
RePEc introduces NFT registration for academic papers
« Every item (papers, article, etc.) in RePEc is identified by a unique and persistent handle, and has been for 25 years. Still, there is constant demand for additional persistent identifiers, see for example the introduction of the DOI. Yet, none of those identifiers clearly indicate who the owner of that item is. RePEc now introduces a way to take care of that by leveraging blockchain technology. A non-fungible token (NFT) is a non-interchangeable unit of data stored on a blockchain, a form of digital ledger (Wikipedia).
Authors can create a record on a blockchain (a NFT) for their, say, article, by specifying the relevant RePEc handle. Then, they can log into their profile in the RePEc Author Service and register the NFT with the corresponding item. For this purpose, a new NFT section was created on the site. They just need to find the work this token applies to, and add it through a menu. (…) »
source > blog.repec.org, 1er avril 2022