
[Council of the European Union] Draft Council conclusions on high-quality, transparent, open, trustworthy and equitable scholarly publishing – Presidency text (.pdf)
– its Conclusions of 10 June 2022 on principles and values for international cooperation in
research and innovation, which encouraged open science in order to seek reciprocal
consolidation and dissemination of research results through frameworks and strategies
focusing on open and immediate access to scientific publications, and supported the rights of
researchers to publish, share, disseminate and communicate openly the results and data of
their research, including through training and teaching, as well as to associate in
representative professional or academic organisations without being disadvantaged by the
system in which they work or by any censorship or discrimination;
– its Conclusions of 10 June 2022 on research assessment and implementation of open science,
which underlined the need for unimpeded access to and reuse of publicly funded research
results, publications and data for research purposes, and highlighted the benefits of open
science and of immediate open access to research publications,
Towards an open scholarly publishing system ready for the future (…)
Supporting diversity and ensuring equity in scholarly publishing (…)
Enhancing trust and ensuring high quality, transparency and integrity in scholarly publishing (…) »
source > data.consilium.europa.eu, ST-5997-2023-INIT, 8 février 2023