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#RiDaysEU | European initiative for reforming research assessment, 28 September 2022 [vidéo)
« This session publicly presented the Agreement on Reforming Research Assessment.
The recently published agreement was co-created by more than 350 organisations since early 2022. Representatives of young researchers, universities, research funders and the European Commission will highlight the ambition of the reform, explain how the commitments set out in the agreement can become a catalyst for change, and why organisations should join this movement. During the session, the Agreement has also been opened for official signatures. »
Mariya Gabriel
Commissioner for Innovation, Research, Culture, Education and Youth | European Commission
Sylvie Retailleau
Ministre | Ministère de l’Enseignement supérieur et de la Recherche
Anna Panagopoulou
Director of European Research Area and Innovation, Directorate-General for Research and Innovation | European Commission
Paul Boyle
Vice-President and Vice-Chancellor | European University Association / Swansea University
Marc Schiltz
President | Science Europe
Lidia Borrell-Damián
Secretary General | Science Europe
source > youtube.com EU Science & Innovation , 28 septembre 2022