
Data quality assurance at research data repositories – results from a survey
« Data quality assurance is a central aspect of data curation, as it ensures that data are valid, reliable and therefore reusable. Despite it being a prerequisite for data reuse, information on data quality assurance measures is currently sparse, both at the level of repositories and individual datasets.
To learn more about data quality assurance at research data repositories, we conducted a survey among staff responsible for data curation at repositories listed in re3data, an international registry of research data repositories. Of the 1897 repositories that were contacted, 332 completed the questionnaire.
The survey covered several aspects of data quality assurance, including data collection criteria, support for data depositors, formal assessment and review of data, as well as data rejection rates and the involvement of repository users in post-publication data review. The survey distinguished between formal assessment of data and data review. Formal assessment refers to technical, administrative and access-related aspects of data, whereas data review refers to the process by which experts, either from the hosting institution or from other institutions, evaluate the scientific quality of datasets. (…) »