Results of Eurodoc survey on Open Science and scholarly publishing focused on early career researchers
In March 2021, the European Commission launched ‘Open Research Europe‘ (ORE), an Open Access Publishing Platform for Horizon 2020 beneficiaries to support the Open Science (OS) practices, starting with Open Access publications. In 2020, Eurodoc, as an expert partner in the ORE project, conducted a survey on publishing in Open Science focused on early career researchers (ECRs) to formulate recommendations for ORE. (…)
The survey results suggest that the awareness and positive attitude regarding OS, specifically among ECRs, is high in Europe. However, there are significant career stage group differences in views and knowledge about OS. Generally, awareness and positive attitude tend to increase with increasing career seniority. Regarding European regions, there are three main groups sharing similar awareness levels and attitudes: researchers in Western Europe – the most informed group towards OS; researchers in northern, central, and southern Europe – a moderately informed group with some minor differences; and researchers in eastern Europe – the least informed group, whose opinions deviate the most. (…) »
source > eurodoc.net, 23 décembre 2021