Mot-clé : open-science
A Plan to Develop Open Science’s Green Shoots into a Thriving Garden
« Over the past several decades, the movement for open science, which promises a more inclusive, efficient, and trustworthy way of…04.03.2024
Making Research Data Publicly Accessible: Estimates of Institutional & Researcher Expenses
« Academic institutions have made significant investments to support public access to research data requirements, yet little to no data about…26.02.2024
The societal impact of Open Science–a scoping review
« Open Science (OS) aims, in part, to drive greater societal impact of academic research. Government, funder and institutional policies state…26.02.2024
ROSiE (Responsible Open Science in Europe) project is reaching its finishing line – what has been achieved?
« ROSiE (Responsible Open Science in Europe), a three-year project funded by HORIZON2020, is coming to its end…21.02.2024
The Nexus of Open Science and Innovation: Insights from Patent Citations
« This paper aims to analyze the extent to which inventive activity relies on open science. In other words, it investigates…19.02.2024
Max Planck Digital Library | Open Science Days- 29 January, 30 January 2024 (slides)
« Presentation given in the Open Science Days 2024 organized by the Max Planck…19.02.2024
National guidelines for promoting open science in Sweden
« On behalf of the Swedish government, the National Library of Sweden (Kungliga biblioteket, KB) has developed national guidelines for open…16.02.2024
L’Agence nationale de la recherche lance data anr, une plateforme interactive dédiée au partage de ses données ouvertes
« Dans la continuité de sa politique de transparence, l’Agence nationale de la recherche (ANR) lance data anr, une plateforme interactive…12.02.2024
Monitoring Open Science as Transformative Change: Towards a Systemic Framework
« Following a flurry of policies for Open Science (OS), there is now a wave of initiatives to monitor its adoption.07.02.2024
A framework for improving the accessibility of research papers on arXiv.org
« Improving access to research is a broad and inclusive effort, championed and moved forward by individuals and organizations around the…31.01.2024
Ouvrir la science – mais à quoi ?
« Le « plan national pour la science ouverte » est une initiative volontariste du ministère de l’enseignement supérieur. Elle applique…31.01.2024
SPARC Europe Open Education Strategy 2024-2026
« We are pleased to announce a new Open Education strategy for 2024-2026, Librarians as Agents of Change. We will support…26.01.2024
Are open bibliometric data sources better than proprietary ones?
« With the advancement of open science, the reliability of open bibliometric data providers compared with proprietary providers is becoming a…15.01.2024
Open access research outputs receive more diverse citations
« The goal of open access is to allow more people to read and use research outputs. An observed association between…12.01.2024
Articles, software, data: An Open Science ethological study
« Open Science seeks to render research outputs visible, accessible, reusable.(…) In this context, it is relevant to better visualize and…08.01.2024
Emerging roles and responsibilities of libraries in support of reproducible research
« Ensuring the reproducibility of research is a multi-stakeholder effort that comes with challenges and opportunities for individual researchers and research…05.01.2024
Open Science Practice in Western Balkan Countries
« This comprehensive review explores the landscape of open science in the Western Balkan Countries (WBCs), offering insights into existing policies,…20.12.2023
CoNOSC Members start to talk about national OS Monitoring
« Twelve countries attended the online CoNOSC Members meeting on 13 November 2023 at a very busy time of year. SPARC…14.12.2023
DFG supports the broad positioning of the planned Forum.EU and the federal government’s commitment to a research-friendly regulatory framework at EU level
« The Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German Research Foundation) welcomes the adoption of the “National Action Plan for the European Research Area”…13.12.2023
[NWO] 30 new projects launched in second round Open Science Fund
« In the second and final package of the 2023 Open Science Fund round, 30 projects will receive a financial boost…11.12.2023
Do you speak rights retention and open licensing?
