LIBER, Ligue des Bibliothèques Européennes de Recherche – Association of European Research Libraries, launch a call for proposals to carry out a study called: “Science and Knowledge openness – Developing Open Science Skills and Competencies in the academic world”.
In a context of dynamic and complex change in open research practices and scholarly communication, it is of primary importance to gather intelligence on current and future competencies and skills to endorse and support the open science movement. In recent years, a better understanding of open science technical requirements has featured high on the agenda of many professional groups and universities. Skills and competencies matching and anticipation will help improve the way science is done and disseminated. (…) »
source > adbu.fr, 24 janvier 2022