
SPARC Response to OSTP Request for Information to Improve Scientific Integrity Policies (86 FR 34064) (.pdf)
« SPARC (the Scholarly Publishing and Academic Resources Coalition) is an advocacy organization working on behalf of more than 240 academic and research library
members to make research and education open and equitable by design. We believe that sharing knowledge is a fundamental human right, and that strong open science policies that reflect this right will simultaneously increase scientific integrity while also increasing and diversifying participation in the scientific enterprise.
We thank OSTP for the opportunity to provide comments on federal scientific integrity policies and to make suggestions for their improvement.
Open Science is Foundational to Ensuring Integrity and Equity in the Scientific Enterprise
A strong open science policy should be a cornerstone of the Biden Administration’s approach to improving scientific integrity. Open science can significantly advance numerous areas that impact public trust in research—including reproducibility, error and fraud detection, prevention of the suppression or distortion of scientific findings, and the advancement of equity in research. (…) »
source > sparcopen.org, 3 août 2021