Jisc scholarly communications: Shaping our open access support services
« Two ways in which we have supported institutions in meeting the challenges of implementing open access over the…
scholarlycommunications.jiscinvolve.org, Helen Blanchett, 12 décembre 2016
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Jisc Collections and Elsevier agreement: questions and answers
« On behalf of UK institutions, Jisc Collections has signed an agreement with Elsevier, covering access…
jisc.ac.uk, Liam Earney, 28 novembre 2016
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Une étude britannique met en lumière les effets secondaires négatifs des « big deals » associant négociation des budgets d’abonnements et des budgets d’APC
« Parue le 24 octobre, une étude financée par le JISC britannique, dresse un premier bilan des accords de couplage…
eprist.fr, novembre 2016
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Jisc Collections and Elsevier Sign Landmark UK Agreement, Securing Access to Research Publications and Initiating Open Science Collaboration
« The UK’s research institutions and the world-leading provider of science, technology and medical information products and services signed…
stm-publishing.com, 7 novembre 2016
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Offsetting models: update on the Springer Compact deal
« In a recent blog post, Jisc Collections reported how the Springer Compact agreement was progressing in…
scholarlycommunications.jiscinvolve.org, Mafalda Picarra, 24 octobre 2016
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Jisc Open Access Digest for OA Week
« We are pleased to announce that the third Open Access Direct is now available on Jisc’s…
scholarlycommunications.jiscinvolve.org, Frank Manista, 24 octobre 2016
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Report on offset agreements: evaluating current Jisc Collections deals. Year 1 – evaluating 2015 deals
« This report is a comparative study of the different offset agreements that Jisc Collections has negotiated to date on behalf…
figshare.com/articles, Stuart Lawson, 24 octobre 2016
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Jisc supports Wellcome’s OA requirements for publishers
« Wellcome this week has published a set of requirements for open access publications, which will come into force…
scholarlycommunications.jiscinvolve.org, Hannah DeGroff, 9 septembre 2016
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Brexit: implications for OA in the UK, and Jisc’s work in this area
« This post outlines some potential new issues arising for OA in the UK, and Jisc’s work in this area, arising…
scholarlycommunications.jiscinvolve.org, Neil Jacobs, 8 juillet 2016
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Two-thirds of UK academics back open access, survey finds
« Nearly two-thirds of UK researchers support the abolition of journal subscription fees and a move to open access,…
timeshighereducation.com, Chris Havergal, 28 juin 2016
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Jisc report: Article processing charges (APCs) and subscriptions
« (…)The first half of this report looks at article processing charges and subscription payments from UK higher education…
jisc.ac.uk, Katie Shamash, 27 juin 2016
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Jisc and international OA infrastructure
« The poster gives three views of how Jisc is contributing to, and building on, international infrastructure for OA.
scholarlycommunications.jiscinvolve.org, Neils Jacob, 10 juin 2016
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What is a repository?
“What is a repository” was one of the first questions I faced on joining Jisc back in 2005…
scholarlycommunications.jiscinvolve.org, Neil Jacobs, 31 mai 2016
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JISC- Learning analytics in higher education – A review of UK and international practice
« (…) This report documents the emerging uses of learning analytics in the United States, Australia and the United…
jisc.ac.uk, Niall Sclater, Alice Peasgood, Joel Mullan, avril 2016
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Open Access and Academic Journal Markets: a Manchester View
« In February, a thought piece was issued jointly by Jisc, RLUK,…
blog.research-plus.library.manchester, Simon Bains, Helen Dobson, 23 mars 2016
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Royaume-Uni : New service launches to clarify journal compliance with REF
« We are pleased to announce the availability of SHERPA REF. SHERPA REF…
https://www.jisc.ac.uk, 23 mars 2016
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OAPEN-UK final report: A five-year study into open access monograph publishing in the humanities and social sciences
« Le Jisc a mis en ligne les résultats de son étude « a five-year study into OA monograph publishing…
https://www.jisc.ac.uk/blog, Caren Milloy, 28 janvier 2016.
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National consortium for ORCID set to improve UK research visibility and collaboration
« ORCID – a researcher identifier solution which enables a wide range of improvements to the scholarly…
jisc.ac.uk, 23 juin 2015
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Springer and Jisc Agree on Model to Reduce Total Cost Of Ownership of Open Access and Journal Subscriptions
« Springer Science+Business Media and Jisc have agreed on a new arrangement which takes into account…
infodocket, Gary Price, 31 mars 2015
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UK researchers set to benefit from easier access to digital services
« A new service enabling researchers to access their digital resources and applications through a single, federated sign-on is…
jisc.ac.uk, 27 mars 2015
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Wiley and Jisc Announce New Open Access Agreement
« … John Wiley and Sons, Inc., today announced a pilot agreement, brokered by Jisc, for articles published on…
gfii.fr, 17 décembre 2014
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Guidelines on Recommending Data Repositories as Partners in Publishing Research Data – Sarah Callaghan, Jonathan Tedds, John Kunze, Varsha Khodiyar, Rebecca Lawrence, Matthew Mayernik, Fiona Murphy, Timothy Roberts, Angus Whyte
« Abstract This document summarises guidelines produced by the UK Jisc-funded PREPARDE data publication project on the key issues…
ijdc.net, The International Journal of Digital Curation, 2014
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The Value and Impact of Data Sharing and Curation. A synthesis of three recent studies of UK research data centres – Neil Beagrie, John Houghton – Jisc (.pdf)
« Executive summary In the UK, substantial resources are being invested in the development and provision of…
repository.jisc.ac.uk, avril 2014
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Le code de bonnes pratiques PIRUS
« … La première version du guide de recommandation PIRUS a été publiée en octobre 2013. C’est le…
couperin.org, 24 octobre 2013
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Launch of Digital Preservation Business Case Toolkit
» Do you need to write a business case for a digital preservation initiative? A new toolkit may help.
libereurope.eu, 14 août 2013
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Bridging the gap between academia and Wikipedia
» Jisc and Wikimedia UK are collaborating on a project to bring the academic world and Wikipedia closer together.
jisc.ac.uk, 27 juin 2013
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The UK contributes over 6,500 digitised museum objects to provide a boost for online learning
« About 6,500 newly digitised objects from University College London and the University of Reading’s diverse museum collections are…
jisc.ac.uk, 29 janvier 2013
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