Openness Profile: Modelling research evaluation for open scholarship (.pdf)
The Openness Profile (OP) will be a digital resource in which a research contributor’s outputs and activities that support openness would be accessible in a single place.
The activities of scholarship go far beyond those typically used in the evaluation events that feed into hiring, promotion, and funding activities. In addition to peer reviewed journal articles, they may include, but are not limited to: writing or refactoring computer software;developing data management plans; curating data for interoperability; developing infrastructures; and mapping research workflows. Teaching activities, including lectures, course design, curricula and syllabi design, as well as open scholarship training, are also vital contributions to training the next generation of researchers. In this report, we outline the concept of the Openness Profile (OP), which would create a mechanism to improve recognition of, and reward for practising, open scholarship.The OP is conceived as a portfolio of contributions to open scholarship curated by the contributors themselves (…) »
source > repository.jisc.ac.uk, mars, 2021