Mot-clé : jisc
Jisc: Collaboration for a sustainable future – Unlocking the value and potential of higher education through new shared approaches to digital, data and technology
« The higher education and research sectors in the UK are currently facing several challenges that threaten the sustainability of many…04.11.2024
Sherpa services combined into new user-friendly platform: open policy finder
« Single platform will continue to streamline decision making in open access publication and compliance for authors and institutions We have…22.03.2024
SCONUL’s response to JISC’s Critical Review on Transitional Agreements
« Jisc released their Critical Review of Transitional Agreements in March 2024, with a webinar chaired by Ann…07.03.2024
A review of transitional agreements in the UK
« Commissioned and governed by Jisc’s strategic groups with input from Delta Think, an open access (OA) data and analytics company,…20.02.2024
UK Government calls on Jisc to improve research culture
« The UK Government has released its response to the independent review of research bureaucracy, with recommendations that Jisc helps improve…14.12.2023
Jisc trustees’ report and financial statements
« Each year, our trustees report on the progress we’ve made in delivering our strategy by highlighting some key achievements and…22.08.2023
Research talk: Positively disrupting publishing with Octopus [podcast]
« Tim Fellows is joined by Dr Alex Freeman, founder of Octopus.ac, to discuss the platform and its future developments. Together,…12.12.2022
Evaluation reports steer away from ‘automated’ UK research assessment
« The findings of 3 reports initiated as part of the Future Research Assessment Programme (FRAP) have been published today (12…10.10.2022
Jisc and HESA confirm merger
« The two tertiary education sector bodies officially join forces from 4 October 2022. (…) Following consultation with the sector…28.02.2022
A new approach to supporting scholarly communications: announcing the open access community framework (OACF)
« Supporting the transition to open access (OA) requires a multi-pronged approach. A key consideration for Jisc and UK…28.10.2021
JISC: How the Octopus platform could revolutionise research – Dr Alex Freeman [podcast]
« (…) Alex tells us about Octopus, a new global service for scholarly communication which could positively disrupt research culture for…06.10.2021
Octopus: creating a new primary research record for science
(…) What is Octopus and how will it help disrupt research culture? Octopus will create a new ‘primary research…05.10.2021
Briefing for Library Directors: Publishers and the Textbook Market in the Higher Education Sector (.pdf)
« This briefing paper created by the Jisc Learning Content Group provides an overview of the current e-textbook licensing landscape within…09.08.2021
UKRI: Funding agreed for a platform that will change research culture
« Research England grants £650,000 to help build Octopus into a new global service for scholarly communication. Funding has been…05.08.2021
JISC: New feature for repositories to self-assess against Plan S requirements
« Jisc’s OpenDOAR (Directory of Open Access Repositories) has launched a self-assessment feature for repository…19.07.2021
PNAS announces “Publish-and-Read” agreement with Jisc
« The Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS) is pleased to announce a two-year transformational open access (OA) pilot…18.06.2021
JISC: New university press toolkit Supporting and giving guidance to new university presses and library-led publishing ventures.
