RDA DMP Common Standards WG Webinar | Integrating Research Data Management Services using maDMPs, 22 November 2022
« This webinar, presented by the RDA DMP Common Standards WG, will familiarize participants with the RDA recommendation on machine-actionable DMPs. It will present an overview of existing adoptions and will provide information on how using the recommendation can help to automate typical tasks in data management and reduce the workload for everyone involved in this process.
We will explain the difference between traditional DMPs and explain in short the motivation and the development process of the recommendation. The webinar will also discuss how to read and interpret the recommendation, e.g. what design decisions were made and why, but it will not go into the details. For this reason, it is suitable for everyone who is new to this topic, as well as for those who want to systematize their existing knowledge on this topic. We will discuss how the DMP tools adopt the recommendation and what other adoption scenarios are possible. We will also highlight ongoing work within the community. (…) »
source > rd-alliance.org, novembre 2022