
In 2023 may knowledge be set free: Open science resolutions for the new year
« (…) Yet another new year at our disposal gives us yet another chance to start or to continue building our profiles as Open Scientists. While it’s apt that prestigious institutions like NASA and the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy have declared 2023 as the year of Open Science, what can individual scientists like you and me do to play our role as part of the Open Science movement?
Well, Open Science is a global movement striving for openness in scientific research through accountability and transparency of the scientific enterprise. There are several ways in which every individual can be a part of the Open Science movement that empowers the scientific community to take ownership of their work and to ensure that scholarly output is made openly accessible to all. From publishing Open Access, sharing preprints and research data, actively participating in open peer review, to motivating peers to publish in Open Access, every small drop can add up to an ocean of change. (…) »