Mot-clé : open-science
Guidelines and Recommendations for the Technical Integration of Resources and Services in the EOSC
« EOSC-Pillar Work Package 7 on Horizontal data storage and computing resources recently completed D7.1, a key deliverable describing the activities…08.11.2021
Focus on Open Science, 16th December 2021, Paris
« An event organised by: French association of directors and executive of academic libraries and documentation (ADBU),…05.11.2021
New Open Science portal available in Italy
« The recent launch of the Italian Open Science portal during GenOA Week 2021 is a crucial milestone for the research…02.11.2021
Frank Miedema. Open Science: the Very Idea
« Describes recent developments in science from a historical, sociological, philosophical perspective and a personal view Provides a realistic narrative…02.11.2021
Des communautés de pratiques locales pour s’approprier la science ouverte : le kit de démarrage INOSC
« Comment faire avancer la science ouverte sur le terrain, au delà des cadres et des instructions qui viennent d’en haut…26.10.2021
Max Planck Digital Library (MPDL): Open Science Days 2021, October 19-20 [vidéos and slides]
« The Open Science Days are periodically organized by the Max Planck Digital Library.25.10.2021
Lettre de la science ouverte | numéro 25
« À vos projets ? Prêts ? Candidatez ! Prix du logiciel libre de recherche et appel à manifestation d’intérêt pour…25.10.2021
Members of International Science Council commit to work for change in scientific publishing, and endorse eight principles for reform
« As the 2021 Open Access week begins, the scientific community as represented by the International Science Council’s members has approved…22.10.2021
Former à la science ouverte dans les écoles doctorales : un nouveau guide vous accompagne !
« Après l’édition du Passeport pour la science ouverte, qui proposait une initiation aux principes et aux pratiques…19.10.2021
SPARC Europe to facilitate high-level European OS policymaker group CoNOSC
« SPARC Europe is honoured to support the Council for National Open Science Coordination (CoNOSC) in their efforts…14.10.2021
Journal Checker Tool update: we listen and learn from you
« We value feedback from researchers, institutions, funders, and publishers and based on it we always seek to improve the…12.10.2021
Comment savoir si un journal respecte les principes du Plan S ?
‘Vous ne savez pas trop si en publiant dans tel journal vous respecterez le Plan S, les…11.10.2021
Promoting Open Science Through Research Data Management
« Data management, which encompasses activities and strategies related to the storage, organization, and description of data and other research materials,…05.10.2021
Les Journées européennes de la science ouverte (OSEC) | Paris Open Science European Conference (OSEC)
« Dans le cadre de la présidence française de l’Union européenne, la France organise un événement international majeur : Les…04.10.2021
Sharing published short academic works in institutional repositories after six months
« The ambition of the Netherlands, laid down in the National Plan Open Science, is to achieve 100% open access for…29.09.2021
ENSSIB : Biennale du numérique. Être « open » en 2021. Bibliothèques, éditeurs, libraires… face au mouvement de l’open, 22 – 23 novembre 2021
« Prenant acte de la prolifération existante, la Biennale propose de marquer un temps d’arrêt pour porter un regard réflexif sur…28.09.2021
Contours of citizen science: a vignette study
« Citizen science has expanded rapidly over the past decades. Yet, defining citizen science and its boundaries remained a challenge, and…27.09.2021
Open Science FAIR 2021, 20 September – 23 September 2021 [vidéos]
« Open science (also referred to as open scholarship) is at a crossroads. Implementation and adoption are progressing, with researchers, research…24.09.2021
Lettre de la science ouverte | numéro 24
« Recherche Data Gouv : une plateforme souveraine pour accueillir les données de recherche (…) Recherche Data…24.08.2021
Open data: A driving force for innovation in the life sciences
« (…) This report demonstrates that access to open, free resources, such as data and software, is the underlying basis for…18.08.2021
First RDA Open Call: Optimising (RDA) Open Science Frameworks and Guidelines in the context of EOSC
« This call is seeking applications from individuals or organisations around the concept of improving existing technical data frameworks while at…16.08.2021
2021 Open Access Week Theme to be “It Matters How We Open Knowledge: Building Structural Equity”
