Mot-clé : blockchain
A mapping review of literature on Blockchain usage by libraries: Challenges and opportunities
« The Library and Information Science (LIS) community has started discussing some possible uses of Blockchain (BC) technologies in solving library-related…03.05.2022
RePEc introduces NFT registration for academic papers
« Every item (papers, article, etc.) in RePEc is identified by a unique and persistent handle, and has been for 25…26.09.2019
The blockchain strategy of the German federal government: bloxberg as an example of the application of blockchain technology in science
« The German federal government refers to the bloxberg-initiative of the Max Planck Society in their recently published strategy paper on…10.05.2019
First international blockchain for science: bloxberg
« Max Planck Digital Library (MPDL) initiates global research project Securing scientific information online and worldwide with no risk of…03.05.2019
Colloque « Blockchain : usages et perspectives » 17 mai 2019, UNESCO, Paris
« (…) La conférence, articulée autour d’échanges multipartites, institutionnels, entrepreneuriaux et scientifiques, permettra des discussions interdisciplinaires entre chercheurs et praticiens de…05.03.2019
Est-ce que les bibliothèques ont besoin de la blockchain pour être disruptives ?
« Quel est l’impact de la blockchain pour les bibliothèques ? Comment les bibliothécaires peuvent-ils s’emparer de cette technologie de rupture…26.02.2019
bloxberg – The novel Blockchain Consortium for Science
« The Max Planck Digital Library is pleased to announce the new research project bloxberg: the first trusted research infrastructure Twelve…31.01.2019
Webinar on a Shared Infrastructure for Transparent and Transportable Peer Review (Blockchain)
« The project for a Shared Infrastructure on Transparent and Transportable Peer Review was started in March 2018, by Digital Science,…20.03.2018
ICSTI Webinar ’Blockchain for Science’ – 12th April 2018
« Blockchain is the technology behind Bitcoin and offers a peer-2-peer network for Trust that potentially can disintermediate traditional brokering authorities…08.03.2018
Why We Need to Explore Blockchain Technology to Connect Researchers and Research
« (…) ORCID is eager to participate in projects that enrich the PID ecosystem. That includes looking at what…01.03.2018
Blockchainify your research data!
« The Max Planck Digital Library (MPDL) is pleased to announce a new pilot project with Bernstein Technologies GmbH (Bernstein), which…07.12.2017
Everipedia, l’encyclopédie en ligne basée sur la blockchain qui veut détrôner Wikipédia
« Nous vous proposons depuis quelques jours déjà un tour d’horizon des applications possibles de la blockchain. De…28.11.2017
Digital Science Report Reveals Potential Behind Blockchain Technology for Scholarly Communication and Research
« Today, global technology company Digital Science has released a landmark report titled: Blockchain…03.10.2017
Report: Blockchain in research and education (draft)
« This is a short report that looks at the potential in research and education of blockchain, the technology that underpins…14.06.2017
Convenient, reliable – and under the learner’s control: from certificates and e-portfolios to personal learning ledgers
« This blog post is the second part of an informal series of articles in the TIB Blog about the potential…10.05.2017
How P2P and blockchains make it easier to work with scientific objects – three hypotheses
« The financial industry, medical records, the Internet of Things – millions are currently being invested in research into blockchains, financed…17.03.2016
Vers une convergence entre Blockchain et les licences Creative Commons ?
« A la fin du mois dernier, Creative Commons France a publié sur son blog un très…03.02.2016