
Wikidata’22, 24 october 2022 [papers], co-located with the 21st International Conference on Semantic Web (ISWC 2022)
« Wikidata is an open knowledge base hosted by the Wikimedia Foundation that can be read and edited by both humans and machines. Wikidata acts as the central source of common, open structured data used by Wikipedia, Wiktionary, Wikisource, and others. It is used in a variety of academic and industrial applications.
In recent years, we have seen an increase in the number of scientific publications around Wikidata. While there are a number of venues for the Wikidata community to exchange, none of those publish original research. We want to bridge the gap between these communities and the research events and give the research-focused part of the Wikidata community a venue to meet and exchange information and knowledge.
The Wikidata Workshop 2022 focuses on the challenges and opportunities of working on a collaborative open-domain knowledge graph such as Wikidata, which is edited by an international and multilingual community. (…) »
source > wikidataworkshop.github.io, 2022