Building EOSC. Together
« National e-infrastructures are key actors in driving the development and implementation of the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC). But how do these crucial actors collaborate to make the “system of systems” approach of EOSC come to life? How do they plan to connect with EOSC to aggregate content and enable researchers to use different services together? And what are the e-infrastructures’ needs and expectations with regard to EOSC?
In order to get a better understanding of the national perspectives on some of the key components of EOSC Future Project, we collaborated with EGI, EUDAT and GÉANT to bring together our national networks and get feedback on selected Key Exploitable Results (KERs). We invited KERs champions of EOSC Future, who are leading these tasks, to meet representatives of national e-infrastructures within a two-day webinar series in mid-October. After short presentations on their KERs, the representatives from more than ten countries introduced their infrastructures, shared their perspectives, the challenges they faced on a national level. (…) »