Mot-clé : open-science
The Open Encyclopedia of Cognitive Science, a paradigm-shifting open access reference work, officially launches with first articles
« Today the MIT Press announces the release of the first 50 articles in the Open Encyclopedia…06.08.2024
Open science practices in the false memory literature
« In response to the replication crisis in psychology, the scientific community has advocated open science practices to promote transparency and…02.08.2024
A Data-Driven Approach to Monitor and Improve Open and FAIR Research Data in a Federated Research Ecosystem
« In this contribution we present a data-driven approach to monitoring and assessing the state of open and FAIR data in…01.08.2024
Scoping the second phase of the Alternative publishing platforms work
« In 2022, KE’s task and finish (T&F) group on alternative publishing platforms (APPs) embarked on a project to create awareness…29.07.2024
Diverse sources of normativity in open science and their implications for ethical governance
« Over the past decade, open science (OS) has emerged as a global science policy and research initiative with implications for…23.07.2024
Why academics under-share research data: A social relational theory
« Despite their professed enthusiasm for open science, faculty researchers have been documented as not freely sharing their data; instead, if…22.07.2024
UNESCO | First consultation on the implementation of the 2021 Recommendation on Open Science
« In adopting the 2021 UNESCO Recommendation on Open Science, the 194 Member States of UNESCO committed to submit, every four…18.07.2024
Announcing the Global Diamond Open Access Alliance – 10 July 2024 – UNESCO Headquarters, Paris, France [video]
« The event marked the official announcement of the Diamond Open Access Global Alliance to…12.07.2024
6th Horizon Europe Open Science Requirements in Practice [webinar]
« This webinar was organised to help project coordinators, researchers and research support staff with the European Commission’s requirements for Open…09.07.2024
The societal impact of Open Science: a scoping review
« Open Science (OS) aims, in part, to drive greater societal impact of academic research. Government, funder and institutional policies state…08.07.2024
Bibliometric study on the adoption of open science measures reveals high scores for both Brazilian and SciELO-indexed journals
(…) The study examines the promotion and implementation of OS measures among a sample of Ibero-American journals. Analyses examined differences…05.07.2024
Annonce de l’Alliance Mondiale pour l’accès ouvert Diamant – 10 juillet 2024 – UNESCO Headquarters, Paris, France
« L’événement présentera le développement de l’Alliance mondiale pour l’accès ouvert Diamant et lancera un dialogue mondial inclusif et transparent afin…04.07.2024
Mapping Repositories and their Institutional Open Science Policies in Asia
« Persistent Identifiers (PIDs), particularly Digital Object Identifiers (DOIs), are crucial for establishing a robust and globally accessible research infrastructure. In…27.06.2024
ECHOES : un cloud européen pour le patrimoine culturel
« Avec une dotation de 25 millions d’euros pour cinq ans, le projet européen ECHOES (A European Collaborative Cloud for Cultural…26.06.2024
Swissuniversities et le FNS présentent la stratégie nationale suisse sur l’Open Access actualisée pour un accès libre et immédiat aux publications scientifiques financées par des fonds publics
« La stratégie nationale suisse sur l’Open Access actualisée vise à rendre librement accessible toute publication scientifique financée par des fonds…18.06.2024
2018-2023: 5 years of building a strategy to support open scholarly communication – The example of the Université de Lorraine
« In 2018, the Université de Lorraine (UL) laid the foundations for its Open Science (OS) policy by making its open…18.06.2024
DIAMAS project | D5.2 National overviews on sustaining institutional publishing in Europe
« The richness of Diamond Open Access (OA) publishing is characterised by its diversity: from the wide-ranging disciplines it serves in…14.06.2024
Main results of the ANR SO-DRIIHM open science project « Promote Open Science within the DRIIHM Interdisciplinary Research Facility on Human-Environment Interactions: Co-design of an e-infrastructure implementing the FAIR Principles »
« Le projet ANR SO-DRIIHM (oct. 2020 – mars 2024) a deux grands objectifs, le premier étant l’acculturation de la communauté…06.06.2024
Federation of Finnish Learned Societies | New policy component to advance open access to theses
« (…) The new policy has one stated goal: « All theses approved from 2025 onwards will be openly accessible. » This applies…06.06.2024
La fouille de textes en IST : les outils Istex-TDM
