
Shaping the implementation of EOSC – ESCAPE members in the EOSC Task Forces
« ESCAPE members are supporting the next phase of shaping the EOSC, revolutionising how science is done in Europe as members from five ESCAPE partners were selected to join several European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) Task Forces (TFs).
The EOSC TFs aim to address key areas of EOSC implementation, by offering feedback on EOSC developments and providing input on strategic gaps and areas for investment to input the EOSC Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (SRIA). The SRIA is a key policy instrument in the EU, since it will affect the future work programmes of Horizon Europe, the ambitious EU research & innovation framework programme for 2021-2027 with a budget of €95.5 billion. (…) »
source > projectescape.eu, 14 avril 2022