
Trust Markers: Interpreting the trustworthiness of an ORCID record
« 2021 is the fifth anniversary of ORCID’s Trust Program, and we’re celebrating with a series of blog posts that outline our thinking about how we balance the sometimes-competing priorities of researcher control and data quality, while adhering to our values of openness, trust, and inclusivity.
In this blog post, our second in the Five Years of the ORCID Trust Program series, we introduce the concept of “trust markers” in an ORCID record and outline how users of ORCID data can determine for themselves which kinds of data in an ORCID record they consider to be trust markers for their specific use case. (…) »
source > info.orcid.org/, Chris Shillum, Tom Demeranville, Julie Petro, 11 août 2021