« The 2021 Open Access Week Advisory Committee is pleased to announce that the theme for this year’s International Open Access…16.08.2021
Open Research Data and Data Management Plans. Information for ERC grantees (.pdf)
« The ERC has supported the cause of open science from its start in 2007, and continues to do so today. …13.08.2021
ESCAPE and ESFRI: overcoming common data-driven challenges through innovative FAIR data services
« European Strategy Forum on Research Infrastructures (ESFRI) is a self-regulated body that supports a strategy-led approach to policy-making on…11.08.2021
Bring your OA game « Libraries, publishers, and innovation for OA books: a European perspective »
« The end of June 2021 marked the finishing line for the OPERAS-P project, a European Union funded giant,…06.08.2021
Open Science FAIR 2021, 20 September – 23 September 2021
« Join us for the 3rd Open Science FAIR Conference, an international event for all topics related to Open Science Why?…04.08.2021
SPARC Response to OSTP Request for Information to Improve Scientific Integrity Policies (86 FR 34064) (.pdf)
« SPARC (the Scholarly Publishing and Academic Resources Coalition) is an advocacy organization working on behalf of more…29.07.2021
2nd United Nations Open Science Conference « From tackling the pandemic to addressing climate change », 21-23 July 2021 [Conference Programme, slides & recordings]
« This three-day Conference organized by the Department of Global Communications, Dag Hammarskjöld Library and the Department of Economic and Social…26.07.2021
DeepMind et l’EMBL publient la base de données la plus complète de prédictions de structures 3D de protéines humaines
« DeepMind a annoncé aujourd’hui son partenariat avec le Laboratoire européen de biologie moléculaire (EMBL), le laboratoire de référence pour les…23.07.2021
As part of global shift, Utrecht University is changing how it evaluates its researchers
« Many scientists are transitioning to a new way of working, known as open science, which will require new ways of…19.07.2021
sPlotOpen – An environmentally balanced, open‐access, global dataset of vegetation plots
« Motivation. Assessing biodiversity status and trends in plant communities is critical for understanding, quantifying and predicting the effects of global…19.07.2021
ERC plans for 2022 announced
« The European Research Council’s work programme adopted today includes over EUR 2.4 billion to fund grants for some 1,100 excellent…08.07.2021
LIBER 2021 Session #4: Open Access: a Case for Diversity and Inclusion
« These are the slides from the LIBER 2021 Session Open Access: a Case for Diversity and Inclusion. This session…08.07.2021
Second National Plan for Open Science Generalising open science in France 2021-2024
« The National Plan for Open Science has provided France with a coherent and dynamic policy in the field of open…07.07.2021
Lettre de la science ouverte | numéro spécial
« Deuxième Plan national pour la science ouverte | 2021-2024 La science ouverte induit une démocratisation de l’accès aux savoirs,…06.07.2021
From principles to practices: Open Science at Europe’s universities 2020-2021 EUA Open Science Survey results
« This report presents the findings of the 2020-2021 EUA Open Science Survey and provides evidence-based recommendations for institutions, researchers, research…06.07.2021
Horizon Europe Work Programme 2021-2022. 3. Research Infrastructures (.pdf)
« The overall objective of the Research Infrastructures Programme under Horizon Europe is to empower Europe through world-class and accessible research …01.07.2021
ESCAPE at the EOSC Governance Symposium 2021
« In 2021, the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) has entered its highly-anticipated implementation phase. The EOSC Symposium…29.06.2021
Did You Ask for Citations? An Insight into Preprint Citations en route to Open Science
« This study investigates citation patterns between 2017 and 2020 for preprints published in three preprint servers, one specializing in biology…29.06.2021
[#OpenScienceUN] 2nd United Nations Open Science Conference « From tackling the pandemic to addressing climate change », 21-23 July 2021
« From Tackling the Pandemic to Addressing Climate Change, policy makers, main IGO actors, librarians, publishers and research practitioners will engage…28.06.2021
Impact factor abandoned by Dutch university in hiring and promotion decisions
« A Dutch university says it is formally abandoning the impact factor — a standard measure of scientific success — in…25.06.2021
Horizon Europe Programme Guide (.pdf)
