Mot-clé : association-of-european-research-libraries-liber
LIBER Signs the Barcelona Declaration
« Joining more than 80 organisations, LIBER Europe signs the Barcelona Declaration on Open Research…29.10.2024
Barcelona Declaration and the role of Open Science Infrastructures (video)
« On 26 September 2024, LIBER and SCOSS hosted a webinar that focused on the Barcelona Declaration (what it is, who…22.07.2024
Open Consultation: Crafting a vision for European Repositories
« In January 2023, OpenAIRE, LIBER, SPARC Europe, and COAR unveiled a joint strategy to strengthen…18.07.2024
LIBER 2024 Annual Conference in Limassol, Cyprus [Slides, Posters]
« La conférence annuelle organisée par la Ligue des Bibliothèques Européennes de Recherche (LIBER) s’est tenue du…27.05.2024
Open Science Meets Citizen Science – A Guide
« LIBER is pleased to announce the launch of the citizen science guide for research libraries Open Science…23.05.2024
LIBER 2024 Annual Conference du 3 au 5 juillet 2024, Limassol (Chypre)
« La conférence annuelle organisée par la Ligue des Bibliothèques Européennes de Recherche (LIBER) se tiendra du…22.05.2024
LIBER and LA Referencia Webinar: Making Research Assessment a Reality: Showcasing Concrete Open Science Advancements in Latin America and Europe
« LIBER and LA Referencia Webinar – Making Research Assessment a Reality: Showcasing Concrete Open Science Advancements in Latin America and…13.05.2024
Open Access Projects in Europe : from a general perspective to monographs and ebooks
« The development of policies in favour of open science and the transformation of publication channels for academic literature and research…05.12.2023
Current State and Future Directions for Open Repositories in Europe
« In January 2023, OpenAIRE, LIBER, SPARC Europe, and…16.11.2023
LIBER reflects on the Global Summit on Diamond Open Access
« LIBER is strongly pursuing a change in the paradigms of scholarly communication, as is evident…12.10.2023
LIBER, UNESCO and LA Referencia Webinar – Open Science Monitoring in Europe
« On 3 October 2023 LIBER, UNESCO and LA Referencia joined forces for a webinar outlining the the Open Science monitoring…12.10.2023
Secondary Publishing Rights in Europe: status, challenges & opportunities
« Secondary publishing rights articles have been introduced in seven European countries, while others are exploring their introduction. These are considered…18.07.2023
LIBER 2023 Annual Conference – ‘Open and Trusted – Reassessing Research Library Values’ [Slides, Posters]
« LIBER 2023 Annual Conference took place in Budapest, Hungary (5-7 July 2023) and was hosted at the Library and Information…26.06.2023
Open Science Services by Research Libraries : Organisational Perspectives — une étude sur le rôle des Bibliothèques Universitaires dans la science ouverte
« Many research libraries in Europe deliver Open Science services in the field of RDM and OA. However, it is estimated…23.02.2023
LIBER and SciStarter Webinar – Citizen Science at your Academic Library: Ideas and Inspirations
« The LIBER Citizen Science Working Group and SciStarter are organising a three-part joint webinar…18.01.2023
LIBER and Other Major Stakeholders Launch Joint Strategy to Strengthen the European Repository Network
« We are pleased to announce that LIBER, SPARC Europe, COAR, and…27.10.2022
#OpenAccessWeek2022: Developing policies and practices for fully-open access landscapes – Update from the LIBER Open Access Working Group
« A lot has happened with Open Access (OA) publishing in the past year. The LIBER Open Access…17.10.2022
LIBER Project Knowledge Rights 21 Launches Position Paper on Secondary Publishing Rights
« One of LIBER’s projects, Knowledge Rights 21, just launched their position paper on Secondary Publishing Rights. The…16.09.2022