« This toolkit will support and give guidance to new university presses and library-led publishing ventures as well as those with…10.06.2021
JISC: Sherpa Romeo: Our roadmap [Open Repositories 2021 Poster Session]
« This poster will present the Jisc Open Research team’s roadmap for the development and enhancement of Sherpa Romeo over the…10.05.2021
JISC webinar on “ Plan S Rights Retention Strategy – myth busting online event” – 5th May 2021
« The Rights Retention Strategy (RRS) is a key component of cOAlition S’s Plan S – it is based on a…26.04.2021
Jisc and Coalition for Networked Information (CNI) leaders conference, 7-9 July 2021
« Join us online in July for the Jisc and CNI leaders conference where you can hear from thought…08.04.2021
Activities at the Knowledge Exchange – Partners to improve services in Open Research
« What is the Knowledge Exchange? The Knowledge Exchange brings together six organisations that are representative of research activity in…26.03.2021
Jisc launches toolkit to help new university presses to publish open access
« Jisc is today launching a toolkit that will help new university presses to find sustainable ways to…09.03.2021
For a Change: Let’s Make a Change! OPERAS Survey on Collaborative Models for Open Access Books
« (…) We are launching a survey of publishing organisations throughout Europe to identify and better understand existing and potential business…09.12.2020
Jisc launches next-generation, Plan S-compliant repository
« Jisc is launching a new multi-content repository for storing research data and articles that will make…03.12.2020
UK collaborates with new body to accelerate global open access
« UK Research and Innovation (UKRI), Wellcome and Jisc are among the first organisations…18.06.2020
Introducing the new Sherpa Romeo and Sherpa Fact websites
« The Jisc open access team is delighted to announce the release of the latest version of…scholarlycommunications.jiscinvolve.org, Melanie Heeley, 18 juin 2020
Jisc’s Publications Router service is now integrated with Pure
« Jisc’s Publications Router service is now fully integrated with Pure, the research information management system…scholarlycommunications.jiscinvolve.org, Steve Byford, 9 juin 2020
v2.Sherpa Romeo and v2.Sherpa Fact now available for public testing
« The Jisc open access team are delighted to announce the release of test versions of two of our established policy…scholarlycommunications.jiscinvolve.org, Jane Anders, 3 mars 2020
First US–based university press signs Jisc transitional open access agreement for UK higher education
« The Jisc agreement provides participating UK institutions with unlimited Immediate Open Access publishing in Rockefeller University Press journals. The agreement…27.11.2019
Universities unite in high-level strategy group to govern negotiations with publishers
« Universities UK has convened a new group to support and enhance the mandate of Jisc in…08.11.2019
What we’ve learned from the evaluation of the 2016-2018 Springer Compact agreement
« As we come towards the end of the first year of our second read and publish agreement for the Springer…scholarlycommunications.jiscinvolve.org, Lindsay Robertson, 6 novembre 2019
New report explores impact of automation on UK research
« Today, leading independent think-tank Demos launches its interim report, Research 4.0: Research…31.07.2019
Jisc is launching three new library services on 31 July 2019
« (…) Neil Grindley, head of resource discovery at Jisc, said: “We are delighted to introduce…01.07.2019
Jisc and Crossref issue guidance to publishers on better licensing metadata
« Wouldn’t it be great if you could look up the green OA status of any journal article? What if you…scholarlycommunications.jiscinvolve.org, Steve Byford, 27 juin 2019
Elsevier metadata feed via Publications Router is now live
« Jisc’s Publications Router is now distributing Elsevier metadata to participating institutions, notifying…scholarlycommunications.jiscinvolve.org, Steve Byford, 11 juin 2019
Jisc and Springer Nature renew transformational deal securing open access for UK higher education
« Jisc and academic publisher Springer Nature have agreed a further ‘read and publish’ agreement that meets…08.03.2019
Research data: To keep or not to keep?
« To keep or not to keep? That is the question posed in a new report produced by Neil Beagrie,…07.02.2019
Collaboration key for advancing open research: repository progress for Jisc and the British Library
« Jisc and the British Library share an interest in the persistence and open access of the UK research record, and…scholarlycommunications.jiscinvolve.org, Neil Jacobs, 5 février 2019
Jisc and Elsevier collaborate on open access compliance
« Jisc and Elsevier have signed an agreement setting out how they will work together to support institutions to comply with…08.10.2018
Jisc scholarly communications Issue 10: October 2018 – Open access update (.pdf)
« Welcome to the October issue This issue is released to the echoes of the announcement of « Plan S » from…repository.jisc.ac.uk, Jisc scholarly communications, Issue10: octobre 2018
Jisc gateway to text and data-mining – status update
« Over the past few months, we have been investigating the opportunities for a possible Jisc-delivered text and data mining (TDM)…scholarlycommunications.jiscinvolve.org, Sarah Fahmy, 11 septembre 2018
Crossing the finish line? The release of the Jisc RDM toolkit
« (…) The process leading to the RDM toolkit was discussed in Barcelona at the 13th International Digital…11.06.2018
What do we do with your article processing charge data?
