
FAIR or FAIRer? An integrated quantitative FAIRness assessment grid for semantic resources and ontologies
« In open science, the expression « FAIRness assessment » refers to evaluating to which degree a digital object is Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable. Standard vocabularies or ontologies are a key element to achieving a high level of FAIRness (FAIR Principle I2) but as any other data, ontologies have themselves to be FAIR. Despite the recent interest in the open science and semantic Web communities for this question, we have not seen yet a quantitative evaluation method to assess and score the level of FAIRness of ontologies or semantic resources in general (e.g., vocabularies, terminologies, and thesaurus). The main objective of this work is to provide such a method to guide semantic stakeholders for making their semantic resources FAIR. (…) »