« (…) Dans cet article nous illustrons l’utilisation de l’IA dans le domaine de l’IST (Information Scientifique et Technique) à travers…05.06.2024
Highlights of the « Software Pillar of Open Science » workshop
« (…) The main aim of this in-person half-day event, organized by the French Committee for Open Science on November 29th…05.06.2024
Catalan Open Science Strategy
« On 17 January 2024, the Plenary of the Inter-ministerial Research and Innovation Commission (CIRI) approved the Catalan Open Science Strategy.29.05.2024
The DFG’s proposals for a future EU Framework Programme for Research & Innovation that meets Europe’s needs and ambitions (.pdf)
« As the central self-governing research funding organisation in Germany, the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German Research Foundation) proposes the following ideas…27.05.2024
Open Science Meets Citizen Science – A Guide
« LIBER is pleased to announce the launch of the citizen science guide for research libraries Open Science…24.05.2024
Présidence belge Conseil de l’Union européenne | Durabilité des infrastructures électroniques et de l’Open Science Cloud européen, 5 juin 2024 [Atelier e-IRG]
« Le groupe de réflexion sur les infrastructures électroniques (e-IRG) organise chaque année deux ateliers ouverts, chacun sous les auspices de…22.05.2024
Open Science & AI | Exploring Opportunities and Challenges at the Intersection of Open Science and Artificial Intelligence – 6 June 2024, UNESCO, Paris
« The event aims to further explore the practical, technical and scientific challenges and opportunities at the interface of open science…22.05.2024
LIBER and LA Referencia Webinar: Making Research Assessment a Reality: Showcasing Concrete Open Science Advancements in Latin America and Europe
« LIBER and LA Referencia Webinar – Making Research Assessment a Reality: Showcasing Concrete Open Science Advancements in Latin America and…21.05.2024
Wikimedia and open research: a primer from UKRN
« The Wikimedia projects, like Wikipedia and Wikidata, are some of the most visited informational websites on the internet, with around…16.05.2024
Open science at the Global Young Academy
« The mission of the Global Young Academy (GYA) is to give a voice to young scientists around the world. The…15.05.2024
C@fés Renatis – Retours sur l’usage de la ressource OpenAlex
« Descriptif : – OpenAlex : révolution ou défi pour la bibliométrie et les bibliométriciens ? par Frédérique Bordignon,…14.05.2024
Special January / April 2024 of Library Resources & Technical Services (LRTS)
« The editors of Library Resources & Technical Services (LRTS) are pleased to announce the publication of…14.05.2024
Exploratory studies for the creation of a technology-aided collaborative translation service in open scholarly communication
« Since the Helsinki Initiative in 2019, language diversity and multilingualism have become key concerns in scholarly communication. (…) This…13.05.2024
CMS commitment to open science takes the next step
« As a next step towards more open access to science, the CMS collaboration has just released in electronic format a…13.05.2024
Recognising Open Research Data in Research Assessment: Overview of Practices and Challenges
« Amongst academic stakeholders including funders and research managers, there is consensus that research assessment needs to be reformed. The recognition…13.05.2024
Report on the EOSC Winter School
« The report contains a summary of the preparation, main activities, and outcome of the first EOSC Winter School, organised in…13.05.2024
Redalyc and AmeliCA. An open infrastructure for advancing science as a global public good
« (…) Open Science built upon an alliance of Redalyc platform and AmeliCA cooperative initiative. R&A aims to achieve inclusive and…30.04.2024
COAR and INFLIBNET agree to launch a community of practice for repositories in India
« After two very successful days of meetings with many esteemed local and international representatives, COAR and INFLIBNET are pleased to…25.04.2024
Open Science and ‘being scientific’: Mercè Crosas at the OECD Multi-Stakeholder Event, 23 April
« At the OECD STI Multi-Stakeholder event ‘Shared challenges, transformative actions’, on 23 April, CODATA…22.04.2024
Fair Data productivity and advanced digitalization of research: an opinion paper by the ESFRI-EOSC Task Force and Steering Board expert group (E03756)
(…) The ESFRI-EOSC Task Force has embarked on a concerted effort to address the issue of Quality-Assessed FAIR-Data (QAFAIRD) productivity. Key…16.04.2024
Understanding the financial sustainability of institutional publishers and service providers in Europe
« One of the main tasks of the DIAMAS project is to investigate the financial sustainability of institutional…16.04.2024
