Mot-clé : craft-oa
CRAFT-OA Deliverable 3.1 Report on Standards for Best Publishing Practices and Basic Technical Requirements in the Light of FAIR Principles
« This report reviews technical standards to better integrate journals into search engines, indexes, library catalogues, and discovery services. It analyses…14.11.2024
Webinar: Creating Community-Driven Pathways to Equitable Open Scholarly Publishing – Leading the way | November 6th 2024 (video)
« The three EU-funded projects CRAFT-OA, DIAMAS & PALOMERA work towards an equitable future for scholarly communication, with the scholarly community…18.10.2024
Webinar: Creating Community-Driven Pathways to Equitable Open Scholarly Publishing – Leading the way | November 6th 2024
« The three EU-funded projects CRAFT-OA, DIAMAS & PALOMERA work towards an equitable future for scholarly communication, with the scholarly community…03.10.2024
European Diamond Capacity Hub: The Future of Diamond OA
« On September 26th 2024, over 60 key stakeholders from the European Open Access community were invited to take a first…11.07.2024
Operational Diamond OA Criteria for Journals
« The DIAMAS and CRAFT-OA projects are happy to present their operational criteria for selecting Diamond OA journals to the community.28.05.2024
Shaping Diamond OA: Criteria for Journals (Presentation)
« DIAMAS and CRAFT-OA hosted a joint event to explore the criteria for Diamond Open Access (OA) in a webinar held…08.03.2024
Creating Community-Driven Pathways to Equitable Open Scholarly Publishing with CRAFT-OA, DIAMAS, and PALOMERA – Where Are We Now? WEBINAR Slides
« (…) Three projects. Over 40 partners. One goal: Community-Led Open Scholarly Publishing. (…) »23.05.2023
A Discovery Hub for Diamond Open Access publishing (.pdf)
« (…) The CRAFT-OA project, started in January 2023, aims to consolidate the Diamond OA publishing landscape both from the technical…22.05.2023
[#Webinar] DIAMAS with CRAFT-OA and PALOMERA | June 20, 2023
« The three projects work towards an equitable future for scholarly communication, with academic communities at the centre. The webinar will…23.02.2023
Trois projets européens pour favoriser le développement des publications en accès ouvert « diamant »
« Les projets DIAMAS, CRAFT-OA et PALOMERA, auxquels contribue OpenEdition, une infrastructure nationale co-gérée par le CNRS, Aix-Marseille Université, l’EHESS et…13.02.2023
OpenEdition contribue aux projets européens dédiés au développement du modèle « diamant »
« OpenEdition est impliqué dans les projets DIAMAS, CRAFT-OA et PALOMERA, récemment…27.01.2023
Start of the EU project CRAFT-OA
« On 1 January 2023, the EU project CRAFT-OA started under the leadership of the University of Göttingen / Göttingen State…03.01.2023