Mot-clé : scholarly-publishing-and-academic-resources-coalition-sparc
SPARC Europe publishes new strategy 2025-2028
« A new strategy will guide SPARC Europe’s work over the next four years. The vision behind our strategy continues to…28.11.2024
PALOMERA develops four key resources for Open Access books policy
« The PALOMERA project wraps up after two years of in-depth work on Open Access books policy…04.10.2024
Navigating Risk in Vendor Data Privacy Practices: An Analysis of Springer Nature’s SpringerLink
« Navigating Risk in Vendor Data Privacy Practices: An Analysis of Springer Nature’s SpringerLink documents a variety of practices that undermine…22.07.2024
Open Consultation: Crafting a vision for European Repositories
« In January 2023, OpenAIRE, LIBER, SPARC Europe, and COAR unveiled a joint strategy to strengthen…04.04.2024
SPARC Europe | Open Education in European Libraries of Higher Education 2023
« This is the 2023 edition of the SPARC Europe Open Education Survey amongst Higher Education institutions in Europe, in consultation…31.01.2024
SPARC Europe Open Education Strategy 2024-2026
« We are pleased to announce a new Open Education strategy for 2024-2026, Librarians as Agents of Change. We will support…11.12.2023
Do you speak rights retention and open licensing?
« Short glossary containing the main concepts related to Rights Retention and Open Licensing developed by Project Retain led by SPARC…05.12.2023
Current State and Future Directions for Open Repositories in Europe
« In January 2023, OpenAIRE, LIBER, SPARC Europe, and…09.11.2023
SPARC Report Urges Action to Address Concerns with ScienceDirect Data Privacy Practices
» Today, SPARC released Navigating Risk in Vendor Data Privacy Practices: An Analysis of Elsevier’s ScienceDirect. Produced…04.05.2023
SPARC Europe joins Open Book Futures (OBF) project to increase access to OA books
« We are pleased to announce our participation in the recently launched Open Book Futures (OBF) project, funded by…18.01.2023
LIBER and Other Major Stakeholders Launch Joint Strategy to Strengthen the European Repository Network
« We are pleased to announce that LIBER, SPARC Europe, COAR, and…06.07.2022
New project for SPARC Europe to reform rights retention and open licensing policies in Europe
« SPARC Europe has been selected to deliver the first project sponsored under the Knowledge Rights 21 (KR21)…28.04.2022
CoNOSC Member Needs
« The report was put together for the Council for National Open Science Coordination (CoNOSC) by…14.12.2021
Equity and diversity in Open Access. National and regional OA publishing platforms [webinar]
« This SPARC Europe’s webinar brought together voices from Croatia, France, Finland, the Netherlands, and Spain. Experts from these countries talked…30.11.2021
Open Education in European Libraries of Higher Education (2021 report)
« This report summarises the results of a survey of European libraries on Open Education (OE) and Open Education Resources (OER)…19.10.2021
SPARC Europe to facilitate high-level European OS policymaker group CoNOSC
« SPARC Europe is honoured to support the Council for National Open Science Coordination (CoNOSC) in their efforts…04.08.2021
SPARC Response to OSTP Request for Information to Improve Scientific Integrity Policies (86 FR 34064) (.pdf)
« SPARC (the Scholarly Publishing and Academic Resources Coalition) is an advocacy organization working on behalf of more…11.06.2021
Let’s talk about…Open Science Infrastructure with Marin Dacos [vidéo]
« SPARC Europe and SCOSS talking to Marin Dacos on the importance of Open Science Infrastructure. »02.06.2021
Webinaire ABRC-RCDR-SPARC : Perspectives des établissements par rapport aux investissements en infrastructures ouvertes
jeudi 17 juin, 12h00 à 13h00 HE (9h00 à 10h00 HP) « L’Association des bibliothèques de recherche du Canada, le…21.04.2021
The Diamond OA Journals Study. Q&A webinar
« On 9 April 2021, SPARC Europe hosted a Q&A webinar with authors of the recently published Diamond OA Journals Study…15.04.2021
Let’s talk about…Open Science Infrastructure [vidéo]
« SPARC Europe talking to Peter Suber on the importance of Open Science Infrastructure. »09.03.2021
EUA, DORA and SPARC Europe joint webinar “Reimagining Academic Career Assessment: Stories of innovation and change” 25 Feb 2021 | Webinar [vidéo]
« EUA, DORA and SPARC Europe organised on 25 February 2021 a joint webinar to discuss practical steps in reimagining academic…youtube.com, European University Association (EUA), 25 février 2021
Webinar: International and national copyright policy action for OA – Monday, 8 March 2021, 14-16 CET
(…) Target audience Open Science policymakers, Research Funding Organizations and Research Performing Organizations managers, librarians, repository managers and academic…03.02.2021
EUA, DORA and SPARC Europe joint webinar “Reimagining Academic Career Assessment: Stories of innovation and change” 25 Feb 2021 | Webinar
« EUA, DORA and SPARC Europe are organising a joint webinar to discuss practical steps in reimagining academic career assessment. These…01.02.2021
26 Feb. 2021 – Webinar LIBER and SPARC Europe: How Can Libraries Help Keep Open Science Infrastructure Free and Independent?
