
SciELO Preprints server completes two years of operation, contributing to the advancement of Open Science
« The positioning of the SciELO Program as an open science program, provided for the creation of a preprints’ server, announced in 2017. In September 2018, during the SciELO 20 Years Week, the partnership between SciELO and the Public Knowledge Project (PKP) was launched with the objective of developing an open source preprints server based on the already consolidated Open Journal Systems (OJS).
The SciELO Program has offered the PKP OJS system to its journals since 2007 and after observing that the flow of a preprints server is essentially the flow of a manuscript management system without the peer review step, both SciELO and PKP concluded that they could work together on a preprints platform using the common PKP software library.
The result was the development of Open Preprint Systems (OPS), officially launched by PKP in late February 2020, and SciELO Preprints, launched on April 7, 2020, which became the first OPS server to operate regularly and the first preprint server in Latin America. (…) »
source > blog.scielo.org, 11 mai 2022