G7 Science and Technology Ministers’ Communique | Sendai, May 12-14, 2023 (.pdf)
« Sendai, May 12-14, 2023
We, the G7 Science and Technology Ministers, affirm our commitment to the shared values of democracy, rule of law, openness, and respect for freedom and human rights, as well as the importance of diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility, including gender equality, in research and development (R&D). (…)
1.Respect for freedom and inclusiveness in scientific research and promotion of open science
The G7 will collaborate in expanding open science with equitable dissemination of scientific knowledge and publicly funded research outputs including research data and scholarly publications in line with the Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable (FAIR) principles. (…)
The G7 also supports immediate open and public access to government-funded scholarly publications and scientific data, and supports the endeavors of the scientific community to address challenges in scholarly publishing for broader sharing of appropriate scientific outputs.
To this end, we support the efforts of the G7 Open Science Working Group in promoting the interoperability and sustainability of infrastructure for research outputs, supporting research assessment approaches that incentivize and reward open science practices, and encouraging “research on research”, aimed at helping to shape a more effective evidence-based research policy. (…) »
source > cao.go.jp, 12-14 mai 2023