
Building a service to support cOAlition S’s Price & Service Transparency Frameworks: an Invitation to Tender
« The European Science Foundation (ESF), on behalf of the cOAlition S members, is seeking to contract with a supplier to build a secure, authentication-managed web-based service which will enable:
- academic publishers to upload data, in accord with one of the approved cOAlition S Price and Service Transparency Frameworks;
- approved users to be able to login to this service and for a given journal, determine what services are provided and at what price;
- approved users to be able to select several journals and compare the services offered and prices charged by the different journals selected;
- the Journal Checker Tool (JCT) – via an API call – to determine whether a journal has (or has not) provided data in line with one of the approved Price and Service Transparency Frameworks. (…) »
source > coalition-s.org, 26 avril 2021