Citizen Science Skilling for Library Staff, Researchers, and the Public
« The LIBER Citizen Science Working Group is pleased to announce the publication of the first section of their Citizen Science for Research Libraries Guide, a four-part book series.
The guide is designed to be a practical toolbox to help run a citizen science project. It has been put together from contributions by members of the research library community and has been thoroughly peer-reviewed.
The first section (Citizen Science Skilling for Library Staff, Researchers, and the Public) focuses on the use of data and this new challenging role for the library — in public engagement and supporting researchers. The guide provides a number of step-by-step guides and concrete project examples. In the guide, you will learn about the different roles for citizens in a project, project management, communication, the use of data and knowledge provided by citizens, questions of FAIR data, and how scientific literacy can be used for co-creation and education in citizen science. (…) »
source > libereurope.eu, 25 novembre 2021