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Evaluation reports steer away from ‘automated’ UK research assessment
« The findings of 3 reports initiated as part of the Future Research Assessment Programme (FRAP) have been published today (12 December 2022).
Together the reports caution against moving to a fully metricised system for the next UK research assessment exercise.
The reports do suggest ways in which metrics, artificial intelligence (AI) or machine learning might be used to support or inform low-risk areas of the exercise, from allocating outputs to enabling post-assessment analysis.
The UK’s 4 higher education funding bodies, which jointly oversee the FRAP, commissioned the reports as part of their broader evidence gathering process. This included sector-wide consultation to inform decisions on the future of research assessment in the UK.
Harnessing the metric tide: indicators, infrastructures and priorities for responsible research assessment in the UK
A review of the role of metrics in research management and assessment, led by Professor Stephen Curry, Dr Elizabeth Gadd and Professor James Wilsdon. (…)
Responsible use of technology in research assessment
In early 2022, the UK’s 4 higher education funding bodies commissioned the Statistical Cybermetrics and Research Evaluation Group at the University of Wolverhampton.
They were asked to investigate possible approaches to using technologies such as AI and machine learning to support or streamline research assessment in future exercises.
Overall, the study finds that such technologies could only be employed in future exercises in relatively low-risk areas of the assessment, such as allocation of research outputs to reviewers ahead of assessment, or for analytical purposes. (…)
REF outputs analysis: maximising the use of REF data
This report investigates how insights generated by the REF (or by future research assessment exercises) can be maximised to better understand the health of UK research. (…)
Access the ‘Responsible use of technology in research assessment’, ‘REF outputs analysis: maximising the use of REF data’, and ‘Harnessing the metric tide: indicators, infrastructures and priorities for responsible research assessment in the UK’ reports via the Jisc evaluation activities webpage.
source > ukri.org