« Ensuring a sustainable future for Open Science (OS) and Open Access scholarly publishing is imperative to support today’s and tomorrow’s…29.01.2021
SPARC Europe publishes new strategy 2021-2024
« SPARC Europe’s new strategy continues to strive to make Open research and education the default for the Higher Education community,…30.10.2020
Scoping the Open Science Infrastructure Landscape in Europe
« We see a diverse, interconnected, open, professional and viable, developing OS ecosystem in Europe on solid ground; one that is…21.10.2020
Open access and author rights: questioning Harvard’s open access policy
« Harvard’s open access (OA) policy, which has become a template for many institutional OA policies, intrinsically undermines the rights of scholars,…01.10.2020
Actualités de SPARC Europe, septembre 2020
« SPARC Europe a dans sa feuille de route un certain nombre d’activités pour promouvoir l’accès ouvert, (…) »28.08.2020
SPARC Europe to launch large-scale Open Education initiative
« SPARC Europe is poised to embark on a new, two-and-a-half-year programme to grow Open Education capacity among libraries of higher…23.06.2020
2020 Update: SPARC Landscape Analysis & Roadmap for Action
« This report takes a look at the events of the past year—particularly the global COVID health crisis and its resulting…20.05.2020
Survey launches to better scope Open Infrastructure in Europe
« In collaboration with SPARC Europe, we today launch a survey to map Open Access (OA)…04.03.2020
What should be the essential baseline practices for repositories that manage research data?
« COAR and SPARC have published a joint response to the OSTP Request for Public Comment on…06.11.2019
SPARC Europe releases summary of Open Data Directive and guidance for its implementation
« In July of this year, The Directive on open data and the re-use of public sector information, also called the…15.10.2019
Enquête sur les politiques des organismes de financement en faveur de la science ouverte
« Le rapport Insights into European research funder Open policies and practices présente les résultats d’une enquête…30.09.2019
Discover how European funders are approaching Open policy and practices in new report
« A report that reveals the Open Access and Open Science policies, incentives and practices of European funders is being released…02.09.2019
An Analysis of Open Science Policies in Europe v4
« This document presents an updated review of Open Data and Open Science policies in Europe as of July 2019. It…12.08.2019
What’s Next for OpenCon: Putting Equity at the Core
« Today, we’re announcing a shift in how SPARC supports OpenCon to reflect the OpenCon community’s evolution. Instead of hosting a…09.04.2019
SPARC Landscape Analysis: The Changing Academic Publishing Industry – Implications for Academic Institutions
« (…) This report was commissioned in response to the growing trend of commercial acquisition of critical infrastructure in our institutions.01.04.2019
To gather insights into Open rewards and incentives, survey targets 200 European funders
« (…)“Considering the crucial role funders play in advancing Open Access and Open Science, this survey has the potential to encourage…13.02.2019
FAIR data et Open data
« SPARC Europe a publié fin décembre 2018 une note d’information sur les données à destination des…01.02.2019
SPARC Europe’s 2018 Annual Report is released
« SPARC Europe’s 2018 Annual Report, which highlights the work we have done and achieved to advance Open in Europe, has…31.01.2019
Good Practice Principles for Scholarly Communication Services
« Science and scholarship are critical to improving our lives and solving the world’s most intractable problems. The communication of research,…22.11.2018
New tool for evaluating your RDM offering launches
« (…) “We wanted to create something that would go beyond providing initial RDM guidance,” said SPARC Europe Director, Vanessa Proudman.31.10.2018
10 ways libraries can support the implementation of Plan S
« We are happy to share a document with the library community that suggests ways in which the Plan S Implementation…02.05.2018
Une initiative pour le financement de l’open science : SCOSS
« SPARC Europe a lancé la « Coalition mondiale pour la durabilité des services scientifiques ouverts » (…29.03.2018
New case study examines two leading Open Data policy drivers
« In recent years, there has been a substantial increase in the development of Open Data policies in Europe. But the…01.03.2018
Update to Analysis of Open Data Policies finds new activity around OA and OD policies in multiple countries
« Open Data policy development in Europe is constantly evolving. In an effort to stay abreast of these changes on behalf…01.02.2018
SPARC Europe 2017 Annual Report Released
« SPARC Europe has released our 2017 Annual Report highlighting efforts and achievements in our work to advance an Open agenda…19.06.2017
New SPARC Europe Report provides analysis of Open Data and Open Science Policies in Europe
« Providing an analysis of Open Data and Open Science policies across Europe, today we are releasing a…23.03.2017
Sustainability coalition for Open Science services established
« Recently, a significant step toward ensuring the sustainability of non-commercial open science services was taken with the launch of a…20.03.2017
Open Data and Open Science Policy in Europe
« With the pace at which the Open Data and Open Science landscape is evolving, keeping informed of the many policy…28.06.2016
June 2016 / SPARC Innovator award: RIO Journal
« The SPARC Innovator Award is an initiative that recognizes an individual, institution, or group that exemplifies SPARC principles…22.04.2016
SPARC & Johns Hopkins University Libraries Launch Resource Analyzing US Federal Data Sharing Policies
« SPARC (The Scholarly Publishing and Academic Resources Coalition), in collaboration with Johns Hopkins University Libraries, is pleased to…18.03.2016
Europe’s Open Access Champions
« Much work is being done by European scholars to change the hearts and minds of their peers towards more Openness. As…21.05.2015