Diffusion des savoirs scientifiques, Enseignement supérieur et recherche, Innovation, Le point sur

Readout of OSTP Open Science Listening Sessions with Early Career Researchers
« Open science has the potential to unlock a world of possibilities by increasing access to research products and processes for fellow researchers, educators, innovators, community advocates, policymakers, and beyond. In so doing, we can spur discovery and innovation, bolster public trust, and strengthen evidence-based decision making. That’s why open science is at the heart of Biden-Harris Administration priorities—from curbing greenhouse gas emissions to reducing social inequalities to ending cancer as we know it. To help realize these possibilities, the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy hosted a series of four public listening sessions to elevate the needs, priorities, and experiences of those who will shape and inherit the future of open science: the early career researcher community. (…) »
source > whitehouse.gov/ostp, 11 juillet 2023