« Short glossary containing the main concepts related to Rights Retention and Open Licensing developed by Project Retain led by SPARC…08.12.2023
AI Alliance Launches as an International Community of Leading Technology Developers, Researchers, and Adopters Collaborating Together to Advance Open, Safe, Responsible AI
« IBM and Meta Launch the AI Alliance in collaboration with over 50 Founding Members and Collaborators globally including AMD, Anyscale,…06.12.2023
New project to strengthen diamond OA in Africa
« EIFL, AJOL (African Journals Online) and WACREN (the West and Central African Research and Education Network), with support from Wellcome,…06.12.2023
Open Science NL presents work programme for 2024 and 2025
« (…) On 17 November, the Open Science NL Steering Board adopted the 2024-2025 work programme. This programme outlines the funding…05.12.2023
Open Science Days UGA 2023, 14 au 16 novembre 2023 (vidéos, présentations)
« Les 10 ans du portail HAL UGA ont donné l’occasion de proposer comme thématique centrale les publications et l’édition scientifique…24.11.2023
Open Science in China: An Open and Closed Case
« China’s place in the global system of science has become increasingly prominent. In 2016, China published the highest number of…21.11.2023
Publications by UU (Utrecht University) authors automatically made open access
« Starting on 1 January short works of science by UU researchers will automatically be published open access in the Utrecht…21.11.2023
“Be sustainable”: EOSC-Life recommendations for implementation of FAIR principles in life science data handling
« The main goals and challenges for the life science communities in the Open Science framework are to increase reuse and…07.11.2023
Data management plans as linked open data: exploiting ARGOS FAIR and machine actionable outputs in the OpenAIRE research graph
« (…) The paper aimed to provide a case study of how machine actionable DMPs can be contextualised and exploited in…07.11.2023
Global Summit on Diamond Open Access concludes with pledges to advance Diamond OA initiatives globally
« The Global Summit on Diamond Open Access, held in Toluca, México, and online, from 23 to 27 October 2023, concluded…06.11.2023
CERN/NASA Summit | Sommet 2023 sur l’Accélération de l’Adoption de la Science Ouverte : Déclaration de Clôture
« Pour célébrer l’Année 2023 de la science ouverte, le CERN et la NASA ont conjointement organisé le sommet « Accélérer…06.11.2023
The Value of a Data and Digital Object Management Plan (D(DO)MP) in Fostering Sharing Practices in a Multidisciplinary Multinational Project
« Data Management Plans (DMP) are now a routine part of research proposals but are generally not referred to after funding…03.11.2023
[#globaldiamondsummit] Global Summit on Diamond Open Access: Conclusions and Way Forward (.pdf)
« CONCLUSIONS AND WAY FORWARD Knowledge is our most valuable asset and a public good that must be shared widely…03.11.2023
Reflections from the Global Summit on Diamond OA
« (…) “The Diamond Open Access summit marks a huge step in the direction of globally equitable Open Access. We are…03.11.2023
The seed of a global federation for Diamond Open Access has been planted
« By invitation, SPARC Europe recently attended the Global Summit on Diamond Open Access. Participants reflected on…31.10.2023
Open-access reformers launch next bold publishing plan
« The group behind the radical open-access initiative Plan S has announced its next big plan to shake up research publishing…31.10.2023
Managing multilingual and non-English language content in repositories
(…) In August 2022, COAR launched the COAR Task Force on Supporting Multilingualism and non-English Content in…30.10.2023
Sustaining Knowledge and Governing its Infrastructure in the Digital Age: An Integrated View
« Preprint of a programmatic article on the governance and ecology of digital knowledge infrastructures stemming from a year of seminars…26.10.2023
Open science: a dynamic ecosystem
« Presentation of some tools used in the EEG & MEG communities to implement open science, from Open access to open…25.10.2023
Nouveau portail #scienceouverte INRAE
« Politique de science ouverte à INRAE : premières réalisations concrètes Ce mercredi, le lancement du portail science ouverte d’INRAE…24.10.2023
Let’s get reading: GÉANT’s CONNECT Magazine | Issue 44 2023
HOW DO GÉANT AND THE NRENS SUPPORT OPEN SCIENCE? « Fresh out of the EOSC Symposium 2023 and…20.10.2023
Keeping science open? Current challenges in the day-to-day reality of universities
« (…) While international cooperation is still common practice amongst universities, the geopolitical reality has drastically changed with the COVID pandemic,…17.10.2023
The Software Heritage Open Science Ecosystem
« Software Heritage is the largest public archive of software source code and associated development history, as captured by modern version…17.10.2023
shift+OPEN An MIT Press initiative to flip subscription journals to open access
« applications open January 2024 The MIT Press welcomes applications for shift+OPEN, our new program designed to flip existing subscription-based…12.10.2023
LIBER, UNESCO and LA Referencia Webinar – Open Science Monitoring in Europe
« On 3 October 2023 LIBER, UNESCO and LA Referencia joined forces for a webinar outlining the the Open Science monitoring…04.10.2023
A new way for researchers to deposit files in HAL, the French Open Archive
« HAL is the French national open repository for publications. Part of the Ministry’s research infrastructure roadmap and…25.09.2023
Knowledge Exchange: Alternative publishing platforms. What have we learnt?
