LIBER : Four Urgent Recommendations for Open Access Negotiations with Publishers
« A lot has happened in the scholarly publishing landscape since LIBER published its Five Principles for Open Access Negotiations in 2017. At the time, avoiding subscription fee price increases was the extent of many library negotiation goals, and — perhaps even more detrimental to the progress of open access — library open access strategies tended to be framed around the choice of one route over another, i.e. Green or Gold. This binary approach reflected the organisational divide that, to some degree, still persists between librarians with responsibilities for scholarly communication and those responsible for licensing of electronic resources; the one addressing the needs of researchers as authors, the other addressing the needs of researchers as readers. This disconnect plays into the ‘divide and conquer scenario in which commercial publishers continue to extract ever-greater revenues from libraries in subscription fees, on the one hand, and hybrid APCs on the other. (…)
LIBER’s Urgent Recommendations for Open Access Negotiations with Publishers outline four priorities to bolster and integrate library Open Access strategies. Each recommendation comes with suggested actions to put the recommendation immediately into practice and links to additional resources that illustrate the good practice of LIBER member libraries and their partners.
1. 100% open access under fair conditions, or no agreement (…)
2. Pricing of open access publishing services must be fair and transparent (…)
3. Define strategies to support a diversity of open publishing venues (…)
4. Engage stakeholders in the process of transition (…) »
source > libereurope.eu, 1er avril 2022