Mapping federation journeys for optimising the UK digital research infrastructure
« The UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) digital research infrastructure committee (DRIC) aims to understand the potential for a ‘federated’ approach…16.04.2024
Déclaration de Barcelone sur l’Information de Recherche Ouverte
« D’énormes quantités d’informations sont utilisées pour gérer la recherche, qu’il s’agisse d’informations sur les acteurs de la recherche et leurs…09.04.2024
Barcelona Declaration on Open Research Information: Webinar recording now available
« The Federation of Finnish Learned Societies (TSV) organized a webinar on the Barcelona Declaration on Open Research Information and OpenAlex…08.04.2024
Save the Date! 25 June 2024 Online public launch of the Skills4EOSC Competence Centres Network
« Are you looking to enhance your Open Science and EOSC ecosystem skills? Are you seeking courses and resources to improve…08.04.2024
First UK Reproducibility Network Annual Report
« Today we publish the first UKRN annual report, outlining some of the wide range of work done by the UKRN…08.04.2024
Sustainable and collaborative development of research support services at the university library of Paris Nanterre (France)
« The University Library of Paris Nanterre in France has developed a range of robust research support services, particularly in the…08.04.2024
Usage of OpenAlex for creating meaningful global overlay maps of science on the individual and institutional levels
« Global overlay maps of science use base maps that are overlaid by specific data (from single researchers, institutions, or countries)…08.04.2024
What role for academic libraries in Open Science? [présentation]
« Presentation given in Tiedon tähden – Knowledge first -seminar. (…) »05.04.2024
How Can We Get Beyond the Transformative Agreements. A Swedish Perspective [présentation]
« Presentation given in Tiedon tähden – Knowledge first -seminar. (…) »03.04.2024
The open access coverage of OpenAlex, Scopus and Web of Science
« Diamond open access (OA) journals offer a publishing model that is free for both authors and readers, but their lack…03.04.2024
Le réseau science ouverte entre les agences de financement françaises poursuit ses engagements et accueille un nouveau membre
« L’Agence de la transition écologique (ADEME), l’Agence nationale de la recherche (ANR), l’ANRS Maladies infectieuses émergentes (ANRS MIE), l’Agence nationale…29.03.2024
UNESCO | Information Meeting on “Open Science: Updates and Progress” – March 2024 (vidéo)
« An information meeting was held for all Permanent Delegates and Observers to UNESCO in Paris on 5 March 2024. The…29.03.2024
UNESCO Open Science Working Groups – 4th meeting and Open Science Outlook (vidéo)
« UNESCO has convened 5 ad-hoc Working Groups focusing on key impact areas relevant to the implementation of the UNESCO Recommendation…28.03.2024
Advancing Equity and Innovation in Research Publishing: Time for a New Era in the Open Access Movement?
« Today marks a significant milestone as the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF) announces a new Open…28.03.2024
Knowledge Exchange | Framework for scaling up reproducibility practices in research organisations
« This framework is the main output of a Knowledge Exchange (KE) study titled Approaches to scaling up reproducibility in research…27.03.2024
Knowledge Exchange | Approaches to scaling up reproducibility in research organisations
« Reproducibility is vital in ensuring the quality and integrity of research. This Knowledge Exchange report and accompanying framework is the…22.03.2024
Séminaire international Global Research Institut of Paris – 27 et 28 mars 2024
« Le GRIP a le plaisir d’organiser un séminaire international entre le 27 et le 28 mars 2024. Ce séminaire a…22.03.2024
White House Office of Science & Technology Policy Announces Year of Open Science Recognition Challenge Winners
« Today, the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP) is announcing the winners of the…22.03.2024
Releasing Common Corpus: the largest public domain dataset for training LLMs
« (…) Common Corpus is an international initiative coordinated by Pleias, involving researchers in LLM pretraining, AI ethics…22.03.2024
The Model Openness Framework: Promoting Completeness and Openness for Reproducibility, Transparency and Usability in AI
« Generative AI (GAI) offers unprecedented possibilities but its commercialization has raised concerns about transparency, reproducibility, bias, and safety. Many « open-source »…21.03.2024
OSCARS launches its 1st Open Call for Open Science projects and services
« On March 15th, the Science Clusters launched the first OSCARS cascading-grant call for Open Science projects and…08.03.2024