« Different alternative publishing platforms have appeared over recent years. But what are their pros and cons? Do they differ significantly…21.09.2023
Promoting Open Access in Research-Performing Organizations: Spheres of Activity, Challenges, and Future Action Areas
« Open access (OA) has become a critical issue in science policy and affects a wide range of activities in universities…19.09.2023
Université Grenoble Alpes | Open Science Days @UGA « Publication et édition scientifique », 14-16 novembre 2023, Grenoble
« Les 10 ans du portail HAL UGA nous donnent l’occasion de vous proposer comme thématique centrale les publications et l’édition…05.09.2023
Research Data Alliance (RDA) roundtable during the Science Summit at the United Nations General Assembly, 15 September 2023
« Local challenges, Global solutions: achieving Open Science goals through international collaboration and cooperation. Many countries and nations across the…01.09.2023
GraspOS Deliverable D2.1 « OS-aware RRA approaches landscape report »
« The report supports the development of the Open Science Assessment Framework (OSAF) in the GraspOS project. The landscape analysis will…01.09.2023
GraspOS Deliverable 3.1 « Tools and services landscape report »
« This report provides an overview of existing tools and services that can facilitate the implementation of Open-Science-aware responsible research assessment…29.08.2023
#G20India – Chief Science Advisers Roundtable (G20-CSAR) – Outcome Document and Chair’s Summary – Gandhinagar, Gujarat 28 August 2023
« The Outcome Document pertains to paragraphs 1-12 and 14-17, which have been unanimously agreed to by all G20 delegations. The…22.08.2023
Research talk: Positively disrupting publishing with Octopus [podcast]
« Tim Fellows is joined by Dr Alex Freeman, founder of Octopus.ac, to discuss the platform and its future developments. Together,…16.08.2023
The benefits of Open science are not inevitable: monitoring its development should be value-led
« Open science is increasingly becoming a policy focus and paradigm for all scientific research. Ismael Rafols, Ingeborg Meijer and Jordi…09.08.2023
SemOpenAlex: The Scientific Landscape in 26 Billion RDF Triples
« We present SemOpenAlex, an extensive RDF knowledge graph that contains over 26 billion triples about scientific publications and their associated…08.08.2023
ROSiE General Guidelines on Responsible Open Science are now available!
« We are thrilled to announce the completion of two significant milestones in the ROSiE project! Our deliverables, D5.2: Strategic Policy…08.08.2023
The Fully OA group respond to the House Appropriations Committee
« (…) In our capacity as representatives of leading fully Open Access research publishers and Open Science platforms, we submit our…07.08.2023
CERN and NASA join forces to commit to a research future that is open and accessible for all
« A summit, entitled “Accelerating the Adoption of Open Science”, took place at CERN from 10 to 14 July, bringing together…02.08.2023
#OAI13 – The Geneva Workshop on Innovations in Scholarly Communication, 4-8 September 2023
« One of the underlying themes of this year’s meeting is the impact of open science practices on the nature of…27.07.2023
UNESCO index of open science knowledge sharing platforms
« (…) This Open Science Knowledge Sharing Index is designed to connect you to existing open platforms containing information, including data,…27.07.2023