« Every year, Jisc asks UK HEIs to provide details of the individual article processing charges (APC) transactions they’ve made throughout…scholarlycommunications.jiscinvolve.org, Katie Shamash, 6 juin 2018
Re-envisioning scholarly publishing: new university presses and academic-led publishing in the UK [diaporama]
« The 2017 report, Changing publishing ecologies: A landscape study of new university presses & academic-led publishing, shows a discernible increase…09.11.2017
FOLIO Community Expands with the Addition of Jisc
« FOLIO, a community collaboration to develop an open source Library Services Platform (LSP), has today announced a…24.10.2017
Developing Sherpa services – updates to Juliet
« (…) An updated Juliet service As part of a continuing programme of improvements to the Sherpa services…scholarlycommunications.jiscinvolve.org, Helen Blanchett, 23 octobre 2017
Jisc Open Access Button project- Our findings
« Jisc Open Access Button project has completed and we now have a range of evidence gathered that…scholarlycommunications.jiscinvolve.org, Sarah Fahmy, 12 octobre 2017
JISC: The push and pull towards new models of publishing
« Within the world of publishing, we are seeing some new trends emerge. Born from a desire to change the current…03.10.2017
Report: Blockchain in research and education (draft)
« This is a short report that looks at the potential in research and education of blockchain, the technology that underpins…25.08.2017
Le “Research Data Shared Service” du Jisc intègre une solution de préservation à long terme
« Le JISC (Joint Information Systems Committe – UK ) construit un data pilot pour un service de données…24.08.2017
JISC : Article processing charges in 2016
« Each year since 2013, Jisc Collections has asked UK institutions to submit data on their article processing charges (APCs). Last…scholarlycommunications.jiscinvolve.org, Katie Shamash, 23 août 2017
E-book usage: counting the challenges and opportunities (.pdf)
« Data are increasingly driving decision-making, supporting policy development across a range of organisations. In an academic context, data are key,…21.08.2017
Open access community workshop, July 2017 – what happened and what next
« On July 18 2017 we held a workshop in Birmingham for members of the open access community to attend as…scholarlycommunications.jiscinvolve.org, keriodonoghue, 11 août 2017
Jisc: Audiovisual research data
« A guide to managing digital media for anyone using it as an integral part of carrying out research.20.07.2017
Jisc: Next Generation Research Environments – recommendations and next steps
(…) This post is an update on the Next Generation Research Environments’ discovery phase. The general message that came across,…researchdata.jiscinvolve.org, Christopher Brown, 19 juillet 2017
Evaluating the options for an Open Access Dashboard
« As we reported last month, work is underway to look at the viability of developing an…scholarlycommunications.jiscinvolve.org, Sarah Fahmy, 19 mai 2017
A leaner, faster interlibrary loan service?
« Jisc is pleased to be taking forward a project to assess the feasibility of a service in the discovery/ interlibrary…scholarlycommunications.jiscinvolve.org, Sarah Fahmy, 27 avril 2017
What are the possibilities for an Open Access Dashboard?
« We’re excited to announce a new project, which will test the feasibility of developing an Open Access Dashboard that would…scholarlycommunications.jiscinvolve.org, Katie Shamash, 19 avril 2017
CLIR and Jisc announce partnership to enhance digital services for libraries and research
« The Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR) and Jisc today announced a partnership to advance programs of mutual interest…15.03.2017
ProQuest joins Jisc’s Digital Archival Collections Group Purchasing Pilot
« ProQuest is working with Jisc to enable UK Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) to build strong, user-centered research collections that…20.02.2017
Royaume-Uni : Metadata: the key to collaboration and a national bibliographic knowledgebase
« (…) Why do we need the NBK now? UK libraries are currently experiencing a ‘perfect storm’ in which user expectations…03.02.2017