Federated Access to Online Resources: Principles & Recommendations for Library Services (Version 2) by LIBER’s FIM4L Working Group (2022)
« Publishers and suppliers of licensed online resources want to provide authorised users of institutions for higher education and research with…09.06.2022
51st LIBER Annual Conference | LIBER 2022 | Odense, Denmark «Libraries in the Research and Innovation Landscape – Supporting, Partnering, Leading»
« Research libraries are undoubtedly at the heart of the research life cycle and at the core of providing support to…01.06.2022
LIBER Annual Report 2021-2022
« This Annual Report documents our activities from June 2021-May 2022. It clarifies how we support research libraries and provide…08.04.2022
LIBER : Four Urgent Recommendations for Open Access Negotiations with Publishers
« A lot has happened in the scholarly publishing landscape since LIBER published its Five Principles for Open…30.03.2022
LIBER: Proposal for a Digital Services Act — Research, Education, and Science as Collateral Damage
« Statement by LIBER’s Copyright & Legal Matters Working Group Schools and universities are highly reliant on the multiple digital…24.01.2022
Call for Proposals – ADBU-LIBER Study 2022 – Science and Knowledge Openness: Developing Open Science Skills and Competencies in the Academic World
« ADBU, Association of directors and management staff of academic libraries and documentation, and LIBER, Ligue des Bibliothèques Européennes de Recherche…14.12.2021
Citizen Science Skilling for Library Staff, Researchers, and the Public
« The LIBER Citizen Science Working Group is pleased to announce the publication of the first section of…29.11.2021
Citizen Science Skilling for Library Staff, Researchers, and the Public
« The LIBER Citizen Science Working Group is pleased to announce the publication of the first section of…23.11.2021
Call for Papers for LIBER 2022 Annual Conference — Now Open
« The Call for Papers for the upcoming LIBER Annual Conference is now open. The deadline for submitting a proposal is the 14th of January…06.10.2021
Open Research Europe: the framework, the goals, and the developments
« Open Research Europe is a new publishing platform launched by the European Commission. (…) Event…23.08.2021
LIBER and COAR Join Forces to Strengthen the Role of Repositories in Europe
« LIBER and COAR (The Confederation of Open Access Repositories) have signed a partnership agreement with the aim of strengthening the…08.07.2021
LIBER 2021 Session #4: Open Access: a Case for Diversity and Inclusion
« These are the slides from the LIBER 2021 Session Open Access: a Case for Diversity and Inclusion. This session…05.05.2021
LIBER Joins the European Alliance for Research Excellence (EARE)
« LIBER (Ligue des Bibliothèques Européennes de Recherche – Association of European Research Libraries) is pleased to announce…19.03.2021
LIBER wants #ZeroEmbargo on Publicly-Funded Scientific Publications
Pan-European Model Law for the Use of Publicly Funded Scientific Publications « LIBER’s Executive Board has in June 2020…23.02.2021
Best Practices for Library Linked Open Data (LOD) Publication LIBER Linked Open Data (LOD) Working Group (.pdf)
« (…) This document looks at publishing LOD from a library perspective and argues why it should be employed and how.22.02.2021
LIBER Signs Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with ADBU – Association des directeurs et personnels de direction des bibliothèques universitaires et de la documentation
« A new Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between LIBER and ADBU (Association des directeurs et personnels de direction des bibliothèques…01.02.2021
26 Feb. 2021 – Webinar LIBER and SPARC Europe: How Can Libraries Help Keep Open Science Infrastructure Free and Independent?
