Finland: Open Research Data And Methods. National Policy And Executive Plan By The Higher Education And Research Community For 2021–2025 (.pdf)
This policy consists of policy components. The first policy component concerns research data and is completed in the spring of 2021. The policy component on research methods, including code and software, is estimated to be completed in 2022. On a general level, the openness of research data and methods and good data management improve the possibilities of research verification and promote the appropriate reuse of existing research data and methods. Openness increases global equality, as the research data can be accessed by researchers globally. This in turn promotes the emergence of new innovations. The openness of research data and methods raises significant questions related to research integrity and legislation and involves restrictions, of which researchers and others working in data management must be aware. To implement equality both on a national and an international level, openness of research data and methods must be promoted in an economically sustainable way. Economically sustainable fostering of openness means that key open science infrastructures are not profit-oriented. In Finland, research data produced with public funding must be open accessible for all.(…) »