« This Programme Guide contains detailed guidance on the structure, budget and political priorities of Horizon Europe. It also includes details…24.06.2021
#RiDaysEU | The added value of Open Science in times of pandemic and beyond [vidéo]
« The session aims to illustrate the added value of Open Science practices in the pandemic and how the lessons learnt…24.06.2021
Writing a reproducible paper with R Markdown and Pagedown
« The present paper provides a template to write a reproducible scientific paper with R Markdown and Pagedown. Below we outline…23.06.2021
European Commission enters into a partnership with the EOSC Association
« The European Commission’s annual flagship Research and Innovation event, European Research and Innovation Days, is a key…18.06.2021
Discover the EOSC Portal (vidéo)
« The European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) is an ecosystem federating research data infrastructures, interlinking FAIR data and interoperable services to…11.06.2021
Let’s talk about…Open Science Infrastructure with Marin Dacos [vidéo]
« SPARC Europe and SCOSS talking to Marin Dacos on the importance of Open Science Infrastructure. »11.06.2021
FAIR Principles for Research Software (FAIR4RS Principles)
« Research software is a fundamental and vital part of research worldwide, yet there remain significant challenges to software productivity, quality,…09.06.2021
Malaysia Open Science Platform: Bridging the Gap in Research Ecosystem
« On 25th May 2021, The Malaysia Open Science Platform (MOSP) of Academy of Sciences Malaysia together with the Capacity Building…08.06.2021
Être « Open » en 2021 ? Bibliothèques, éditeurs, libraires… face au mouvement de l’Open (source, content, data, science) – Biennale du numérique Enssib 22-23/11/2021
« Être open : Quels métiers ? Quels services ? Quels modèles économiques ? Quelles gouvernances ? Prenant acte de la…08.06.2021
ERAC ‘Triangle Task Force’ Guideline Paper on ‘Research evaluation in a context of Open Science and gender equality’ (.pdf)
« This report provides stakeholders involved in research evaluation reforms with a set of guidelines that aim at fostering both Open…07.06.2021
Enjeux numériques – N°14 – juin 2021 – Réponses numériques à la crise sanitaire
« (…) Le grand récit qu’il fallait à l’open science ? Quand une pandémie invente la biologie d’urgence Les jeux…03.06.2021
Open Science policies and resource provisioning in the Nordic and Baltic countries (second report) is published
« A new deliverable from the EOSC-Nordic Work Package on Legal Issues, Policies, and Sustainability is out! For the deliverable on…25.05.2021
CESAER, European University Association (EUA), Science Europe: All publishers must provide researchers with clarity and transparency on Open Access
« CESAER, the European University Association (EUA) and Science Europe call on all publishers to fully respect researchers’ rights and to…25.05.2021
cOAlition S calls researchers to complete Plan S impact survey
« cOAlition S is monitoring developments in the Open Science landscape and is seeking feedback from the research community about their…18.05.2021
European Universities initiative: Council conclusions pave the way for new dimension in European higher education
« (…) the Council adopted conclusions on the European Universities initiative – Bridging higher education, research, innovation and society: paving the…17.05.2021
RIO Journal 5 years on: over 300 published outcomes from all around the research cycle
« Five years on, the Open Science-driven journal Research Ideas and Outcomes (RIO) published an editorial that looks back on the…12.05.2021
Réunion intergouvernementale du Comité spécial (catégorie II) relatif au projet de recommandation de l’UNESCO sur une science ouverte [vidéo]
« (…) À sa 40e session en novembre 2019, la Conférence générale de l’UNESCO a décidé d’élaborer un projet de recommandation…11.05.2021
OAI12 – The Geneva Workshop on Innovations in Scholarly Communication, 6-10 September 2021
« Participation is free, so make sure to join! The main themes of this edition are: Scholarly publishing Digital research…10.05.2021
JISC webinar on “ Plan S Rights Retention Strategy – myth busting online event” – 5th May 2021
« The Rights Retention Strategy (RRS) is a key component of cOAlition S’s Plan S – it is based on a…10.05.2021
Open access publishing in chemistry: a practical perspective informing new education
« In the late 1990s chemists were among the early adopters of open access (OA) publishing. As also happened with preprints,…07.05.2021