« Ensuring a sustainable future for Open Science (OS) and Open Access scholarly publishing is imperative to support today’s and tomorrow’s…13.11.2020
OCLC-LIBER Open Science Discussion on Citizen Science
« How is Citizen Science—the active contribution of the general public in scientific research activities—developing, and what should research library involvement…06.11.2020
OCLC-LIBER Open Science Discussion on Research Integrity
« What does research integrity mean in an ideal open science ecosystem and how can libraries contribute to heighten professional ethics…23.10.2020
OCLC-LIBER Open Science Discussion on Metrics and Rewards
« What is the role of metrics and rewards in an ideal open science ecosystem? What are the challenges in getting…08.10.2020
OCLC-LIBER Open Science Discussion on Scholarly Publishing
« Recently OCLC Research and LIBER (the Association of European Research Libraries)…30.09.2020
OCLC and LIBER announce joint discussion series on Open Science
« OCLC and LIBER announced today the launch of a discussion series on…18.08.2020
Prix Liber : pour une science ouverte, transparente et gratuite
« Quatre chercheurs et ingénieurs INRAE ont été récompensés au niveau européen par le prix Liber de l’innovation (LIBER Award for…22.07.2020
Open Science Skills Visualisation – Visualisation des compétences en science ouverte
« (…) La pratique effective de la science ouverte (SO) engage un éventail de connaissances, d’aptitudes et de compétences si large…29.06.2020
LIBER 2020: Building Trust With Research Libraries [Slide & Poster Presentations]
« In times of fake news and discussions about science, findings and facts, society needs research libraries to safeguard trustworthy information.26.06.2020
Formations en science ouverte dans les bibliothèques européennes de recherche
« Le document « Open Science Training Methods and Practices across European Research Libraries » présente les résultats…25.06.2020
Why Do Measures Fluctuate? Metrics Report – Guidelines for Talking to Management
« This report is for those based in libraries who are trying to address challenges of metrics in relation to research…24.06.2020
LIBER Open Science Training Methods and Practices Across European Research Libraries – Survey Analysis
« Open science skills training programmes’ strategies, methods and impact are at the heart of LIBER’s Digital skills for library staff…23.06.2020
ARGOS: a collaborative tool to plan and follow your data [poster]
« The poster states the need for Open and FAIR Research Data Management (RDM). One way this need can be addressed…16.06.2020
LIBER’s 2019-2020 Annual Report
« LIBER’s 2019-2020 Annual Report is online! We are delighted to share our activities, progress and achievements…11.05.2020
LIBER Webinar: The Anatomy of a Transformative Agreement [vidéo]
« An increasing number of LIBER institutions—and also institutions and consortia worldwide—are looking to integrate their Open Access strategies with Transformative…25.03.2020
LIBER Wins Role in Open Access Publishing Platform
« LIBER has won a role in Open Research Europe (ORE): a project which will build a new peer-reviewed Open Access…13.03.2020
Webinar Video: How Can Libraries Support TDM?
« In this webinar, held on 12 March 2020 and organised by LIBER’s Copyright & Legal Matters Working…03.03.2020
LIBER Webinar: Research Data – What To Keep?
« What to keep in terms of research data has been a recognised issue for some time but research data management…zenodo.org, Beagrie, Neil, 2 mars 2020, DOI 10.5281/zenodo.3693691
Linked Open Data: Impressions & Challenges Among Europe’s Research Libraries
« LIBER’s Linked Open Data Working Group aims to paint a picture of the current state of…14.02.2020
LIBER Webinar: How Can Libraries Support TDM?
« Europe’s new Copyright Directive includes a mandatory text and data mining (TDM) exception for non-commercial research. This opens up new…03.12.2019
LIBER and Communia Launch Joint Guidelines on Text and Data Mining
« The LIBER-Communia guidelines come in addition to detailed library guidelines on the Digital Single Market Directive,…25.10.2019
A View of Plan S from the International Alliance of Research Library Associations
« The member organisations of IARLA — LIBER, ARL,…13.09.2019
Webinar Video: Innovating The Ways Metrics Are Applied, Responsible Metrics & Measuring Openness
« How can we measure the state of openness of research? Why are responsible research indicators important? What role do institutional…22.08.2019
The Right to Read is the Right To Mine: But Not When Blocked by Technical Protection Measures
(…) Our Copyright & Legal Matters Working Group is working with LACA…21.08.2019
LIBER Webinar – Innovating The Ways Metrics Are Applied, Responsible Metrics & Measuring Openness – Tuesday, September 10, 2019
« How can we measure the state of openness of research? Why are responsible research indicators important? What role do institutional…11.07.2019
LIBER 2019
« J’ai eu la chance d’assister à la conférence LIBER, qui avait lieu cette année au Trinity College, à Dublin. La…10.07.2019
Plan S: LIBER Calls on Libraries to Share Successes & Challenges On the Road to Compliance
« Plan S will be a focal point for Europe’s research libraries in the coming months as systems and working routines…05.07.2019