
Data management plans as linked open data: exploiting ARGOS FAIR and machine actionable outputs in the OpenAIRE research graph
« (…) The paper aimed to provide a case study of how machine actionable DMPs can be contextualised and exploited in an Open Science Graph, and specifically the OpenAIRE Research Graph. ARGOS, the OpenAIRE DMP service, contributed to this work by paving the way to exposing ma-DMPs in OpenAIRE.
The paper explained how ARGOS is structured, how it applied the RDA standard to increase interoperability and machine-actionability of its outputs, how it integrated with other services to increase openness and FAIRness, and how it enriched the OpenAIRE RG. This is an ongoing effort between ARGOS and the OpenAIRE RG, supported thanks to the OpenAIRE API providing information about organizations, data sources and datasets, obtained by collecting metadata records from more than 12 K trusted scholarly communication sources (including Datacite, Crossref, re3data, OpenDOAR, Grid.ac). (…) »