
3 February 2022 CoNOSC meeting
« The fourth CoNOSC members’ meeting took place on 3 February 2022.
Some of us had the privilege of meeting in person in an impressive building of the French Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation, located just steps away from the Pantheon. Marin Dacos, a CoNOSC Board member, welcomed the CoNOSC Board chair Henriikka Mustojaki and representatives of SPARC Europe, Vanessa Proudman and Agata Morka, at the ministry headquarters from which we broadcasted the CoNOSC meeting to members gathered in front of their screens across Europe. (…)
The first part of the morning session was devoted to new members presenting the status of their national open science (OS) policies. We heard from Denmark, Greece, Hungary, Norway, Slovenia, and Sweden. The landscape that emerged from these presentations was optimistic. While some countries have strong governmental OS policies, strategies, and mandates (Norway, Slovenia), many others are under development (Denmark, Greece and Hungary, Spain), often launching public consultation on proposals. In some cases, like Sweden, although no official OS strategy is in place, there is still a sense of a solid national direction towards the Open. (…)
All presenting countries have ambitious plans for the coming years for OS: Denmark will focus on evaluation, implementation of the national strategy for data management, and revision of the Danish Code of Conduct for Research Integrity. Hungary has launched a public consultation on the recently published position paper, seeking feedback from the community, aiming to prepare the national open science strategy at the end of 2022. Norway is looking closely at reforming the recognition and rewards system with their NOR-CAM toolkit; Slovenia is pushing for the OS policy implementation with two new projects focused on OS infrastructure. Sweden is mapping out the use of Open Education resources, general public engagement in scientific research, and national work on Open Data. Spain regularly issues special calls for OS projects offering funding for OS infrastructure. (…) »