Diffusion des savoirs scientifiques, Enseignement supérieur et recherche, Ressources scientifiques et techniques

Office of the Chief Science Advisor of Canada. The Open Science Dialogues: Summary of stakeholders round tables
« Five Open Science Dialogues were organized by the OCSA in November 2021 with the objective to solicit practical approaches and suggestions on how to achieve open and secure science in Canada. Over eighty participants took part in the dialogues, including leading Canadian researchers from diverse groups, disciplines, geographies and career stages, as well as representatives from key national and international research funders (Appendix A). Researchers were selected based on their prominence in their respective fields and not their prior Open Science achievements or advocacy. This summary of stakeholder roundtables aims to capture the opinions expressed but might not represent the view of all participants. (…) »
source > science.gc.ca, Office of the Chief Science Advisor of Canada, février 2022